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Posts posted by shock

  1. Quote:

    This was the first game that I've seen Rondo play. He is cat quick and plays great defense, however he can't shoot a jumper very well. He is like a young Gary Payton without a shot. Josh Smith was at the game, maybe doing some scouting.

    Nah, Josh was there with his dad to support his buddy, mike mercer. he was also hanging out with tasha humphrey, who played for my high schools biggest rival, and is one of the sweetest girls you'll ever meet.

  2. Let me just say this, and i think most everyone will agree,......Harrington will want a max contract or very close to it after this season. If the dunleavys, foyles, and turkoglus can get over 40 million dollars, you dont think Al will ask for at least a 5 yr 55 million deal?

  3. i pretty much just dont like forced nicknames. And i personally think the whole tmac, jdub, or any other nickname that is a combination of a first and last name. with the exceptions of JJ which i think sounds good, and p-diddy (drobnjak). Nicknames i do like are ones that fit the style or character of a player such as pistol pete maravich, hammerin hank aaron, and of course the immortal jimmy superfly snuka.

  4. Quote:

    FYI he's never missed a free throw at Philips. Pretty impressive. Also, Slim is indeed his nickname on the team

    I still wish they would blast off gunshot sounds (6 shooter) every time he comes in the game

    You've got to be kidding me. Ive never heard smith, rathbun, or neal call him "slim", and ive never heard a player refer to him as "slim". Im sure the guys on the team and the guys here at hawksquawk could be a little more creative than just removing a vowel to make another word for the sake of a nickname.

  5. Quote:



    Dunleavy Jr./Chillz/Marvin



    It's just what you guys have been asking for... AL gone.


    I think if someone said they wanted AL to be traded, then one of the leading reasons would be so that Marv would get more PT.

    But your scenario makes him a third string sf.

    If you had included another trade that had us dealing dunleavy or chillz, then i would have no argument.

  6. Blaming the loss on the refs?

    I think Ive got some better reasons why we lost.

    1) Melvin Ely and Primozjbfe Brezcdfghkj owned smoove, al, and zaza in the paint.

    2)JJ wasnt taking shots in the 4th.

    3) The team collectively did not play any sort of defense. Especially on brevin knight.

    4)We just flat out didnt show up to play last night.

  7. For every good gift, there's a lump of KwameBy John Hollinger

    ESPN Insider


    Christmas may celebrate the season of giving, but the days immediately following are most definitely the season of returning. Millions of us will spend this week contemplating the bizarre gift choices of others, and how to turn those unusual items into something a bit more useful. We just hope Aunt Polly included a gift receipt along with those polyester lederhosen she sent us.

    At this time of year, NBA general managers go through a similar process. They've seen their offseason acquisitions perform for nearly two months now, and in many cases they're pretty disappointed with the results. Unfortunately, the league's other 29 teams have a very strict "no returns" policy.

    So while you can at least get store credit for the Air Supply boxed set some well-meaning nitwit left under the tree for you, the Lakers will have no such luck with Kwame Brown. Instead, their only recourse is to resell such defective merchandise, often at a steep discount from what they paid in the first place.

    But what if NBA teams could return items? Here's a few of this summer's acquisitions that would be back in the store in a heartbeat:

    Kwame Brown

    Brown's resume from the past few weeks includes heartwarming items like, "had five-point no-show in triumphant return to D.C.," "blew Christmas day layup that short-circuited upset bid," "given decidedly unmasculine nickname by coaching staff," and "lost starting job to Brian Cook."

    Averaging 5.8 points on 43.0 percent shooting isn't what L.A. had in mind when it made that sign-and-trade for him in the offseason, especially since Caron Butler is pumping in 15 a night in the nation's capital. For the moment, the Lakers are bending over backward to be patient with him (well, except for that whole "meow" thing), and Brown still has a year and a half left on his deal to prove he can be a quality power forward in L.A. After that, we don't know what his future holds, but based on his mind-numblingly bad 7.86 PER, I'm guessing words like "10-day" and "Yakima" will be a big part of it.

