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Posts posted by Eddielives

  1. I will say this about Hunter vs. Reddish and Culver.  When I watch all their highlights, Hunter definitely shows more aggression than the other two.  Reddish to me always seemed to be kind of passive and waiting for a play to come to him and Culver just seemed a bit awkward but obviously talented.  Hunter is strong, determined, fluid, and might just turn out to be the right pick.

  2. The more I research this draft, the more I'm starting to agree with Sothron.  It wouldn't even hurt my feelings too bad if we traded every pick for future drafts.  Unless we move to #3 and can get Barrett without giving up future picks, I'm just starting to feel kinda meh about anyone making a big difference for us in the rebuilding process from this group.

  3. 7 minutes ago, bleachkit said:

    I don't think the league or the lottery are fixed, but they may have been in the pre/early internet era, when there wasn't as much scrutiny. I wouldn't put anything past David Stern. I certainly believe Jordan leaving the NBA mid-career was due to a gambling cover up. No way that would fly now.

    See this is a fair statement.  You're not making any wild, definitive conclusions.  There's certainly legitimate suspicions around Jordan and that time and the gambling thing MIGHT very well be an explanation.  And it's certainly much harder to hide things in the modern era.

  4. 8 hours ago, Alex said:

    Not my fault if you choose to be ignorant.  It isn’t far fetched to think rich, greedy, and powerful people want certain things to happen.  Conversely it’s not unwarranted to think these same people can sway things in their favor either.

    So you tie these two statements about the rich and powerful together and you think you have a true conclusion based on a sound and valid argument?  You should really look into logic 101 my friend.  You'll learn what a syllogism is and see that your argument above is neither sound nor valid.  However it is possible your conclusion is true but it would be by pure happenstance....not logical reasoning.

  5. I know this is just for fun and opinion and all but can we please stop with the Bruno Fernando in the lottery nonsense please?  It's like when you're doing a fantasy draft and some guy/gal takes a projected round 5 or later player with their first pick.  Come on, get a little serious.


    So here we go:

    8 - De'Andre Hunter....I think our hopes of moving up flame out due to lack of a decent offer/rejections of our offers and we take the interesting but safe pick

    10 - Goga Bitadze...I just think the Hawks like his offensive upside especially playing with Trae and improving defensive ability and rim protection

    17 - Brandon Clarke...Now I know I've stated I won't think he'll last this long but if he does, I'm in hyperdrive to give this pick to Adam Silver

    • Like 1
  6. 7 hours ago, hazer said:

    Saying the Trae/Luka trade will go down as the worst in history brought the disdain from Hawks fans. Despite my loathing of all Bahst’n teams, I never had a problem with him before that. That sort of hyperbole, in my book, puts you in the same category of rediculous as Stephen A. Smith ✋🏽 

    That definitely is a quote I hope he revisits and revises.  It totally got on my nerves too as going way too far.  I don't see Trae or Luca getting anything but better and in the long run, they could be viewed as pretty close to even in overall value.  Having said that, at the time of the draft last year and after the first month of the past season, it was looking pretty ugly for the Hawks.  Thank goodness Trae found his mojo and narrowed that gap considerably and Simmons should own up to that if he hasn't already.

  7. 15 minutes ago, kg01 said:

    A couple things, EL.

    1. Their foundation crumbled once they held onto their assets too long.  They had the ammunition to get Butler, George, K. Leonard, AD, and others but chose not to.  Had nothing to do with Kyme.  That structure had termites and rot long before Kyme got there.

    2. Don't ever listen to Simmons when it comes to Boston sports. He's an irrational Selltic fan masquerading as an "unbiased" observer.

    We love you too much to let you do them drugs (B*** Simmons), EL ...... actually, pass whatchu smokin'.  It's for research purposes.

    Okay so I think you make some good further points with #1.  I never said there wasn't more to the story but Kyrie leaving is what was the death blow in terms of the chain of events happening at the current point in time....no AD and Horford apparently leaving.

    As for your #2, I know Bill is an easy target for people, especially on this site as mentioning him almost always seems to be a sore spot for people.  But Bill acknowledges his often irrational Boston fandom.  But he tempers it enough to not bother me in the long run.  And there's a reason he's gotten the likes of the president Barrack Obama on his show.  Like it or not, he's considered by many, obviously myself included, as a very gifted conversationalist.  He has great guests and is MILLIONS times more interesting to listen to than local sports radio with what is the REAL source of biased homerism.  Not that you mentioned local talk radio and I realize podcasts are a different format.  I'm just saying people tend to be a little biased towards their home teams so that's hardly something to hold against someone and the guy is very smart and often very astute in his overall observations about the NBA.  He did write a bestselling book that is highly regarded by even the greats that played the game.

    And #3 is a comment I'm honestly just confused about.  I don't know what you were trying to say there.  I even googled some of the lines with no luck.  You'll have to clarify.

    • Like 1
  8. This is what happens when you build your foundation with a headcase like Kyrie Irving.  Like Bill Simmons said on his podcast the other day.  Irving was a centerpiece that, once removed, all their current and future plans fell. 

  9. 12 minutes ago, Alex said:

    To throw gullible people like you off their scent.  If you don’t think the NBA is fixed or slanted at least you are crazy.  Too much money for a sports industry to not be crooked.

    Well I'm convinced.

    Don't worry friend.  They're not as smart as you and I.  When the truth comes out, they'll see we were the wise ones that saw through the charade.....oh and could you pm me the directions on how to fold the most effective tin hat?  Mine is all torn up from overuse. Thanks ahead of time.  

    • Like 1
  10. 1 hour ago, EazyRoc said:

    I really was just playing around with Supes.



    Your  focus on Luka to the detriment of our own young star leaves doesn’t leave you a lot of wiggle room to call anybody a troll and not be considered a hypocrite.

    I don’t want this thread to devolve into another Trae vs Luka addendum so I won’t respond to this beyond this post.

    That's cool.  We have different opinions.  Mine is just the one that is at least attempting to remove hometown bias.  If I tainted my outlook in favor of Hawks players then I'm basically part of some good ol' boy system and just looking out for my own.  I'm a little more progressive than that.

  11. 1 hour ago, Buzzard said:

    I don't see it that way. Doncic a better play maker; no contest. But could RJ end up being a better scorer and defender? Possibly. This is the upside with RJ in my opinion: an elite two way player. I don't think Doncic has that potential at all.

    Key word could.  To say RJ is better right now, as was suggested, and be serious about it is to be a serious joke.

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