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Posts posted by atlhawks1

  1. But yet we want to pay Millsap $18 mil per year when the Hawks continued to win without him in the line up...Just wierd


    Sap is still a important piece, but i dont think the Hawks will HAVE to break the bank to keep either he or Carroll. I just have a feeling on that. Sap and Carroll know the Spurs/Hawks system is what put them over the top. What i would like to see, and ive said it over and over, is for the Hawks to slide Horford over to 4, slide Sap down to 3 and Carroll over to 2 guard.


    Sap plays undersized ANYWAY at the 4, so moving him over to small forward is no big deal. In fact, it will allow him to dominate other small forwards. Pairing him with Horford in the front court produces nothing for the Hawks on the boards or rim protecting. Get a true center while Horford and Sap are still relatively young.

  2. This is that time of year.  It seems that every sports writer and every wanna-be

    sports writer has some wild ideas to share.  If anything happens, then they can

    puff out their chest and say, "I told you!  I was the first to report this!"


    Some of the guestimates make some sense and some are just wild.


    I recently read where Kobe Bryant would be an Atlanta Hawk this fall.

    Can you top this one?




    Heard that the grizzlies wanna sign and trade Gasol STRAIGHT UP for Pero Antić because they said " he can spread the floor and do all the important things that dont show up in the boxscore".............lmao

    • Like 2
  3. Fwiw, I'm one of those who think Antić will not be coming back to resume his rotation role thanks to Moose's late season progress. But having said that, I won't be surprised if Mr. Intangibles, nonetheless, sneaks on to the roster.


    There were a couple games where Moose started at the 5 and they let Horford play his natural 4 position. It was back when Sap was out with the injury. THAT was a good Hawks lineup. It showed me a couple things: first, the Hawks could use Moose as a starting five, and bring the rebounding/ shot blocking off the bench in key situations. Second, it showed that, yes, Horford would DOMINATE from the 4 position.

  4. I have to think, if there were some way for Budcox to have anticipated the avalanche of injuries the team would experience over the last weeks of the season, Payne would have been kept. He likely would have come in handy when Scott went down, in particular.


    As for Antić, he is a conundrum wrapped in a mystery. For all of his lack of stats that bear out that he's productive, in the end, he's somehow still a common piece in the most productive five-man sets we have (per 82games). I call him Mr. Intangbles for that reason. I don't know what he does that's all that individually effective, but he's a common denominator in team effectiveness.


    Whats really troubling about the " Pero can spread the floor" argument, is the fact that MOST NBA bigs CAN shoot from outside now.  He does NOTHING thats so special to justify the playing time he gets. The game isnt the same way anymore as far as pure, post center play.  Only HIbbert and Howard come to mind quickly as throw back centers. 


    The ONE thing that will NEVER change is the fact you HAVE to rebound. Somebody HAS to rebound.   Thats my main problem with Pero. Ive seen rebounds come RIGHT AT HIM, he has POSITION in the post, and a opponent takes it away from him because he fumbles the ball and cant jump more than two inches off the ground. Dude is a waste and the fact he is still on this roster is the only thing that is giving me pause about Bud's front office abilities.......Old man Elton Brand is still a better player than Pero.........


    The Hawks had or have THESE athletes, but somehow, feel Antić is better....................





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  5. "Showed out"?  No.  Was a decent big?  Maybe.


    MN does different things than we did both offensively and defensively.  Maybe Payne took to what they were doing where he couldn't really take to what we were doing.  We did win 60 games.  Saying Payne needed all this playing time now is akin to Warriors fans nitpicking Kerr's rotations in the regular season.  Why?


    Look, Pero was arguably our 3rd best player in round 1.  Is he my favorite player?  Absolutely not, but let's stop being overly critical of that one guy.  We all agree that spot needs to be upgraded but to say he brings "nothing" is simply false.


    Im gonna say this again. This is about CHIPS.........This isnt about "just getting it done." Cleveland SHOWED that you HAVE to have a monster on the boards. Mosgov and Thompson just destroyed the Hawks front line. Heck, New Orleans, had they been in the Eastern Conference, wouldve sent the Hawks packing in the first round because they couldnt stop Anthony Davis during the regular season.


    Im soo critical of Pero because the Hawks, in my opinion, were ONE REAL big away from a championship. Pero had THAT spot. Thats why im so critical of him. I dont want no just getting by,player, we need a REAL difference maker. Im upset because as smart as Bud/Ferry, Wes, the ball boy, whoever, makes the decisions, they should have saw how close the Hawks were and made a move to get a rebounder/ rim protector.


    The Hawks been in Atlanta since 1970, so excuse me if im a little inpatient with that franchise. Always rebuilding, starting over, all that, when the chip was THERE for the taking this year. It was THERE. They couldve beat Golden State because one thing a basketball team hates, is to defend another team that plays exactly like them.


