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  1. Its sad we cheer for them when they win us games but lose interest when they dont remember our disappointing 1st round pick back in 89 Roy Marble, well here is where he is today http://www.officer.com/news/IBS/kcci/news-1955030.html This man cant even pay his child support. Not that it anyone's fault but his own. But its amazing how we complain about players selfishness and bad behavior, yet we forget they are even breathing when they arent playing for our team
  2. Quote: I was looking at a Motivational Seminar by Les Brown today and it made me think of Billy Knight. One statement in particular that stuck out was when he said "If you believe firmly in something stick to it." I think Billy Knight has a vision of how he wants the team to be and no matter what we might think or the media he is going to stick to his plan. Les Brown also talked about having patience with whatever your trying to accomplish. Success doesn't come over night and Billy Knight recognizes that. Times are going to be rough trying to reach your goal(The Hawks current losing ways) but you can't let that faze you. The bottom line is that Billy Knight recognizes that we aren't a very good team, he knows we need to get better but he isn't going to go the easy route(Over pay for medicore players) just to get better quickly. Knight wants to put together the best possible team he can and it might take some time to accomplish. Most us view Billy Knight as being stubborn and having a ego,but the real fact is that Billy Knight is just confident in himself and what he is trying to do. AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. LMBAO! Diesel You are an internet sleuth! I am actually going to post that site all over the net.
  4. Quote: 4 bedroom that he lives in goes for almost 3 grand a month DAMN THats just ignorant that is about the same as my morgage and I have a 6 Bed/6 1/2 Bath house I just dont get it? Quote: and for a single guy why not get something like that? I'm a single guy and a good bit younger than him and I think its silly He can do what I did when I was younger, I just got a high rise condo in Buckhead to make sure I was adding equity.
  5. You know its amazing that so many of you think Mike Woodson has his job through some form of nepotism. I admit he isnt the best coach in the league but you all are slamming him waaaay to much. The hawks veterans are 25 their youngers players are 19, Jordan and Pippen used to suck it up until they gained a little experience and both played 4 years of college ball. The only mistaks BK has made was Josh Childress but even that may turn out to be a godsent we wont know for at least a year. Anyway you cut it he is a better than Babcock
  6. Knight has something you all dont patience and a job. He can over react when the team starts loosing and sell the farm. He is being cautious waiting for the right opportunities, just wait, he will get a star point gaurd. Even back on the Access Atlant board people acted like it was the end of the world that we couldnt Andre Miller,THen we had to have Theo Ratliff, even Donyell Marshall was suposed to be the solution according to posters. Its this simple sit back relax and wait Knight will amass talent and trade it for the right components at the right time.
  7. I dont know why you all believe some shhhh he said to a room full of fat season ticket holders. THis is the internet age, the man is starting rumors that Al isnt for sale do he can get more value for him or unlike the posters around here he has a long term plan for the team which isnt obvious. Think about it, he basically said I dont want anyone who isnt going to be a star otherwise I will make due with the BSS PG I already have. Plus its not the end of the world Joe Johnson playing point will only sharpen him as a floor leader and goto guy. So for the next season or even2 let Joe play pouint until we can get a superstar Point gaurd.
  8. I'm more concerned that this man is #1 So poor that he lives in an apartment, he should own a house , even a small 250K house, #2 I dont think your a wealthy person so I assume its a regular apartment. How far has this guy fallin in life?
  9. Season Ticket Holers arent Investors their clients and every business lies to it customers. i.e. McDonalds is trying to convince us that its healthy to eat there.
  10. Quote: Except for Kobe, T-Mac, Vince, Kidd, Nash, Shaq, Dirk, Jermaine O'Neal, Arenas, Webber, Brand, Ray Allen, Baron Davis, Gasol, and a few others BK is right. What an idiot. He is right What team gives up a superstar without the other team giving up alot. And the only reason stars get traded is because there is a problem. Lets see T-Mac traded ecause he was pissed i Orlando, and Houston had to give up Stevie Franchise in the deal. Vince - Not really a superstar anymore Kidd - Again he hate Phoniex Phoniex hated him. O'Neal - wasnt a star when he was traded and Portland was overloaded with talent at the time. Gasol and Kobe had never even played a game efore they were traded so they dont count, and Gasol is no Star.
  11. Quote: What does Smoove do other than block shots and dunk? His rebounding and defense overall is rather unimpressive. I agree but I think he has the ability to become a top tier rebounder within a year, he is already doing 6 to 9 every game when he is only playing 25 to 28 mins/game. And dont discount those blocks he is a league leader in the area and not even playing that much. I agree his offense needs volumes of work, but look at Jermaine O'Neal he didnt do anything in portland other than what Smoove does now, DUNK.
  12. He first of all NO ONE AND I MEAN NO ONE DESERVES TO BE COMPARED TO LON KRUGER. Lon was the worst coach in the history of bad coaches. ;-) But I agree Olowakandi showed me something before he got his contract, infact when Minnesota signed him I though him and Garnet were the next RObinson/Duncan. Was I ever wrong. But Olowakandi's contract ends this year, we can resign him for next to nothing because nobody else is dumb enough to give him more tha 5 yrs 20 - 25 mill we could give him 3 yrs 13 mill.
  13. Oh by the way concerning the rest of the team SCRUBS to useless to even write about.
  14. Your pessimism is cute, but we have talent that hasnt blossumed yet, the problem is we still need more defined players like a REAL center and a STAR point, we have neither and until we do we wont win.
  15. The Hawks need help in alot of areas so far my predictions hold Zaza Pauchulia - Is a Vlade Divac clone, mediocre rebounding considering he is the only 7'0"er on the team, Average offense, kinda sloppy looking, zero defense, I dont think he is even putting up 1 block/game. And very unatheletic. Josh Smith - The best athelete in the league but definitely not the best Basketball player, he is fast, strong, and can fly better than Jordan or Nique in their prime, but still has no peremiter game, I think however he is the next Jermaine ONeal, it took him 4 seasons to blossom into an interior force and I think the same will happen with Josh. Joe Johnson - WTF? Since when is he a Point Gaurd? He is a good solid 2nd or 3rd option but not a superstar, he wasnt a bad pickup, but he undoubtly was overpaid, he isnt a max player Al Harrington - Solid player doesnt fit in with Marvin and Josh 2 years down the line so he will either be a SNT or resigned only to be traded in 2007 Salim Stodamire - Solid player, No future on the team unless he decides to be a backup or learns to play PG, because he is shorter than JT. Marvin Williams - I thought we should have taken Chris Paul, and was disappoint that we didnt but everybody and their uncle says this kid will be the next Jordan so we will have to wait and see, I am honestly unimpressed but he is only 19 and not everyone develops at the same rate. Josh Childress - He just doesnt look like a professional athelete, he needs to put on 20 to 35 lbs of muscle, get plastic surgey so he doesnt look so goofy, and do something with that goofy @ss afro .... sorry I digress he is solid on Defense, especially at the 2 has decent offense, I can see him being part of the solution but he hasnt shown me any superstar potential The Coach - No need to judge him based on what we have seen so far because ............. Oh F#ck it the teams conditioning is garbage, the always break down in the 4th quarter, which is a clear sign. Josh Smith would be further along if he was doing his Job. In terms of X's and O's he isnt that bad but he is nothing to write home about. We need Maurice Cheeks or John Lucas.
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