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Posts posted by Weez

  1. the only way you can pair them together for a significant amount of time, in my estimation, is if you have a defensive anchor/minded center that can block shots.

    Zaza is far from that (Defensive minded). he's a 'great player for the money,' and certainly one that I'd like to keep around, even play significantly...but I simply have trouble seeing the Smoove Marvin combo playing alongside anything but what's mentioned above.

  2. why would you rather have Dally? not that I think Cheeks is the best coach in the world, but something is definitely 'going on' when a player of Dally's 'caliber' has such a significant decline in minutes/starting as he's had this year. Sure, he gets blocks...but I know nothing of his 'true d' and he's got a major contract that he has shown no signs of earning this year...

    maybe philly fan can give us more details (though I know he loves Dally).

  3. nice point about is we acquired a more prototypical pf and its affect on those wanting Smoove to be a pf...

    at the beginning of this year Smoove's positional future was, to a large degree, up for debate.

    However, as the season has gone on, particulary the second half, Smoove has shown his 'desires' to be a sf/scorer/ all round type of man. Granted, the biggest hindrance to this evolution at this point is a) perimeter defense, and b) ball handling/shot creation

    but he's showing more and more that those hs clips of him were dead on ~ he patterns his game much more towards a prototypical sf than even a '3rd generation new wave' pf...

  4. don't get me wrong, I have serious questions about him too and do believe that he is somewhat overpaid and overhyped ~ but he fits the bill of what we're needing (to a degree) and, prior to this year, was generally known for his effort.

    Granted, this is in direct contradiction to my loathing of how he handled the Cle. situation, one which still disgruntles me to this day...

  5. Bonds is nothing less than a product of MLB's own creation. If they wanted to clean things up, they'd have acted long before it become a public outcry/ political matter.

    Greenies have been around for how long?

    Bonds has 'earned' everything he's gotten/earned all the records and accolades that he has achieved (in the eyes/standards that the MLB produced).

    were he to have Shaq's personality/ media love this wouldn't be half the issue that it is...

  6. not that I want him for this team (unless we're trading Salim/ bench firepower) ~ but hey, if for no other reason than that we'd truly find out who the best dunker is (Nate vs. Smoove)...

    again, I am NOT advocating this move.

  7. um, that's not too much and I'd do the deal in a heartbeat...that's actually far far far too long (a heartbeat).

    are you kidding? you'd pass that up? with this draft? with the possibility of our losing Al for nothing anyway right now?


  8. you'll call them when contradictory, and amazingly so at that.

    sometimes however, especially of late, I get hte feeling that you're posting certain 'thoughts' simply to lead someone else into said situation.

    but hey, maybe that's just my perception.

  9. but you often pass 'ideas' along that you don't actually agree or want to 'defend', simply to create chatter. You've admitted this yourself. With some of the tactics employed as of late, these would almost appear to be 'traps' by which to get someone else to say something that they will then later contradict.

    you yourself have contradicted your own previous posts.

    if you really want to get ot the 'gritty' of it though ~ your inability to admit, state, or otherwise reveal that any of your arguments are wrong is what's most annoying...

    sometimes Diesel, even you can be wrong...

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