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Posts posted by hawkman

  1. No disrespect intended, but I did watch the actual game. Heck, I've watched every single Hawks game I possibly could since the early 90's. And Smith actually had 16pts, 13rebs, and 4blks in 51mins. That's not half bad for a mid/late 1st round pick. Remember Roshown Mcleowd(sp?)? I think that towards the end of that game, Smoove got caught up in the fact that the Hawks had a run going and took some ill advised threes in an attempt to "get it all back" in one play. If he hits 1 or 2 of those open threes he's the hero of the game and this discussion never takes place. Now I don't disagree with the fact that he needs to work on his shot selection and focus, it's just that I think that there are too many positives in his game to just focus on his shortcomings and single him out. The expectations placed upon him in the beginning were unrealisically high anyway, especially looking at this team's track record when it comes to player development.

  2. But the thing is that 90% of the league is probably the same way. That's why there will always be room for guys like Brian Cardinal or Bruce Bowen in this league. I know there are times that J Smith doesn't seem interested, but maybe it's time that we stop looking at what the players on this team can't do and look at the positive things they bring to the table. The last time I checked, 15 and 7 is pretty good for a guy that could have easily been a bust in this league. I respect everyone's opinion on this subject but I have noticed that every season, one guy gets picked out as the reason this team is losing. It gets to the point that the player in question can do no right. Last season, Al could get 25 and 10 in a losing effort but the only thing that would get mentioned were more "Al plays no defense" or "Al=addition by subtraction" posts. I figured it would have taken more than a 3 game losing streak during a .500 season for it happen this season. confused.gif

  3. Quote:

    leave the team alone. i will say it again JOSH SMITH IS ONLY 21. you know why people keep saying that? BECAUSE IT'S A VALID POINT. like a previous poster said, he was extremely raw coming out of HIGH SCHOOL so he needs to develop over time.

    i'm just happy he has the work ethic to succeed. leave the guy alone.

    and leave the coach alone, this is getting ridiculous.

    Something tells me that if we had won the last few games with Smoove playing the exact same way, this discussion would not be taking place. I put this kind of thread in the same category as all of the Terry, Reef, Toine, Salim, and Harrington "he's the reason why we're losing" threads. Heck, Salim wasn't even playing when half the board was ready to trade him for a 2nd round pick. JS is having his best season so far except for his FG percentage. He's not the reason this team is losing. In fact, I honestly don't believe this team "works" without him. I don't like the three pointers either but that's just one part of his game. In the game I saw last night I saw a guy who was diving on the floor for loose balls, launching the break, coming up with crucial defensive plays, and who was trying to drive against the stingy Heat interior defense. I see a much improved player from last year who is actually trying to contribute to a winning effort. With today's "me first" athletes, that not something this team can afford to take for granted.

  4. Quote:



    Is J.J the truth or what?

    Yes he is and I am glad he plays for us.

    Our defense has been tremendous.

    when the site was hacked i went over to RealGM. i've been paying the Phx board back for all the JJ-Diaw crap we endured last year.

    they are well aware that JJ is an MVP candidate this year.

    He looks totally in control of his game right now. It's good to see him develop into THE first option on offense for the Hawks.

  5. Quote:

    LeBron can't believe that his team could lose to the Hawks. he wouldn't think that about opponents he respects.

    Put that on the bulleting board.

    I don't think that lack of respect at this point in the season is that big of a deal. I love the Hawks but in all hoensty, they have been terrible from management on down for over 6yrs which leads to lowered expectations. It's going to take a while, and more wins like the one they had over the Cavs, for the Hawks to get respect around the league. Four games is too early to tell, but I sincerely hope that we make the playoffs this year. Better yet, wouldn't it be surreal if we managed to hold on to the Eastern Conference lead? That's probably wishful thinking but I believe that this team can, at the very least, make the playoffs as a 7 or 8 seed. laugh.gif

  6. True, the team is kinda boring, especially in light of the fact that they were dubbed the "Highlight Factory" before the game. But the fact that they looked just as bad as they did last season is what's really dissapointing to me. I know it's just the first game, but I've seen this all before. The lack of chemistry, bad defense, and clueless offensive possessions were the same problems this team had last season. To see ABSOLUTELY no improvement in any of these areas is very telling of the kind of coaching staff the Hawks have right now. There seems to be no player development going on, and that's inexcusable for a team that depends excusively on its young players. Where's Childress' jumpshot? Smoove's ballhandling? These things have been issues for these players since they were drafted and yet we see little to no improvement. What gives? All of the youg guys on this team seem talented and athletic enough to do quite well in this league, but I get a feeling that they will never reach their potential....at least not as Hawks. There are still some other proven coaching options out there: Adelman, Van Gundy, and heck even Paul Silas that I feel can come in and improve the team right away. I love this team and have been a fan for quite some time, but I can no longer look at this team, including the coaching as well as management decisions, with the rose colored glasses that others seem to have. confused.gif

  7. But seriously, I can't help but think that the Hawk's performance tonight was due to bad coaching. They just seemed completely unprepared to play NBA basketball tonight. There seemed to be no cohesion between the players at all. I still think that they will be improved from last year, but until they make a coaching change I sincerely don't believe that they will be a playoff team. BTW, did anyone else find it ironic that the Hawks have been labled the "Highlight Factory"? shocked.gif

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