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Everything posted by coat89

  1. I have less a problem with these picks than I do with the fact that we don't ever get older. At some point, to win anything you have to have some solid veterans. I'm hoping there is a trade down the line.
  2. after all of the excitement of the last few days, it seems like a letdown. Still got a LOT of youth on this team.
  3. If we take Yi (and not for the right reasons as stated below) we really need to let our voices be heard. This rumor about ownership nixing a deal because of business prospects in China is unbelievable. I sure hope it isn't true.
  4. just perusing some of their boards...generally they hate the idea of the Amare trade. I hope the Suns FO doesn't get cold feet.
  5. to Houston about a trade much less worked one out. I thought it was interesting that he would come out and say that. Normally he would just make a no comment. Take it for what it's worth.
  6. basically, they will appeal. I think this is a long way from being over.
  7. A team like the Hawks eventually has to start looking for ways to get some talented veterans. If you never sign anybody then eventually players you develop will leave too. You are always having turn over. I like the way the Thrashers have built the team. Take your lumps and have good drafts for a few years. Then as the younger guys are starting to mature add some higher priced veterans to the mix. Belkin doesn't seem to see that any players we get with those picks are going to take a couple of years to mature. At that point, whose to say the Josh's won't be fed up and ready to bolt.
  8. If they are getting him on the cheap, that sucks.
  9. This kid is interesting to me. Who has seen him play? I have to admit I have not but it seems like he has put up some decent numbers for somebody so young. Is he just a head case? How much did Michael have to do with it? I'm just trying to figure out if a change could do him some good.
  10. The rumor is: Lakers receive 5,13 Bobcats recieve Cook/Atkins,Butler and 10
  11. in the workout today. Said besides being able to jump out of the gym, he was draining 15-20 footers all day.
  12. Any chance we could pick up something from Portland and move down 1? If Bogut isn't there, I'd like to have our choice of one of the PGs. I'd be afraid if you move down any farther than 3 you might not have a choice.
  13. I heard that interview. He was very well spoken and I really liked how he talked about being a winner everywhere he has been.
  14. Why does the NBA put every final game on at 9:00? I don't get it. If you have to work the next day, who can afford to stay up and watch it? I'd like to watch some of it with my son, but I don't let him stay up that late. I have the same complaint with baseball playoffs. We lose a generation of kids who can't stay up. I know it has to do with the west coast but start an hour earlier and start the weekend games in the afternoon.
  15. Popovich in the paper today. They especially raved about his passing. Of course they both saw him in the olympics.
  16. I was curious about what the story is with those 2. I have also seen some quotes from Bogut that seeemed a little "bold" for lack of a better term. Does this guy have an attitude problem? Seems like he is outspoken to say the least.
  17. Some of his turnovers were a result of great passes that his team mates couldn't hold onto. He should have had 5 or 6 more assists. Historically he has very few turnovers. I was really impressed with his passing. I haven't seen a big man pass like that in a while. He reminded me of Kucoc (sp?) except he is 4 inches taller. I also really liked that baby hook he has in the lane.
  18. I thought he was drafted by Indiana with the last pick.
  19. Any chance this guy grows into a PF? I haven't seen his size (or his game for that matter) but he seems to have more of a PF game from what I am hearing. Also he is still young enough to grow some. Just speculation.
  20. Is Howard the next coming of KG? Is there anybody else in the draft that is a franchise type player? If the answers are yes and no then you have to think about the deal. Usually,the teams that win championships are teams with a star. If Howard is that kind of player (if)... do what it takes to get him. About the time he matures and is ready to take you to the championship, Hill's salary comes off the books. This also means that you have a bad to mediocre team for at least 1 year.
  21. C.C. I was wondering if we got out from under those contracts after next year. Then we'd have space to go get another free agent.
  22. Tayshaun Prince after workouts but didn't expect to get him because he started moving up the board. Any chance the Hawks get that pick at 23 and take him now?
  23. I usually just lurk but thought I'd throw in my .02 and say great job!!!
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