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Posts posted by Bonkers

  1. Love how this post comes after last nights game. Josh made two brilliant passes down in the "crunch time." Horford missed a point blank layup. If you think Josh is too blame for that no shot, think about the pass. The pass led too far and almost went out of bounds. Try actually observing the team as a whole rather than singling out one individual. Josh played well down the stretch.

    Everybody is entitled to their own opinion. And it is my opinion that I think he is a liability in crunch time

  2. So true or false?

    Let's look at the good that he can do during crunch time:

    Make a nice block

    Find Horford with a great pass

    Let's at the bad things he can do during crunch time:

    Take an Ill advised shot

    Have an unforced turnover

    Not be in position for a critical rebound

    Not give up the ball fast enough (which often leads to a turnover)

  3. How he played tonight was an absolute disgrace. I don't give a damn about that last 3. Al was inside scrapping and this chump was getting his reggie miller on floating around the 3 pt line. He hardly even wants to help out down there

    He shot 31% tonight!!! That is horrendous for anyone but for somebody playing the 4 that is more ridiculous than penguin porn!

    I'd rather watch two Hippopotamuses deep throat each other than watch that atrocity again

    /Rant over

    Can anyone prove my title wrong???

  4. Charles Barkley: "The Hawks are a team of nice guys" "I really hate watching the Hawks"

    That's how the Majority of people view the Hawks. And I can't blame em

    Charles was right

    • Like 1
  5. Smoove has been a roller coaster his whole career. There is no in between with him. He will have you cheering and jumping up and down then he will have you screaming at your TV all in a span of a few mins.

    Im tired of it just trade him. He is the epiphany of what has been wrong with this franchise and the teams over the years. Dumb basketball, inconsistent effort, with alittle sprinkle of the choke gene all atlanta teams seem to have.

    Bingo!!! He's a cancer

  6. My only joy in life would be if after hearing Josh's request.....

    He pardons himself to make a quick phone call as if he's discussing it with the ASG.....

    Hands the phone over to Josh with the answer to his request.....

    And it's Deke on the other end going "ha ha ha, not today" Posted Image

    That would be the funniest thing EVER

  7. ASG has been horrible at marketing, managing and keeping the fans interest. They rode buzz our "core" way past its expiration date. There was no excuse to not make major changes after that 2010 magic series. We were embarrassed beyond belief on national tv and the biggest change you make is promoting our f***ing assistant coach????

    After that series stuff started going down.

    Offseason we signed joe johnson to that ridiculous contract, made no roster changes but signed some vet minimum guys, we promoted our assistant head coach and thats it. 2010-2011 season was awful we were getting blown out at home very frequently, our attendance went down, If I can find the article I will show you. It was an AJC article that showed in the 2010-2011 season our tv ratings were down big time. I think by like 40%. that is exaggerating. ASG made a panic move and traded for kirk hinrich but that didnt do much. just everything was bad. Expect winning a game in the 2nd round but they damn sure didnt help our marketability much.

    here is some proof list from jan 2011 - http://www.forbes.com/2011/01/26/knicks-lakers-bulls-business-sports-basketball-valuations-11-teams_slide_24.html - See on this list how we were 23rd these statistics were mainly from the 09-10 season

    Next year our value dropped to 28th list from jan 2012 - http://www.forbes.com/pictures/mli45gmie/28-atlanta-hawks/

    Thats just tuuuuurible

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