    Marvin Williams

    That whimpering sound you keep hearing is coming from Hawks general manager Billy Knight every time he sees a wire story that begins, "Chris Paul scored 22 points and handed out 11 assists as the upstart New Orleans Hornets pulled off another upset … " Knight had a chance to take Paul with the second overall pick, and his team could really use the help at the point, but instead Knight succumbed to the potential offered by Williams.

    Thus far, very little of that "potential" has been converted into "actual." While we shouldn't overreact to a 19-year-old's first two months of pro action, Williams' modest rebounding numbers and inability to create his own shot have sent up red flags. Knight still stands behind his pick publicly, but if he could do it again you can rest assured he'd take Paul.

    Tyson Chandler and Samuel Dalembert

    Do you realize these two will make over $120 million in the next six years? That's about $10 million per point. OK, I'm slightly exaggerating, but it's safe to say neither player has done much to justify the investment so far. Dalembert continues to frustrate Philly fans with his pattern of blocking three shots per game while goaltending seven, though he's at least stepped it up on the glass this year. Chandler, meanwhile, has been plagued by fatigue through most of the early season and has failed to provide the defensive boost that was so instrumental in last season's success. Both are young and talented enough that they could eventually justify the investment, but each has been enough of a tease to make his team second-guess the decision.

    Mike Dunleavy

    At the time, the Warriors' preseason decision to give Dunleavy a six-year, $45 million extension seemed questionable. It now seems positively idiotic. Dunleavy is like that Christmas toy that you can't quite figure out what you're supposed to do with. He's an alleged outside shooter who is hitting 25 percent from 3-point range. He's a 6-foot-9 forward who is being outrebounded by both of his team's guards. He can't defend or create shots, and his slump shows no sign of abating -- until Monday he was working on a streak of six straight games with 11 points or less.

    Jeff McInnis

    If you sign a player renowned for whining about minutes and not playing any defense, should you really be surprised if he whines about minutes and doesn't play any defense? New Jersey's had several offseason doozies (I hear post-Christmas bargain hunters can get great deals on Antoine Wright jerseys) but none bigger than this one, which cost the Nets nearly half their midlevel exception.

    The Knicks

    No, I don't mean certain Knicks. I mean the Knicks -- coaches, front office, trainers, peanut vendors, you name it. Everybody except Channing Frye.

    Has there ever been a team in any sport that spent more to accomplish less? The 'Bockers are paying $119 million in payroll -- easily the most of any club and more than double the salary cap -- yet there's a very real possibility they could end up with the worst record in the league. That money figure, mind you, would be substantially higher if Allan Houston and Jerome Williams hadn't come off the books this summer.

    Wait, there's more. New York is paying $9 million a year to its coach, more than all but one team pays, as well as paying its league-high six assistants. Finally, the Knicks are handing out paychecks to Isiah Thomas and Scott Layden (yes, still). And for all that dough, they're 7-19, half a game behind the mighty Atlanta Hawks. Oh, and they already traded their next two first-round picks. Besides the draft, find one personnel move this team made in the past five years that worked. I dare you.

    Rafer Alston

    Think the Rockets wouldn't mind undoing this trade? Of all the many maladies to hit Houston this year -- T-Mac's back, Yao's toe, Jon Barry's calf, Stromile Swift's brain -- perhaps the most damaging was the self-inflicted wound created by the trade of Mike James for Alston. It didn't help any when Alston joined his Houston brethren in the trainer's room with a stress fracture, but even prior to that injury this trade was a dud. Alston looked miscast as a catch-and-shoot guy in Houston's structured offense, while James' scoring has been one of the few bright spots north of the border. The slumping, punchless Rockets wouldn't be nearly so moribund had they kept an energizer such as James in tow.

