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Posts posted by CrazyEye

  1. Teague doesn't strike me as a willing screener. Not the biggest target to find for a quick pass in traffic either. I expect all of our new tweener wings to provide more of that than Jeff. That's a means to get into the flow of the game, Jeff's quickness WITH the ball dictates the flow.

    I hate to be instigator, but I also read into Bud's quote that Jeff has to be more willing to play off of Dennis controlling. Something he likely isn't crazy about.


    I think even without Dennis on the court the game of the hawks was fluid if jeff passes to a team mate, and doesn't look to bring the ball back to jeff so that he can restart the offense.

    And yes the off ball game is more important for the wings, and jeff small frame makes it harder to pass to him but off ball offense isn't measured in points alone. If you move well without the ball, the defense had to follow you and while doing this, the defense will most likely make bad decision which could be punished not necessarily by Jeff. Off ball offense is often like blocking out on a rebound, a player mosten get more rebound if he goes hard for the board, but if he puts efforts in blocking out his team will get more rebound ... And Jeff speed, is also a nightmare for a defence even without the ball.

  2. In General i think you shouldnt judge officiating, when you are a fan of one participating Teams. Always when i watch games of my Team, i think the refs rips us and atleast the people around me would agree. If i watch games in a neutral point if view, i am mostly satisfied with the refs.

    Basketball is a Sport with a lot if rules, with room for interpretations which makes it hard to judge especially when u are biased.

    But i would say the NBA officiating, likes to allow spectacular moves so for example u can make an extra step when u going for a dunk into the crowd ... Thats something which favours the cavs, but it would be the same if the Hawks choosed a more spectacular approach to the game. So it isnt really favoring or unfair even when they are technically bad calls.

    and they linke Superstars too, even when i had to admit that lebron AS a superathletic player gets a lot if contact which isnt called ... But i guess when harden and curry wouldnt be stars, there actions wouldnt lead to that many freethrows.

    PS: sry i had to fight with the german dictionary and the small keyboard from the mobile ... And the language but i hope it is possible to understand what i am saying

  3. I dont Know if u say this in english, but i think this Team done is duty but can go now for the bonus. This was an great season, i guess above 99,9% of the preseason expectations. Ging to the exf ahowed that the RS wasnt a fluke, even when the media is still sceptical - and also we whitness stringer games by the Hawks this season.

    I hope we win this series, but it ist a shame if we loose now.

  4. I would say nearly all Teams play there starters more, during the po even if they had bench players who bring variability and maybe better def matchups. I would say they go for there strength.

    I heard once there are two ways if coaching, u can play a style and perfect it vor you can play plenty if Styles with poorer execution. Imho most Coach have there scheme who they try to run to perfection, with different outs in wach Situation so that it is hard to defend since u use most mistakes of the d.

    We also geht plenty of open shots, and that they are good shots u See over the season even if the small wiz sample may indicate sth different. If u continue to take math is in your side an the 45% shit will Fall in 45% instead if 30%. And since we geht that many wide open shots, i doubt we geht outcoached since we dont have penetrating guards ( besides Schröder, teague, baze), also the pretty big Wizards loose the battle in the boards and dont have plenty inaide scoring Form the bigs ... Maybe they are to big to beat us.

    I would say nearly all Teams play there starters more, during the po even if they had bench players who bring variability and maybe better def matchups. I would say they go for there strength.

    I heard once there are two ways if coaching, u can play a style and perfect it vor you can play plenty if Styles with poorer execution. Imho most Coach have there scheme who they try to run to perfection, with different outs in wach Situation so that it is hard to defend since u use most mistakes of the d.

    We also geht plenty of open shots, and that they are good shots u See over the season even if the small wiz sample may indicate sth different. If u continue to take math is in your side an the 45% shit will Fall in 45% instead if 30%. And since we geht that many wide open shots, i doubt we geht outcoached since we dont have penetrating guards ( besides Schröder, teague, baze), also the pretty big Wizards loose the battle in the boards and dont have plenty inaide scoring Form the bigs ... Maybe they are to big to beat us.

  5. What he is saying is that if we simply had a legit guy who could finish around the rim or maybe create his own shot, this team would be better off.

    It doesn't have to be a superstar. It could be a guy as simple as a Jeff Green or even an athlete like ( gasp ) Javale McGee.

    Watch what Golden State does in the Memphis series. Because of their size, you may even see a guy like Festus Ezeli get more playing time to go up against Marc Gasol, instead of Kerr opting to go smallish at times.

