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Posts posted by Jackets333

  1. Hawks are the dumbest team in the league. They dominate the inside in the first half, so what do they do in the 2nd half? Act like they are in the 3 point shootout in All-Star Weekend. If I was the coach, I would tell the next person who shot a 3 pointer to sit his butt on the bench. I wouldn't be able to coach Smoove. I honestly don't think anyone can. He is the most stubborn player ever.

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  2. Why are the Hawks playing so bad at Philips? Are they sending a message to the fans?

    Josh Smith did a post game interview after a game at home, I can't remember which one. But he sent a clear message to the fans to come out to Philips.

    I don't like how the Hawks are playing at home. Last year the Hawks rarely played a close game. Now they are losing by double digits to the Bucks? Struggled to beat Washington and Detroit. Didn't play well except for a 5 minute stretch against the Suns.

  3. I was about to post something about this Suns team and Dragic.

    It's amazing how a guy can come out of nowhere and be an impact player. I wish our head coach knew a little about basketball. He should watch this Phoenix Suns team play to see how a team wins on the road and how you can get production out of players if you just teach them the game.

    Name 2 guys on the Suns besides Nash and Stoudemire who are better players than what the Hawks have. You can't do it. They are getting production from guys just on the way they play the game.

    I love watching the Suns.

  4. The defense wasn't a big problem. Dwight played the first 21 minutes of the game. He dominated like he does.

    The offense is a joke and Joe was awful with about 5 turnovers in the first half. Just piss poor offense.

  5. Credit to Woody and the Hawks for adjusting and playing great team defense.

    I also wanna add that Kurt Thomas is the biggest piece of scum on earth. All this scrub does is stand in the lane and commit illegal screens all game. I wanna see him go down in game 7 when we are blowing their sorry butts outta Philips.

  6. I'm thinking the opposite, Joe gets up to play big time when the game is on the line. I'm looking for him go get maybe 40 points on Frida.

    Joe may have a big game. What I meant was, Joe won't MOTIVATE this team. Someone has to light a fire under these guys asses. Smoove is probably bitchin in the locker room right now. Guarantee he and Woody are pissed at each other. Someone has to be the calming, motivating presence in the locker room. Who will it be?

  7. Another pitiful 4th quarter performance because the coach decides to do away with everything that has worked the entire game. Slows the game down to a crawl and decides to give the ball to Marvin who is incapable of doing anything. Jamal scores 22 in the first half but the offense goes thru Marvin? Piss poor coaching.

  8. Bush League officiating for sure. To call a T with 30 seconds left in a tie game is absurd. But this game was decided by rebounding and more 4th quarter BS offense. No reason to keep letting Smoove take shots like that. He had been throwing up crap all game and whining to the refs.

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