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Posts posted by Weez

  1. the owners were also quoted much earlier in the year that the one thing that they really 'took to heart' in polling other owners about how best to run a successful franchise...was to hire good basketball people and then let THEM make the decisions ~ the owners all agreed with this sentiment..thus I think the call is solely at BK's discretion...

  2. you want to keep digging for the media releases that talk of Salim 'being able to play some pg' and his needing to 'transition to that role, one that he can play but was simply not asked to do much of in college'?

    you know that they're there

  3. I can't stand the popups on realgm and there is definitely a higher quality of posters here (i.e. without the drivle, one-liner replies, & constant lurkers from other teams).

    haven't used my realgm account in lord knows how long.

  4. with only 26 wins ~ nearly all teams are 'good' teams relative to the Hawks.

    no Salim's not expectec to pull down more boards than Marvin...but as a 'pg' (whihc he stated that he could/ would play decently at) you have to evaluate his 'abilities' and progress there. He turned the ball over quite a bit and did a poor job of distributing...

    so is it simply about numbers?

  5. you really think Dougherty has the brass to come back to the ACC (in NC no less) after the way that he was mistreated in Chapel Hill?

    Tubby ain't going anywhere ~ or rather, he's done nothing to merit a dismissal other than not fitting the 'rupp' profile.

    Snyder ~ perhaps the most likely of these corps. however, the details of his dismissal in MO still leave me with soooo many questions????

  6. I love this thread. some of the most intellectual and insightful posting that I've seen on this board in quite some time. While I have nothing to add to the discussion at hand, I applaud all of those that are admirably providing discourse on this topic.

    * this site needs a spell check option for posts!!!!

  7. nice reference. truly a rare (but noteworthy) occurence.

    with his offensive skills (and lack of 'true' girth or interior intimidation) it is more and more apparent that we need a defensive type player than can play upwards of 30 mins a night (even if not starting) to help defend the paint. simply a must have if we'll ever truly 'compete'.

  8. Crawford likes the ball...a lot. and shoots a TERRIBLE percentage!

    ~~I apologize to all for the many subsequent posts today. I'm sitting down at the computer for the first time and replying as I come across posts/statements that I deem meritable for a reply/I have a strong dissenting or agreeing opinion. I typically hate it when people do this and realize that I am doing it more often (though hopefully replying to different people/posts within the same thread than 'adding on' to my own previous posts). again, my apologies.

  9. agree completely on this assesment.

    JJ is not JT. he has shown a much greater ability to play the roles of both sg and pg within the same game, even the same quarter or half.

    a pg is greatly needed (though I still believe than a true interior defender is the slightly higher priority).

    if a pg is acquired, regardless of who he is, then a defensive ability is a definite requisite (obviously) and an outside shot is second to this (which lowers Rondo some, though I still 'like' him for no reasons that I can truly defend given my previous statements).

  10. you can't adequately predict 'who will be off the board' in this draft until the order is assessed. Even then there are some questions; but this draft, perhaps more than any other, is FILLED with parity and bereft (imo) of a player (that I see right now) who will quickly (or even eventually) become a true 'franchise' player.

  11. interesting that the biggest 'warning' of that was to stay awaf from overspending on second tier talent...which is (perhaps) the thing that BK has shown the greatest ability to do.

    Many here screamed for thee acquisition of Dampier, K-Mart (myself on that one actually, though we made the offer thus no love lost or dissatisfaction*), Curry, Chandler...and on, and on...

    that's the one thing that, thus far, BK DOES NOT DO ~ pay poisonous amounts for second tier players, especially those who are coming off of an 'improved' final contract year...

    should Al be concerned? or concerned if he 'truly' wants to remain a Hawk?

    * I can explain more on this if desired.

  12. that's where I am as well. i'd also like to thank the originator of this thread for posting us on the happenings at the event last evening, as well as breaking down the 'voting options' (especially the inclusion of Zaza's not having been here last year ~ good food for thought prior to voting ~ great post overall imo).

    JJ as MVP is a no-brainer in my opinion.

    MIP: Smoove (see above, with Zaza out of the running, Smoove gets this easily given his second half push/development)

    hustle: why I replied to this post in particular: my vote is for Lue: he has his faults, and isn't a fan favorite by any means, but I think he gives 100% out there, is always energetic and outgoing, and plays big minutes/ has a larger role than Este (who's hustle is really the only thing that gets him pt ~ that's what he's used for ~ to enforce and collect fouls).

  13. you're right ~ one's answer to this question definitely depends on whether or not 'expectations' are factored in...does one simply vote based on 'stats' or based on expectations/ what they think (regardless, 'potential' is not a factor in this determination).

  14. I'm not sure if you can bash Al for playing his matador/ non-lifting of hands in the paint defense...seriously (sort of).

    He averages the most pf of any player in the league (or was slightly ahead of Shaq last time I checked). Averaging four fouls a game...how can one contest shots in the paint?

    My guess is that if there is contact/question, 70% of the time it will be in favor of the offensive player ~ thus Al would foul out somewhere in the third quarter nearly every night.

    Simply put ~ who knows if Al can actually play post d or not? he can't afford the risks!

  15. what if including Marvin meant getting Indy's first rounder next year (I don't know if/ how many they have)? would you do it then? I'm sure Indy would want some protection on it ~ but if that protection was low enough ~ say protected through the first ten spots ~ then we'd be in the hunt for at least hvaing some sort of pick next year, once we know what we have and what we need a whole lot better...

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