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Posts posted by tmac13

  1. It doesnt have anything to do with BK..I think AL feels his agent wasn't getting him the best deal possible and Tellum can..The biggest difference in Tellum and anyone else is the power he holds with so many clients and repercussions(sp) he could bring because of that..In order for AL to get the best deal the Hawks have to takes back a player or players along with picks.. Tellum can put pressure on the Hawks to do that like no other agent could...Its a pay now or pay big later with a guy like Tellum.

  2. I think the true reason AL fired his agent and hired Art Tellum was to put pressure on the Hawks..Tellum is a true power broker in the NBA and can make BK's job very difficult in the future if the Hawks get on his bad side..I think Tellums sole purpose is to get BK to take back contracts so AL can get a bigger deal.

  3. Murphy is 6'11 and 245..I see him as a 4/5 that can log alot of minutes at the center spot in the east..I agree completely on the money part, but I was wondering why everyone here seemed to think he was a bum..He is a quality player, a double doouble machine, who is unfortunately overpaid..

    In my mind he alot like AL in the sense he is a good but not great player on a lousy team and probably takes alot more heat than he should..

  4. Just curious..

    As a basketball player Murphy is at least ALs equal..He doesn't score quite as much but is a MUCH better rebounder..Defensively, I think both players have shortcomings..In a pure basketball sense, Murphy and a 1st is not a bad deal for AL.

    My question. is it simply Murphy's contract that everyone hates or is it based on other factors?

  5. How about the objective of putting a winning team on the floor?..Somehow that goal always gets lost..Getting Speedy was good, getting Sheldon is an unknown until he plays 30 games or so, and getting a 1st and cash for AL does nothing to improve the team for the upcoming season..

    Is it really too much to expect for a GM to put a winning product on the floor in his 4th season on the job? I know we have a top secret 5 year plan, but a 5 year plan to do what? Win 30 games? Reach 41 wins? Win a championship?..What is the plan, and what are reasonable expectations for any general managers 4th season?

  6. Then you never watched Lo play..At times he played hard and at times he played with indifference..There is a reason he was never able to crack the starting rotation with the Hawks or the Clippers and that was his drive..

  7. Kandiman hasn't posted anywhere near those numbers in years..He is more like a 5 point 4 rebound guy in about 20 minutes..

    That being said I might take a chance on him over someone like Lazy LoWright simply for the one in a million shot he might play hard and surprise us..

  8. Its the fate of being a Hawks fan..Can't talk about games during the season because they are usually meaningless..I can't count the number of times games were played last season and there wouldn't be a single post pertaining to it..

    Outside of the love or hate BK talk, the Marvin/Sheldon hate threads, all we have to talk about is the draft and summer moves..

    I look forward to the day that the season actually means something other than draft position so we can talk about playoff positioning or a big game..

  9. At this point if I were Indy I would back away from Harrington and make an offer to Wilcox..Seattle would probably take a similar deal to the one Indy offered the Hawks since they are also in financial limbo..

    Wilcox is 3 years younger, bigger, and can play center for Indy while leaving JO at the 4..In my mind he would make alot of sense there..

    If Indy backs away, and we refuse to take back players in a trade, AL may be screwed..

  10. This is very disturbing..Sekou usually goes out of his way not to insult BK for obvious reasons..In this article he is tiptoeing around direct criticism...

    Many here seem to think BK is playing poker and waiting on a better hand to be delt and is showing wisdom and patience..I simply think he has a bad hand and is too stubborn to fold..Other teams make moves and the Hawks do nothing..If anyone asks why a bad Hawks team does nothing then they are being impatient..This is just a repeat of the past 2 offseasons..

  11. We had the space to sign Butler or Elson regardless of AL..It has also been widely reported an even confirmed by Donnie Walsh that BK is trying to decide on the deal..So you can't blame Indy, if BK doesn't like the deal then renounce AL or trade him elsewhere and move on..

  12. Wilcox is about to resign with the Sonics, Magloire gone to Portland..Nene to stay with Denver, Wallace to Chicago..Both Elson and Butler go to the Spurs for practically nothing..We are still on hold..This is such a repeating pattern it is amazing..Last year we were talking about Curry, Chandler, Daly and Big Z..The summer before we looked at Martin and Dampier..

    I am not saying I wanted or the Hawks needed any of these guys, and I fully realize that some are outrageously overpaid..However, at some point in our developement as a team, we have to somehow get a legitimate defensive minded rebounding big..Maybe Sheldon helps some, but at his size that is very questionable..

    I understand avoiding the large bad contracts, but what is the excuse with a guy like Butler?..Why are the Hawks always playing waiting ganmes in the summer while other teams are signing guys that could help us?..Once again, what the hell do we need all this capspace for if we don't use it to improve the team?..What excuses will be made for BK when this mystery center turns out to be another slowfooted, no defense playing jumpshooter instead of a defensive interior pressence?..His inactivity in free agency along with his refusal to hold workouts in the draft are extremely hard to understand..

  13. That was a rarity, not a common happening..It took JJ wanting to come here, and it took Phoenix not really wanting to pay him..It also took quite a large package in return..Add all those things up and it is not likely to happen again for the Hawks, especially with Smoove, Marvin, and Chillz looking for extentions in the coming years and our completely screwed up ownership situation.

  14. While I agree on Daly and Wilcox, that both are bums, thinking ahead in free agency has always turned out to be a pipedream here..Maybe Ridenour will be a posibility, but guys like Kaman and Hinrich will be signed to longterm deals by their current teams...

    Every year we are looking at next years free agents and hoping we have money for them and every year they one by one resign with their current teams or either want so much money we consider them too costly..

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