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Everything posted by BBallPrincess

  1. Again dude I've covered the Hawks for 2 years. Locker room access, dude. That's why a lot of these athlete's don't fool with the media now, and they think the media aint S@#! becuase they're un-human. I give the info on the human side of the athlete, the reality. If you guys really knew basketball you would know that it's more than being a good player. It's so many more layers than that. Yes, I am a fan. I'm a fan of basketball period. I gre up round it. If we were talking bout Zach Randolph, I'd give the same passion. If were were talking bout Tim Thomas, Bell (charlie, raja, Memphis State, LSU I'd give the same passion. You gotta be a fan 1st to cover any sport in the industry. Don't judge my passion because Al was the only topic that I've been addresses with. I just tried to give yall insight on the man and yall want to be know it all's.
  2. Someone said "AL had his chance of being the man.....", but he still showed and proved last year, and this year. Al has never been considered a clutch player...ever! He was traded to a team with 18 year olds, 1st year players, 1st year coach. He was brought into a whole new system. He did his part. He's no shaq, he's no wade, but mind you this is a kid that never played basketball, or had a passsion to play until the 10th grade. Al was a kid that had balance issues and was awkward. He was forced to play by his coach. /he then became USA Today's high school player of the year in a three year period to be takin outta HS. Had his chance to be the man? Come on. Yall supposed basketball junkies and Hawks fans know what we got to work with. YOu gotta keep your core group together at least 3 years. Maybe a little more than that when they are mostly rookies. He still avereaged 17/19 points a game in a system that had no structure, no trust, no chem, and no orginazation, and no winning appetite. You gotta guy who came from a winning system, to a team with with no substance. You gotta a guy that actually wants to stay and play for this loosing franchise. Now don't get me wrong I love the Hawks good or bad, hell my uncle played for this team in the 80's with Charlie Cris, Treetop.... The Hawks need to learn how to have loyalty to their folks. They lost that skill when they let Nique go....(unless yall don't agree on that either) Don't be mad when he goes somewhere else and does his thing thing. I need to go back into the archives and see how yall talked bout Boris. He was probly being dragged by the bus let alone under it
  3. Why? Cuz i'm a female? Oh, that's just the thing that keeps my fire burning.
  4. Don't be a follower man be a leader. I stand by my statement and Al's interview. Read the response to Lascar! And by the way, don't be mad because I have the access that you could only dream of. XOXOXOX
  5. All players go thru a routine check up after the season is over. I know Al's been out but for nothing to make a statement that he has bad knees. Many Basketball players suffer from knee tendinitis. It's often refered to as jumpers knees. DUH! Do I need to provide a list? That still does not support a claim that he has bad knees.
  6. Al's knees are just fine. There is nothing wrong with them. I was there when he was just comming from his doc appointment. Al says he has never missed a game after comming back from the 1st knee injury
  7. Al want to play the three anyway. He doesn't want to play the 4. You could still keep AL. There would be enough playing time for everyone, and whoever the hawks would pick. 1. FA, Lue, Salim 2. Joe, (Childress) 3. AL, Marvin (Childress) 4. Smith, AL (Marvin)(Sheldon Williams) 5. ZaZa (off bench) #5 Draft pick (Aldridge, O'Bryant) And in the second round we snatch up another shooting guard. I think the hawks need to run two big guys at one time(IMO)
  8. As long as they make D12 happy he'll be in Orlando. Just a little insight.....D12 would not mind playing for the home team.
  9. I agree that they are a good team. They have a beast in G. Wallace. I have seen alot of their games. I've been to see them play everytime Orlando's played them and they have a center by the name of Primoz Brezek that is showed some promise and you know they got the little engine that could in Brevin Knight.
  10. I really just don't agree with getting rid of Smith. Josh has drasticly changed in one summer. How can you judge a kid that is 2 years removed out of high school? In his 1st NBA season he didn't play that much. Why? Cuz he lacked work ethic, was lazy, and thought the game was supposed to come to him. during the summer he worked realy hard on his game; and as you saw this past season, he has made vast improvements. It would be a mistake to give this guy up as so many are after him. I'm tired of the Hawks givin up players and them going to other teams to have break out careers. People shouldn't be so quick to throw a player under the bus. Josh will be a phenom, as the team builds it's chym.
  11. Yes, I know Al will be signed in July. I just don't have any control of that. The article is on his career over all. A magazine deadline for a July issue would have been in April, threfore an issue for August; the deadline would be May, That's when I got the assignment. He's agreed to do a free agent diary through me, but I have to get a magaizne to pick it up. Just because he's one of the top coveted free agents in the league don't mean that these editors no anything bout him or if their readers will be interested in his story. I'll keep you posted if I can get the 2LiveStu's to bring him in studio Monday or Tuesday, then I'll let yall know today after I come from the station.
  12. No problem. If I got something I'll bring it to the table. I've covered the hawks the last two years when working for 680 The Fan which is a sports station in Atlanta, so I was front and center. But again thanks!
  13. You know what, I actually take that back. If you'll give me that much credit on my creativity then hale to the basketball GODS , cuz if I got an imagination like that, thank GOD for making me a writer.
  14. Lay off the haterade dude! I don't find the need to defend myself to you, babe!
  15. Can't give you the full length version. Check it out in DUB magazine in August
  16. My bad! As in I went to Jersey City to interview him myself last month.
  17. "I want to stay in Atlanta!" “He’ll be ready about 2:30, after he gets out of church.” says Reginald Marable, Al Harrington’s personal assistant, as we eat at Chili’s in Jersey City, on an early Sunday afternoon. We pull up about 2:35 and park not to far from the Colgate sign with the Statue of Liberty in the distant view, Al’s 6’9 lean athletic body steps out the car and walks towards the water. “Initially you say, the Hawks!” Al says with a tone of disbelief in his voice about how he felt when traded to the Hawks. “You sit and look at what was left of that team, and you ask yourself, the Hawks? I finally just looked at it like a challenge. I was going to get the opportunity to be a leader of a team, be that 1-2 guy.” That first season the Hawks ended the year with a degrading 13-69 record. Who was to blame? The coaches? Al? The team? “You can’t really blame anybody,” he admits. “You can’t depend on 18 year olds to win games, with no experience. Besides, I was wondering if I was even good enough” he says, as he looks onto the water. “It’s hard going thru something like that, and I never want to go through it again.” Now heading into his 9th season in the NBA, Al looks to set up the next 6 season of his career. “Atlanta is my 1-2 choice, then Chicago. I know they like me a lot, and then there’s New York. I like the Lakers a lot too,” he says laughing. “I just like LA period, I wouldn’t mind playing in a market like that!” But there’s something else there. Does he want to stay (with the Hawks)? “I want to stay. They don’t have to give me a max deal to stay. I would take less money.” He says as he looks down on me with his famous Colgate smile. A bit of chemistry, a pinch of experience, and a dash of Joe Johnson-the Hawks improved this year to a 26-56 record. “If I stay in Atlanta, I know exactly what I’m gonna get. I know the players, the coaches, and the philosophy. I wouldn’t have to adjust. Besides I think you have to keep your core guys together at least three years to see what they’re going to do.” As Al looks forward to July 1st, when he able to do his Free Agent visit’s he says in closing, “Maybe Atlanta can get something done so I don’t have to go visit nobody. Until then I’ll just keep my options open and we’ll see what happens.”
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