    Next year, the East is gonna be tougher and they have had a year of film under their belt to dissect what the Hawks are all about............Trotting scrubs out there again under the guise of " spreading the floor, nuances, analytics" and all that, isnt gonna cut it.......

    • Like 1
  6. Budz isn't an idiot.  Payne couldn't help us.  Trading him was no big deal.  We all see that Pero's spot needs upgrading and it's probably why Payne was drafted.  Since the pick was a miss, Budz's hand was forced.


    Im still trying to figure out WHY Payne was suppose to be a bust. Dude showed out up in Minnesota.  He didnt get any playing time with the Hawks to show he was a bust. Im not buying the propaganda. Pero brings NOTHING, so keeping Payne wouldnt have been a big deal... 


    IN fact, Payne can teach Pero how to:





  7. Well that's just not even remotely true.   Nique was a superstar.  Dunk competitions, all star games. Hell he's the only superstar we've had.   They were showing highlights of UGA games on the local news when nique was there which meant for half the games they had to send a news camera crew to film it.   


    You can say what you want about Nique's game but the attention and the fans he brought to the Hawks can't be overstated. 


    What? Wait,?, somebody ACTUALLY said that Nique was basically nothing on the Hawks landscape?????????? lmao

    • Like 2
  8. Lol how so? Please elaborate

    Bud wasn't going to make changes when the team was coming off a 19-0 streak right before the trade deadline. Why change and go into panic mode just make changes when the team was playing at an all time high.

    The truth is that we haven't seen bud in position with this much power when it really matters. The Payne trade is nothing that's going to haunt us. The daye signing was a move that we needed some insurance because we had several players getting hurt down the stretch and daye happen to be a player on the market that had experience with the Spurs way of basketball and was cheap.

    I'm not trying to hype bud up as this great decision maker I'm just saying for someone who's seen how it works....how can he be bad at it? Just like he saw how pop coach, he sucked in all that knowledge and was this years coach of the year. I'm sure he watched pop as he went about his president duties as well while working along side gm RC Buford on how to run the team.

    I just believe bud has shown that he can take after others well (which others in his past with Spurs is a great thing) and don't see him handicapping this team in any kind of way.

    But I've been wrong before....however I've been right about bud before it was even rumored he would be the Hawks coach.


    Trading Payne and having Pero Antić HEAVY in the rotation is about the most bone headed thing ive ever seen a Coach/General Manager do in the NBA and EVERYBODY knows it.  People can keep trying to spice up the garbage that is Pero Antić, but it aint happening......




  9. I'm listening, but so far, I'm not reading anything that actually substantively supports this idea that there was more than the Deng thing that drove Ferry out. Just b/c front office people don't like you doesn't get it done. Ferry almost certainly had the full support of the two guys who the new owners have handed the keys to... suggesting pretty clearly, to me anyway, that were it not for this hiccup on Ferry's watch, there was no inclination for the owners to want to go another way.


    Article is posted SHOWING that Ferry and Gearon didnt mesh from THE START, that Ferry WAVERED on joining the Hawks because of it, and YOU still not reading anything???????? Then, YOU YOURSELF say " just because front office people dont like you"" duh.............You CANT be no more FRONT OFFICE than Gearon, A OWNER..........




  10. He should be the first off the bench. The playoffs proved that Kyle can't create his own shot and his defense is mediocre. I like Kyle alot, but if we expect to be back in the ECF we need more talent at the SG position and get someone to rebound the ball.


    Yep. During the regular season, they didnt care enough to fight thru 2 or 3 Hawk picks to keep up with Korver. During the playoffs, they DID..........and shut him down. I keep saying the Hawk should move Carroll to the 2 guard, Sap to 3, and Horford to 4 and get a true center......

  11. Yes everything seems to go in favor for the team that Lebron gets a paycheck from.

    I grow more skeptical of the NBA by the day.


    You just figuring this out about the NBA??????? lmao.............The NBA is two foul calls away from being the WWE. Look at this Lebron picture below. Its meant one way,,,,,,,but is TOTALLY true...........:




  12. Can you expand on that? Examples, sources of your information or opinions?


    Everybody knows, i THOUGHT, that Gearon, being a diehard Hawks fan since the 70s,  was offended by moves that Ferry made within the organizaton. The problem, from the jump, is that Levenson and Gearon were split on hiring Ferry. Now, im not saying Gearon is right, because i dont, im just saying it was MORE than the conference call. Ferry, in a sense, had more power than Gearon within the organization because of Levenson's controlling interest. Right or wrong, NOBODY can question Gearon's love and loyalty to that organization. It's just that his business moves dont match up with it:




    Ferry, who has been described by allies as unwaveringly loyal, was hired to make the Hawks a contender, but his style didn't always help him make friends. Shortly after Ferry took the Hawks job in 2012, he dismissed longtime Hawks public relations director Arthur Triche, the first African-American team PR director in the NBA and a popular employee with the organization. Ferry has also alienated some popular ex-Hawks players.

