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Everything posted by thesource966

  1. September 7 NBA players scheduled to participate include:* LeBron James, Cleveland Cavaliers Kobe Bryant, Los Angeles Lakers Kevin Garnett, Minnesota Timberwolves Jermaine O’Neal, Indiana Pacers Stephon Marbury, New York Knicks Dwyane Wade, Miami Heat Amare Stoudemire, Phoenix Suns Paul Pierce, Boston Celtics Alonzo Mourning, Miami Heat Antonio McDyess, Detroit Pistons Steve Francis, Orlando Magic Sam Cassell, Los Angeles Clippers Ron Artest, Indiana Pacers Chauncey Billups, Detroit Pistons J.R. Smith, New Orleans Hornets Dahntay Jones, Memphis Grizzlies Mike James, Houston Rockets Lindsey Hunter, Detroit Pistons Derek Anderson, Houston Rockets Carlos Boozer, Utah Jazz *Participants subject to change.
  2. I dont think the numbers would work even with fillers, besides Curry is not going to sign a four year contract for 28 Mil. NO way the Lakers are giving up Bynum.
  3. What about the '85 Bears? The think the Pat's are one of the greatest teams ever if not the greatest team ever. Especially because of FAcy and parity. They are the definition of "team" and they always seem to pull it out wether it's pretty or not. Much credit must be given to Coach Bill Belichick, one of the greatest, for never being satisfied. I expect they will lose a few games this season but make it to the playoffs, and that is when they are at thier best. They don't know what losing is.
  4. With a starting five of Alston, Peterson, Rose, Bosh and Villanueva the Raptors would have a decent bench of Eric Williams, Joey Graham, Matt Bonner, Sow and Woods. Not that it really matters because the starters will play 35-40 min. a game. Raptors fans may be shocked to learn that GM Rob Babcock does not see his team improving this season. He told a Toronto newspaper he does not expect his club to improve on last season's 33-49 record, given the influx of young players on the roster.
  5. One of the best rebounders in the game? LOL Maybe a decent one
  6. He will sign here next week, maybe. There are too many conflicting reports.
  7. I don't think I have ever heard of a exciting team that doesn't win. Part of being exciting is being in the game and winning.
  8. Quote: All I'm saying is...if the guy was that good of a player then more teams would be after his....and to say that nobody does or ever has scouted Uraguay is crazy! So basically you're saying that us and the Warriors are the first two teams to scout over there??? Excuse me if I have doubts that a young inexperienced player from Uraguay can come in and help us much. I just don't believe. I think he's a developmental guy and I personally don't think we need anymore developmental guys. We have enough. We NEED some established bigs that have show the can produce at the NBA level. Not another guy we "hope" can become something semi-special. That's all I'm saying guys! I second that
  9. um... I prefer to watch the games than look at stats. I think Mello would benifit being Pierce's side kick, taking pressure off of him, al la JJ and the suns. As a Hawks fan I would think you would be the first to realize that traditional positions are not what they used to be I think they would be fine on defense, while they are not on the all defensive team, both can do the job, plus they will have teamates on the floor and a zone defense, they will make it work the nuggets could be very dangerous, depth may be the only problem
  10. Julius Keye was a 3rd round pick, that is the point, not a first round talent coming into the league. Julius Keye 1970-71 17.5 RPG Owned
  11. Quote: You go to club teams for the land down under. Did I mention I averaged 15.6 RPG for my church team? What nonsense. W You had a wet dream that you averaged 5 rebounds on your church team. And I quote the laughable "W": "Name one player post-HS averaging 15.6 RPG (or more) during a tournament or season. Any European league, FIBA non-junior league, NBDL, CBA, Olympic or world championship qualifying. Anything. Just one. One single solitary player. Unlimited time frame. Go back 20 years, 30, 40..." So this is not good enough? ABA(Australian) doesnt count? Isn't that what you wanted? A post HS league no matter from where and when (anything)? I know 15.3 is so far from 15.6 it's unreal, and he did so in the talent vacuous NBDL. That is exactly right. It was NBDL talent that your boy Batista was playing against that you are hyping up. How about you fess up and admit your wrong, again. You have made your bed now go to sleep!
  12. I think this would be a great trade for Denver. I happen to think Pierce is one of the best in the league and would make Denver very dangerous.
  13. Leon Smith, clearly not first round material.
  14. 78%-22% Josh is getting crushed, not sure why, that pic is pretty good
  15. the yellow is a good change, like the sunny days this team has ahead...
  16. Excuse me, did you say something? Oh yeah, you got Batista's nuts on your chin.
  17. This should be a good game. The Eagles defense will contain Vick better than the Falcons defense contains the Eagles offense. Eagles 31-17
  18. Marbury, J-Craw, QRich is about all they have, and that is not much. Taylor maybe, Butler who? Ariza?, Penny is old and unproductive, Frye is not going to be a impact. The rest of the guys are a crap shoot. James will prob. start at center. Oh wait they have Lee and Rose. You give them too much credit
  19. Quote: I don't care if hardly anyone is around to contest you What do you need some back up. You need a tag team partner to tag in, you need to feed off of someone else? Spineless? However, You are correct, a consensus is not always correct, and that is a lot of rebounds. I'm glad BK is not blinded by this super human rebounding stat and is still thinking clearly, and only offered this guy market value. To be a legit player in this league you dont have to be drafted in the first round, therefore not first round material. I should have said I "hope" he will be a legit player because I am cautiously optimistic. Again, not being first round material dosen't mean he cant be good!
  20. thesource966

    a catch?

    I doubt it will be at "random"
  21. good pick up with TE L.J. Smith, he will score some TD's
  22. The sun shines on a dogs ass every once in awhile. Heck, even Chris Crawford can post good numbers during one post season on a poor team, and be rewarded with a big contract. To say no other teams know about this guy just doesn't make any sense. I think its pretty safe to say just about every NBA team had a scout(s) down at that tournament. We are 1 of 2 teams that offered him a tiny contract. There seems to be a consensus among NBA teams and scouts that this guy is not first round material. I'm not taking anything away from "BAT-man" because he has posted good numbers in a single (9 game) tournament. I think he could turn into a legit pf. But lets not claim this guy is first round material until you see him play against some real competition.
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