    John Hollinger writes for ESPN Insider. His book "Pro Basketball Forecast: 2005-06" is available at both Amazon.com and Potomac Books.


    Hawks Head Coach Mike Woodson:

    “They got the job done, and that’s the nice thing about our team now. They’re playing, they get down, and they don’t think they’re down. They’re playing to win, and that’s what it’s all about. We did struggle early. We let Carmelo have his way throughout the game. There were times that we blew our defensive assignment by doubling and getting the ball out of his hands. And early, he was beating our double teams, escaping baseline and getting to the free throw line. He’s a tough kid to guard. For the most part, our defense hung in there when we needed to have it. Especially down the stretch we made plays. And offensively, we made plays when it counted.”

    “We were down five, we had to force the overtime. I thought Joe hit a great shot to tie it up, and then Chills (Josh Childress) makes a heck of a steal with four or five seconds on the clock With them having a chance to win the ballgame, that was huge. Then in overtime, we get down early, and we just never changed our attitude in how we played.”

    “Josh Smith was huge tonight. He made some spectacular plays, which is really nice to see, a young kid come through. But everyone who played tonight played great for us.”

    Josh Smith: (On his stat line today): “I try to pattern my game after Kirilenko. I watch him and try to pattern myself after him. You look up and he has 14, 10 and maybe five blocks and five assists.”

    “We were kind of flat to start the fourth quarter, and when I came back in I just tried to add a spark. We weren’t worried, everyone was pretty calm. We shared the ball around, made good passes to each other and it got us back in the game.”

    “Beating San Antonio gave us a good boost, and we realized what we could do as players, and I think that was kind of a wake-up call for our team. From there one, we’ve been real confident in each other, and we’re having fun out there. We’re smiling, and everything out there is fun for us.”

    Tyronn Lue: “Down the stretch, everybody on our team made big plays. Childress with the steal to send it into overtime. Josh Smith made a lot of big plays, some dunks, key blocks, offensive rebounds. Zaza made four free throws, and had two (clutch) offensive rebounds. Al got a steal and dunked it back. Joe sent it into overtime with a big shot, and everyone just made plays down the stretch when we needed to.”

    (On the overtime three-pointer): “I knew when I was coming off the pick-and-roll, the big guy was staying with me the whole time to make sure I gave it up. So I tried to turn the corner hard, so I could step back and get separation over Elson. And I was able to get a tough shot.”


    Head Coach George Karl: “I feel awful that we lost because we played a good game but that’s the nature of the NBA. When you’re on the road and you don’t have a big talent pool it can be a long game. Even with our best players in the game we haven’t finished off games well and today was prime example of that. We just gave up way too many points towards the end the game.”

    (On the collapse in OT) “Rebounding is was big problem for us tonight. They (Hawks) beat us to the ball all night long, and in overtime it helped them close out the game.”

    Carmelo Anthony: “It was a tough game tonight because we only had seven guys tonight. We were very tired tonight, coming off tough games in Cleveland and New Jersey. The whole road trip caught up with us today. We came out and played aggressive today but the overtime was just too much for us.”

    DerMarr Johnson: “They (Hawks) are very comfortable at home and they have been on the road lately. It was tough to come out and play an early game on the last day of a ten-day road trip but I thought we competed well. We’re playing good basketball.”

  9. just to clarify....

    If it says Hawks +2.5, that means that they are giving the knicks 2.5 points. So you can take the knicks to win by 2.5 or take the hawks to win by any number or lose by no more than 2.5.

    if i make the spread Hawks -2.5, then you are betting they will win by that amount.

  10. So im sitting here in my office and had an epiphany. What if i were to set a spread for every Hawks game throughout the rest of the year? I will tally up the scores once a week so you guys can keep up with your rankings. I will always have a half of a point in each spread so that there are no pushes. Any picks posted after tipoff will not count.

    Tonights spread: Hawks +2.5

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