    Those actions didn't sit well with Gearon, an Atlanta native whose dad, Michael Gearon Sr., was a longtime Hawks executive. To top it off Ferry can be curt and difficult to work with, and the two clashed.

    So when Ferry made his comments, Gearon wrote a letter to Levenson in which he called for Ferry's dismissal, saying, "If Ferry's comments are ever made public, and it's a safe bet they will someday, it could be fatal to the franchise." Then, Ferry's comments were made public.



  13. Look, i wanted Ferry to stay also, BUT........if you think Gearon and Wilkins didnt want him back JUST because of that one conference call, you are mistaken. The whole Hawks front office, staff, etc. didnt like Ferry. The conference call was just a means to a end for Gearon. Im not saying that Gearon is the best bulb in the bunch, but to think he wanted Ferry gone JUST because of that conference call, nah.


    The Hawks felt that it was a COMBINATION of the San Antonio approach ( Bud), and Wes/Ferry approach that turned the Hawks around. That made Ferry expendable, so they acted on it. Ferry had more dirt on him as far as his relationship with the Hawks front office and staff than people think.........

    • Like 3
  14. A slap in the face?? Vega


    I just saw the odds of winning the championship next year. Hawks are 7th on list to win it all. Is this a slap in the face to the Hawks? Doesn't Vegas realize the Hawks were injured in the playoffs? Is Vegas telling the Hawks you don't have enough talent to win it all? 




    Vegas saw Atlanta's small front line get SLAPPED UP during the playoffs.......so.........yes..............

    • Like 2
  15. I have to agree with this.

    Golden State may not be infinitely better than us, but they have done a lot of hustle to neutralize Mozgov and Thompson.  Moreover, we were too injured.  Our team doesn't work if there's a cog missing.  And we have several.


    With Thabo, the Hawks MIGHT have won two games in the series. They still wouldve lost because, last time i checked, Thabo doesnt play the 4 or 5. He wouldve slowed J.R. Smith down, but Thompson and Mosgov STILL wouldve dominated the paint. There is NO way around this. The Hawks HAVE to address the 5 and 4 positions or next year, they gonna drop to a 4 or 5 seed in the East.


    Whats strange about saying they need to address the 5 and 4 positions is the fact that its NOT that Horford and Sap are not doing what they suppose to do, its they CANT do whats required to beat teams with a big front court that can rebound. 


    Lets say they stay the course and concentrate more on spreading the floor.  Pero, again, is the problem. If Pero was hitting at a decent clip from the 3 point line, he wouldve NEUTRALIZED other teams bigs. If Mosgov or Thompson had to come out to the wing, obviously, they cant rebound like they were doing.


    Thats why i love Kaminsky as the pick for the Hawks. Its obvious to me that Coach Bud is enamored with bigs who can shoot. Why not replace Pero with one who can. People say " Kaminsky isnt ready, is soft, blah, blah, blah". My response is, can he do any worst than Pero if you throw him out there into the rotation and let him learn on the fly?" Five years from now, if the Hawks pass on that kid, its gonna be like when the Falcons traded Brett Favre. They better not mess this up.

  16. Im not jumping on the Tristan Thompson bandwagon, BECAUSE, i said it waaaaay back when the Hawks were blowing the Cavaliers out during the regular season, that Thompson IS the key to that team AND the Eastern Conference. I like Mosgov's game too, but Thompson is the one that makes that team go. The Hawks HAVE to counter Thompson. There is no ifs, ands, or buts about that.


    Rolling out Pero Antić or a Millsap/Horford front court isnt gonna get it. The ONLY way i would roll another small front court out there like that is if the Hawks can find a monster coming off the bench to rebound and play spot situations in the starting lineup for that very purpose, to counter Thompson.

  17. The Hawks won 60 games while resting starters in like 8 games and coasting for the last 5 weeks.  You are out of your mind if you think they are going to fall that far next season. 


    They will be a 1-3 seed if they bring back the same team, hit on the 15 pick and add a useful rotational bench player.


    That's a promise.


    Is that not what im saying??? lol When i said Pero, thats a UNuseful bench player. Hitting on the 15 pick is obvious. Whatever they do, draft, free agency, they need a big that can defend/rebound and another shooting guard in front of Korver. If they stay put and hope on ANY combination of Pero/Antić, thats not gonna work.


     This is about CHAMPIONSHIPS. If Pero is on the roster next season, the Hawks are not serious about a championship. Ask Chipper Jones.........




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