    HawkItus point is that we have too many people on the team that do exactly the same thing. Even the Spurs aren't built like that. The Cavs retooled their lineup so they could be more versatile, and it immediately made them better.

    So imagine if we had a legit rim protector to put in the game on the frontline, instead of a struggling Mike Scott. You could now run a 3 man platoon at center ( Horford - Antić - rim protector ), and strictly play Horford or Millsap at PF at all times.

    Millsap is currently averaging 37 mpg. Horford at 33 mpg ( which needs to be increased IMO ). Pero at 17 mpg. So what would happen if we had an athletic big to put in the lineup for defense and rebounding?

    PF: Millsap ( 36 ) - Horford ( 12 )

    C: Horford ( 22 ) - Antić ( 16 ) - other big ( 10 )

    That type of lineup keeps us big and solid in the middle, and lethal at the PF spot.

    That's why as the trading deadline neared, I wanted the Hawks to make a play for a vet big man like a Samuel Dalembert. He's traditionally an active body on the boards, can make a few midrange jumpers, and can block and alter a few shots.

    With Mike Scott playing terrible, and Bud reluctant to play both Muscala and Brand, a guy like Dalembert would be a decent option to have off the bench.

    It's all about being versatile, not one dimensional.

    The Problem is you basically want a big men, who can score inside and is a rim protector for free if you give up the spot from moose and jenkins.


    And i am not convinced to change the gameplan for your 12 and 14th guy in the rotation, i would concentrate of the execution of your best weapons instead of getting worst with your strength to utilize your weak players better. I would also say, brand is the less mobile stronger big, who could match this profile with a quite good quality for the price.


    In the back court Teague and Schröder can create his own shot and penetrate, baze is also a player for penetration from the backcourt. But it is easier to drive for them, if you have spacing replacing the "unathletic" korver was a bad idea the whole season, and mostly his backup was athletic 2. Horford also was a Key for succes, since he protects the rim, with his quickness and is improving the offense. Yes against the few dominant inside c are better rim protector would be good, against all the scoring guards i guess the mobile approach it better and i think the hawks was quite good in stopping them the whole season. If i look at the teams who are still in the PO, i would say only Howard would utilize it, and i am not sure if a backup would stop him.

  6. So u think the casual out oft the Rotation player, should be changed since they usually impact are po series?

    I am curious why they dont play, in 99% oft the po Team vor do you mean if wie Bad Howard instead oft Moose we would be stronger?

    And if you look at out Team the backup grom korver is bazemorr, a string player right (same counts for Thabo) Brand is nearly AS important AS Moose but stringer probadly if he would play his minutes we would stand with 6-0 in the po and 80-2 in RS.

  7. Why we dont have a Team of:

    Magic, West, James, Duncan, wilt ...

    Korver ist a finisher near the rim, and his athletics are more about Koordination and stamina - but bis strength fit perfectly in the system ... Yes he seems to be a bit cold, but also powerfull penetrating guards are cold for some stretches but with them the Hawks St m wont work and wie would have more trouble to score.

    The same counts for the other examples, you cannt have all well rounded extraordinary players, without a weakness but the mix our Team have works.

  8. So you mean as a great Coach phil jackson stopped Kobe from showbating?

    And i think with kobes Talent, you are going to sacrifice your philosphy a bit ... I dont think Dennis is comparable with Kobe talentwise - and they do it usually forbgreat players not dor players who maybe get good ones

  9. We need to keep DMC and Sap

    The FAs I would target are:

    Kawhi Leonard

    Draymond Green

    Jimmy Butler

    Danny Green

    Wesley Matthews

    Khris Middleton

    I'd also target a wing in the draft...Justise Winslow or Stanley Johnson or someone like that


    For me Wes Mathews would be on the top of the list, because a wing with Wes and Kyle would be a ddream for Bud i think.  I also think he is a team player which is quite important too. Butler, greene and kawhi are excellent players to, who would probadly fit but i doubt that they can sign a contract at another place.

  10. i never understood the sixth men award, like they are often cases like manu. And why you need a price for beeing the best without starting spot, wouldn't the secondest best player in the league deserve a price more, or the best second men instead of sixth.

