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Everything posted by BlackHawkDown

  1. Quote: since he likes to bring racial issues into e/thing, it might stand for honkey SMDH #1 does not make any reference to the suck of d$ck #2 The H does not mean Honky, PS Does anybody even say that anymore #3 SMDH means Shake My Damn Head
  2. Bogut to me has to have known Utah was a worthless school in the least diverse state in the Union, in a pitiful conference, in the middle of nowhere. Why would he knowingly leave Auastralia and come here to play against mediocre competion if he is sooooo good. I think he knew exactly what he was doing, He came to a sorry yet recognizable conference to beat up on a bunch of second tier players. Bogut might be the next Kareem Abdul Jabbar, but he has to prove it, because he hasnt done anything John Salley couldnt do now. I bet Nazr Muhammed could easily put up those numbers against that conference, in fact he could be a 20/20 guy in that conference now. So how is Bogut bet than Nazr.
  3. OMG you check your spelling and grammer when your here? That is sad. LOL! Where did you go to College West Georgia. LMBAO!
  4. Quote: It's not his fault he's playing against weak competition. Who's fault is it that he signed up to play for a scrub school in the middle of No Where? .......... No THe Man Did it to Him? Bogut takes pictures with his fans here on Hawksquawk............. SMDH
  5. Quote: In the game I saw him play against BYU, he took the ball straight down the middle of the lane, and thundered in a dunk over the BYU C and PF. LMBAO! You answer your own question. He puts up Big numbers against the sorriest teams in the NCAA and for that he gets you all to ride his nut sack. Remember Dennis Rodman never put up double figures in scoring but in college against scrubs he was scoring 25 - 30 every night. LOL! When Bogut does his BS against Duke, GT, Florida or WakeForrest then I will stop calling him a pansy. Oh and I saw him play he isnt very atheletic. He reminds me of Vlade, flopping all over the place. With a little bit of Jon Konkak overatedness in the mix.
  6. We will have no worse than the #4 pick. We can go after Bogut the pansy , Chris Paul , move down and Take Jarrett Jack or another Highschooler . What do you all think we should do? Go to School, get a job, get your [censored] together, and become a productive member of society, or Cosby is comin' to get your Black ass!!!!!
  7. On 90% of what you said. But Chillz is 19 just outta High School, he will be soooo much better 2 years from now. Dont forget Lebron was the 1st and only brotha to come outta High School and bust up the pros. Quote: Al Harrington is a keeper.. At this point, Chills is much better than Smoove. Smoove has NO offensive game at all. Chills will be a solid player in this league. Ekeezie can be our backup center. Lue can be our backup pg. DRobs is the softest center in the league. Collier sucks. Ivy has NO offensive game at all. Donta can play D. Diaw is a 3 position backup, a no position starter. Willis is too old to play in the NBA.
  8. They will get Chris Paul in the draft this year, And we can pick up a Center, maybe even sign Dwight Howard in 3 years.
  9. Damn Ya'll got senitive around here. I am not the least bit upset. I actually thought your post was funny besides I take pride in being Hawksquawks #1 suspected racist. You should have been around for the old fights, before chillz got all PC, and started deleting everything that resembled a fight.
  10. What the hell does him being black have to do with anything. I hate Pete Babcock because he is an idiot, not because he is white. Dont deny it. BK is a winner, he built Memphis then they brought in Jerry West to take all the credit.
  11. Most of you know next to nothing about Basketball. But BK does and I can here you flip floping clowns writing post praising his genius in a few years.
  12. In a related move, the Hawks have waived guard Kenny Anderson and forward Chris Crawford to complete the deal. Additionally, Tony Delk (left hand contusion) and Donta Smith (left knee tendinitis) are being placed on the injured list. Cris Crawford IS FINALLLY GONE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Bogut is crap Knight will Never do it! Paul will be in our back court.
  14. In a related move, the Hawks have waived guard Kenny Anderson and forward Chris Crawford to complete the deal. Additionally, Tony Delk (left hand contusion) and Donta Smith (left knee tendinitis) are being placed on the injured list. Cris Crawford IS FINALLLY GONE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. I never compared MLK to Artest. So get that [censored] straight. King Died so Artesat wouldnt have to put up with the shhhh ya'll would put him thru. PS. Look over the every movie from 1900 to 1960 whites making fun of blacks. Dont forget "Birth of the Nation" first fil with sound. about the GREAT rise of the Klan to preserve the virtues of white womanhood. Viewed in the White House By Woodrow Wilson who called it a great film. I dont recall Chris Rock wearing white face. Oh lord the list goes on endlessly. White men love to cry and complain about how oppressed they are. Yeah the history of the this country and all the statistics show how oppressed white men are.
  16. Quote: he actually thinks a rap album is more important than his team trying to ensure home court advantage throughout the playoffs. It is more important! LMBAO!!! PS. It was a R&B album. You should pick it up. It is pretty good.
  17. Quote: I'll try to be more PC for you in the future, since you're so sensitive. LOL! Thanks I appreciate that. I will show more love to sissyballer and white players with no talent and big contracts.
  18. LOL! I have never called DD a sissyballer, just overrated.
  19. Quote: BHG (biggothawkdown) knows what happened. He knows that it had nothing to do with black or white, either the incident or the punishment. He just likes to throw that stuff out there for shock value and to cover his tracks when he has nothing meaningful to say, which is often. That is crap and you know it! I dont say the lame crap you want to hear. Gloss over issues and what have you. Its amazing how quick everyone is to call a black millionaire a thug, yet want to claim Bogut or Dan Dickau ( Lil d*ck) is some kind of saint.
  20. Quote: inner city slums I never said shhh about the innner City. Notice how you throw in a metaphor. LMBAO!!
  21. Quote: I never said I was an expert on his life. I only know what he presents to the world and that is the image of a wannabe thug who thinks people owe him something for being a basketball player. You seem to think that alone excuses him from accountability for the decisions he made. Yes, he made them, they weren't forced on him by white america...much to your disdain I'm sure. Instead of answering you cop out I NEVER said I approve of Artest actions in the Basketbrawl. My problem is with the type of attention it recieved. White Hockey players have done the exact same thing with less provacation. You know it so you play the cry baby card. That is sad instead of talking about it intelligently you claim I am crying. Sad thing is they did the same thing to MLK when he was marching. It is a lame arguement. SMDH! Artest was wrong to react to a wrong tthe way he did but was it half as bad as what you say. Hell No!!! Everybody makes mistakes, I am sure you make 8 or 9 a day. Its amazing how you try to get personal and insult people yet are ready to throw a fit whe others do it.
  22. Artest comes from the slums, got an education and reached the height of of his profession. Can you say the same. Your talking about someone you dont know whatsoever as though your some type of expert on his life. LMBAO! I am sure if his mother dies tommorow, your going to post something commemorating her. No! Your going to post something horrible like you did about Rick James. Artest is no saint but neither are you. The difference is that he is famous and therefore every mistake he makes is in the public eye. Versus when you or any of your fellow Hawksqauwkers do anything short or going on a killing spree it wont make the back page of the AJC. One point although I think that the players should have let shhhhh go with that basketbrawl nonsense. And I agree Artest should have been more mature about it. It is amazing to me the hypocracy of white America. There have been several occasions when white hockey players fought fans. Yet when black players do it, it is the end of western civilization. SMDH!
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