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Posts posted by tmac13

  1. I loved the summer leagues at Life..My daughter and I actually sat with Pete Babcock through 2 games one year..He is as nice a man as you could ever meet..He answered every question I asked him thoroughly and honestly..I often think if you could combine Babcocks and BK's personalities you would have the perfect GM...

  2. LMAO...For someone that at times comes across as very intelligent at other times you seem almost emotionally retarded..

    What you going to do KB, beat us all up in between on looking down on your poorer patients?

    Do you wrestle wearing a Billy Knight mask while dressed in the Harry the Hawk suit?

  3. We are basically trading AL and Edwards for a 1st and 3 million in cash..What is the purpose of the cash?..

    Are we going to turn around and trade the 3 million plus a 2nd rounder for a player?..Are we using it for some sort of contract buyout for Anderson or another overseas player?..Or is the cash because the owners are really treading water financially and need it?


  4. I guess we need to wait and see who that "big Man" is before we get too excited..Last year Mullen said we we after a "talented young bigman".We were thinking Darko or someone similar, that talented young big man turned out to be Edwards..

  5. Its a good deal in a non-basketball perspective..Its a great financial deal..Its a great way to rid ourselves of Edwards..But at the end of the day we are not a better basketball team because of this deal..I think most here had seen AL as a way of picking up a piece or 2 to make the team better next season so its disapointing in that sense..Its also looking more and more that BK's hands are tied by the ownership regardless of what the Spirit says in public..

  6. Why would he walk?..If he came to ATL and was productive, we have the ability to pay him well..His scoring was slightly down last season, mostly due to the Bucks being a very perimeter oriented team..His rebounding and defense have remained excellent..

  7. I don't see the good defender in him..He gets abused by qucker 2's and isn't strong enough to handle 3's..He is a smart player and can do alot of the little things that are important, however, you can those those things from cheaper players with less trade value..

  8. Whenever anyone mentions trading Chillz to fill a hole there is am immediate swarm of "noway we love Chillz" posts..My question is why?..He is a good guy, he is a decent player, but he will never be a starter on the Hawks..He is not in the same statosphere as Smoove, Marvin, or JJ talentwise..He is NOT a good defensive player..He is a nice off the bench enery guy..However, if you can trade a bench player for a surefire starter at the 5 why wouldn't you do it?..Is it because he was a number 6 pick?..Is it because he is just a good guy?..I am searching for the reason because I don't see a good basketball reason not to trade Chillz for Mags if that is a possible deal.

  9. Don't forget BK offered KMart a max deal, he just got turned down..

    Its sort of like a guy that shoots at someone and misses, then just goes to jail for attempted murder instead of homicide..He gets a break for being a bad shot when the intent was the same..

  10. I don't care about contracts, draft picks, or any particular trade..Its about final results..People got all excited about doubling our win total last season even though we only doubled a a shamefully small number in 13..

    I am past caring about capspace, since we never seem to use it..I don't care about the Paul versus Marvin debate, as anyone with any basketball sense knows that the Hawks, Bucks, and Jazz all passed on the most impactful player in the draft, but at this point it doesn't matter.I don't care if Sheldon was the 5th or 8th best player in the draft, he is ours now..

    All that matters is measurable improvement in the coming season..If we aren't at least a team in the playoff hunt BK needs to be fired..We can't be a bottom five team again and not have a lottery pick and be content..That would be a total failure in my opinion..Its time for this team to show it has a future..Its time for the "BK" theory of basketball to show it can win..Its all about wins and losses..

    People don't have to bash BK or have their head up his ass like a few here..Let his record speak for itself at the end of this season..

  11. I don't doubt you were told this, but trading for Tinsley makes absolutely no sense for the Hawks..

    Atlanta just invested 6 million a year in a point guard, I truely can't see them investing another 7 million a year for 5 years in a position that BK has little value for.

    If we were going to take on any longterm contract, it wouldn't be for an often injured point guard with a questionable attitude..Troy Murphy would make more sense for the Hawks than Tinsley..

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