    • Like 1
  11. See : Manu Ginobili. He's been a sixth man for the majority of his career, and he's a two-time All-Star, so you can achieve that as a bench player. Accepting that role has allowed him to win four NBA championships. He played in the Spurs system, too, so that should be encouraging for Dennis if he has those aspirations.


    but manu had mostly starter minutes, i believe it wouldn't be a problem if you find a way that teague and schröder play above 28 minutes per game. So if the teague and Schröder lineup keep improving this might happen, and this might also lead to a situation where one of th them makes a reach for the sixth men award and getting subbed in after 2-3 minutes and finishing games together.

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  12. Still though, hard to claim "they didn't lose footing" when they lost 10 games in the standings.  


    but i believe there record in terms wins and looses didn't change that much. If you look now at games with a healthy backcourt and when one starter was injured i guess they was stronger with him playing a bigger role.

  13. Didn't lose footing? They were like 4-5 games up on us when he went down and down by at least that much when he got back. They pretty much fell of a damn cliff when he got hurt, which should be expected. Lou did nothing to stop that either. 


    not sure, did they loose ground to the hawks why we was 32-2 - and they was in front after our slow start.

  14. Still, Hawks got 4 all-stars based on their actual play instead of stats. Maybe this Silver guy is mixing things up a bit also in this regard. Going for more euro-ball, expanding markets, legalizing gambling etc.


    Based from what we currently see from Dennis(I would be suprised), I wouldnt be upset to see Dennis take that award.to_keep_order.gif


    Those 4 guys had good stats, which stastical good and not unsuccesful player got overlooked in the east knight and Valuncinas but did they had (much) better stats then teague and horf? And succes always matters a bit too.


    The dennis from the last game would be a candidate for the sixth men, but i doubt they overlook the first part of the season when it comes to voting. With a big conspiracy he could get it, when they decide that such a succesfull team needs an individual award, but then we need to be clearly in front of memphis and gs.

  15. Can someone post a comparison of Dennis' stats adjacent to Lou Williams, Jamal Crawford and Isaiah Thompson.

    Would like to see how he compares.


    No Prob, i add Nick Young to it since i wasn't sure how well he had done - but he shouldn't be part of the discussion like Dennis.


    I guess if you just look at the last month and maybe the first 10 games this season he might be a candidate, over the whole season Lou and Crawford are clearly better.

  16. Here we are... 10 games above everybody in the East.   An unsurpassable lead and we're going to finish #1 in the East for the playoffs.  IF Bud wanted to shut it down and get the bench some play, we could and we'd still finish with the best record in the east.  YET..

    Watching shows like First take and Mike and Mike and we just get the biggest plate of disrespect.


    Yesterday, asked about the best 5 man teams in basketball.

    One guy said Memphis.

    One person said GS.

    Scoop Jackson said Chicago.


    Teams that we have already beat.

    Scoop Jackson had to qualify his question... "what team, other than the Hawks, could have put 4 players into the allstar game?".


    It's a magical season but we have to beat everybody to get our respect.  Let's go Hawks.


    BTW.  I thank NBATV for their Dominique version of Diesel Dunks today.


    I didn't watch the show, but even if we beat GS and Memphis in 1 game i have no problem if they get the number one spot. GS has a quite similiar recor then the Hawks, and memphis is pretty strong two and has a different style of play you can favour or not.


    But Chicago is ridiculous

  17. Yep.


    So, I look at the D-rating when we win, and the O-rating when we lose, and it supports in numbers the theory that even when we're not shooting the ball on a given night, we have the opportunity to be in the game if we play the defense we're capable of playing.


    Similarly, I look at the D-rating when we lose and the O-rating when we win, and it supports another theory in numbers that if we're playing our lousiest defense, even our best offense isn't going to keep up.


    Yes, we assist a little better and we rebound defensibly a little better on the nights we win. But the most salient element is far and away our defense.


    Who knew? wink3.gif


    hell no, look at the offense Rating wen this is awesome it is easy to defend since the opponent starts the posession with an inbound. Similiar look at the losses, we shooting bad and getting more points point proved.


    I'll go with macdaddy first reply.

  18. Yeah, I saw a Bleacher Report predicting the teams. The World froncourt is downright ridiculous with Olynk, Giannis, Gobert, Adams, and Mirotic. With Dennis and Wiggins in the backcourt, good luck with that one.

    The Good Guys are gonna be recruiting like Nick Saban all through the All star weekend. Love it.

    I guess the lack of guards will break the neck oft the world Team.

    Is it possible to See the votes? And are they defining the starters?

    Sorry for typo i am writing on a mobile

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