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Everything posted by TAdams_1

  1. Exactly what part of 19 points , 7 rebounds a game is bad for the hawks?
  2. It's not that he doesn't have potential, he's not a good guy, or that grass is green. We have too many projects and not enough veterans. Al is finally getting to an age where he is finding his way in the league. We need leadership not pacifiers.
  3. Yeah and he should have stayed there. He is way out of his league.
  4. Start Marvin? You really want to go back to 13 wins per year. He hasn't done jack. He is too passive. I can't believe we used number 2 on him. Now that I have had my lunch I decided you might as well cut chill. Now, we have cleared up the 3 spot and you can move Al into it.
  5. Al should not be traded due to the improvement in offense he is showing while playing with JJ. If the hawks can somehow convince Al into staying we have something finally to build on with two 20 pt scorers. I believe they need to move him to the 3, switch JSmith to the four, start Marv or find a legitament "banger" to compliment ZaZa. It would be nice if they could build JSmith to be stronger. I don't think you would have to worry about him loosing his outside shot. It is not very good at this point anyway. I am not a huge believer in J Chill but I am trying to remain patient and hope he develops. His shot release makes me uncomfortable every time I see it. He is good off the bench.
  6. I have no problem with letting Mike go, but who are we going to hire Bob Weiss. Didn't he already coach the Hawks badly? Ha Ha
  7. Of course picking Marvin over Paul was messed up. Paul carried Wake Forest and was also their energizer. I watched GA Tech play NC and don't evan remember Marvin showing up. These GM's are sooooo in love with potential, they can't see a person's ability to carry his team or desire to win.
  8. I like Al but I have a hard time trying to decide exactly who he is. Is he a truly tough PF that can control the boards or is he quick enough to be a good SF. Has the team ever put him at the 3 and Smooth at the 4? It might be time to quit trying to get the best possible players and find some veterans who know how to be above average at their position. I am not quite on the BK bandwagon on demanding more youth and more draft picks. I think the time is coming to get some leadership on this team if we want to start winning soon. This is why I am not big on bringing two more projects in like Nene and Watson. I would rather just keep Al.
  9. We need a proven point guard, not another person to develop and a egomaniac hasbeen.
  10. Yeah, They deserve each other!
  11. How about fishing out a true point guard instead of getting our usual 6-8 swingman. Maybe the can trade for Duhon or some other backup with some upswing. Remember how much Mookie helped the Hawks and he was a backup.
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