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Posts posted by Jackets333

  1. Pretty sure you can't blame Jamal. The idiot refs decide to take the game over and call a T with 30 seconds left in a tie game. That is BUSH LEAGUE officiating.

    The reason we lost is not because of the refs, but because we decide to let Smoove take like 8 consecutive shots in the 4th quarter even though he couldn't throw it in the ocean. That and we couldn't out rebound a team full of 6'2 guards.

  2. People blow off the losses to Orlando because they don't want to face reality. This team can't beat Orlando. They can't beat any good teams on the road. They fold in the 4th quarter.

    Like you said, Hotlanta, they will win 50 games but the playoffs will be the same story. I guess some Hawks fans are just happy to make the playoffs.

  3. We fold in the 4th quarter. It's all coaching.


    This garbage makes no sense.

  4. All of you saying this is just pre season and it doesn't mean anything are in denial. This is the same stuff that happened last year in the playoffs on the road. No good team loses by 40, pre season or pickup game. That is downright embarrassing and you have no pride if you don't take a beating like that personal.

    You can't compare this to an NFL game where the starters play 2 plays and are taken out. The regulars played the majority of that first half and the 3rd quarter. This is the same old story with the same old ending.

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  5. You're misunderstanding the point he is trying to make by knee jerkingly attacking the examples he used. The point he's making is that no team would closely guard yet alone double team post player's of even Shaq's or Duncan's calibre on the perimeter. They simply are not a credible threat from the 3 point line and any defense would sag off them because they know they are not going to hurt them from there.

    First of all, those players don't play on the perimeter. Second, Tim Duncan CAN hit a jump shot. What am I not understanding. This makes no sense.

    Smoove can't play in the post and he can't shoot. He can't create anything because he can't dribble. What am I missing? He's just not a great player.

  6. If Woody had Shaq or Duncan running in Smith's role on offense they would be left open, too. That wouldn't mean they aren't great. Josh is being misused in this offense.

    The first part of this makes no sense at all and you can't compare those two players to Josh Smith, that is just ridiculous. Those are the guys DEMANDING double teams. No one EVER leaves those guys open.

  7. “I don’t know what we’ve got left,” Johnson said as he walked to his car after practice. “Hopefully, we’ll play with a little fire and not let them close it out on our home court. But I don’t know.”

    Pretty unfortunate that's the mindset of this team. I wouldn't show up if I had a ticket because the team isn't gonna try tonight.

  8. Someone has to take someone out. Mo Williams, you are getting taken out. Delonte "Illiterate" West, you are getting taken out. LeBron, bring your b*tch *ss in the lane and see what happens.

    Someone has to send a message in this game. The NBA is a corrupt league and its time someone stood up to this bull s***.

  9. I see what you are saying about LeBron, however, we all knew it was gonna be like this. LeBron, Wade, Kobe all can do what they want on the court. Set illegal screens, barrell through 3 defenders, fall down acting like they were shot.

    The reality is, LeBron only shot 9 free throws tonight. Most of those in the first half. Yes, I know a couple of those were borderline fouls but in the end his calls or non calls didn't make a difference in this game. Mo Williams made great shots, LeBron himself made difficult shots. In the end, it comes down to who can score and the Hawks once again proved they can't score on the road.

    It starts with the coaching staff and makes its way through every player.

  10. 10 SHOTS by our best player?????????????? ARE YOU KIDDING ME??????


    Bibby and Joe should have been shooting 60-70% of the shots tonight. Instead we are isolating an injured Marvin and offensively challenged AL. This is sickening to watch. Our coach has no clue how to manage a game.

  11. I'm sorry but Mo Evans has no more ability to keep Wade in front of him than Flip. Wade can get by anyone he wants whenever he wants. You guys are too worried about who is guarding Wade and not about who is gonna put the ball in the basket.

  12. When it comes to ankle injuries and trying to escape the first round one name comes to mind Grant Hill....so yea Horf should stay nice and comfy on that bench till he's good and ready

    I wasn't saying Al shoulda played, just saying how worthless Marvin was.

  13. And play him at the 2? Flip can't guard Wade...

    What? And Mo can? We will need OFFENSE early on Sunday. WE CANNOT SCORE 18 POINTS IN THE FIRST QUARTER AND EXPECT TO WIN. What is the problem with Flip playing the 2? Please explain your post.

  14. I know it doesn't really matter who starts normally, or if Flip is more comfortable off the bench, but I think his offense is something we really need Sunday. We will need it early and often. I would let Flip create early and force the Heat to pay attention to him which will help out Joe and Bibby.

    Mo is just not the threat Flip is and its obvious that Marvin will not be ready.

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