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Posts posted by Weez

  1. Taylor would work...except that we don't need to add a pf/interior player that can't play defense ~ I think he'd stiffle our offense a bit (as he does like to shoot and isn't as good as he once was) and solves absolutely nothing in terms of our interior defense problems...

  2. you also have to realize how skewed the population/ comparison set is right now...there aren't that many productive people of size, period, in the league.

    No Battie's not classical...but the fact that someone like Joel P is garnering such hype as an upcoming FA ~ kind of sad in a way.

    Walt's continued statement regarding two undersized players is right on the point. there aren't too many successful teams that have such a combo ~ and if htey do (Detroit perhaps), it's generally a manifestation of BOTH players being SIGNIFICANT defenders...

  3. we do need a big man in the 'largest' of ways...but I don't see that player in this draft. Aldridge or Thomas are the 'best' fit in those regards (sorry Noah, even if you do come out), but they're somewhat 'iffy' in terms of whether or not they can play center (at all).

    I'd still rather trade the pick for something more 'known'; given the ages of this team's major players, more youth is not necessarily the answer, even if the player we get through trade is eventually 'less' than one of the two mentioned above.

  4. nice post an analysis, especially with the citing of his 'better' defense last year. When one takes into account that Zaza is our only 'true' center, is young (and thereby has some propencity to get into foul trouble anyhow), and the fact that he plays next to harrington (who both leads the league in fouls/g and plays little defenese), it's most likely a good assumption that Zaza has been told to try and remain out of foul trouble.

    Not that a green light would make him Ben Wallace...or even Rasheed Wallace...but I think it's definitley a point worth noting.

  5. while it may not sound like much, and some may even deem it a backhanded compliment...such praise from a national media member is actually a pretty huge deal

    couple this with something that I've been meaning to bring up the past few days...

    Sekou's doing a GREAT job. I can't recall when the last time we had a beat writer who actually 'proposed' offseason trades and moves that make sense, one that followed the team and the league.

    thanks for that Sekou (if you'r reading this).

  6. who are you going to trade those acquired players/ rights for? you have to recoup something in a trade unless we remain underneatht he salary cap for the next five years...

    this scenario, and it's not even a 'legit' one really, is not possible.

  7. which is my point exactly (and was really making it in jest to a degree given that I think most would cringe at the thought of trading our first round pick for the next five consecutive seasons). Regardless, yes, that's legal...but after you 'drafted for another team and tehn sent a plyaer to antoher team multiple times'...um, Stern's going to know that there's a wink wink deal in place, which is strictly forbidden (see Minny with Joe Smith) ~ and his wrath is quite harsh in such circumstances.

  8. that 'somebody' was you...

    and all of the media pundits had Marvin listed on this potential that you so casually discard...

    Paul's 'fall' in the draft had LITTLE to do with the aforementioned groin incident (and you know this)

    and do you truly think by adding two guys (howard and smith) to the draft pool that Marvin would have fallen 30 spots into the second?

    come on dude, you're reaching here and it's starting to get (or has become, and I'm being nice) a little tiresome. I wasn't for Marvin either but you know why he was picked, what nearly EVERY analyst thought of him...and he wasn't your first pg choice either if memory serves me correctly.

    Diesel, simply put, you're one of the most informed and well read posters on this board. You know your players, your teams...and not simply the guys from atlanta or ones on ESPN/Sportscenter favourites list...you're above this sort of personal agenda motivated stances and dullness...

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