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Everything posted by BBallPrincess

  1. Quote: There was no way ET would have left the Clip show. He's got his last contract for his last two years in the NBA and he's on a team that has a shot. Why spend your last two years on a rebuilding team versus a contender? I know, like totally agree, thats what I said to Vol4ever.
  2. Quote: I'd say if Cassell had been offered the $$ and seen the club trying to improve he would have signed with us. Sorry to break it to you buddy, but I asked Sam Cassell while I was in Miami for Alonzo Mournings 10th anniversary for his summer Groove about that situation and the words that came out of his m mouth was "I was flatered that you guys wanted me to come and play for you guys, but we have started something special in LA, and in every way I want to be apart of it. I'm apart of making history for a franchise...."
  3. Quote: no that's just me selling him short on this thread. most everyone else is enamored with the video game highlights. It's more than the watching the highlights, it about what weve seen at the games.... I just got off the phone with one of the guys who was involved with him and the AAU program and we were taling about Josh, and he said that Josh had the athletic ability but his mind was not ready,and had to learn the game. al he needed to do was learn it and soon as he does he will be a star.
  4. Quote: The Pacers almost dealt Tinsley to Atlanta last week so who knows what they are thinking at this point. I still believe they are waiting until Aug 10 when you can trade rookie contracts. There's no other reason for the deal to be held up like this. I really think it is more than that......... I actually don't think it has anything to do with rookie contracts either....unless something changes, but I could be wrong though
  5. Quote: or it could be some "inside info" from the pacers' waterboy's aunt's baby daddy's cousin. LOL!
  6. Quote: Quote: Josh will grow into being a star when he matures more, but I'm just concerned if he will be able to fully develop into the player he has the ability to become here in the ATL. are u concerned cuz he has the hometown distractions or cuz he's in our 'unorganized' organization? just curious. Both!
  7. Quote: Well, that's not entirely true. He did have the question about his work ethic coming out of high school, but he was also considered a guy who was more of an athlete than basketball player. Josh has worked hard on improving his jump shot to the point that he is now a good catch and shoot player. He still has to work on his ability to create his shot off the dribble. He still has to develop his ability to play with his back to the basket in the post. Oh, yeah all that I know. Josh worked really hard over the summer last year and he's a good kid. I know his first year out I used to stay on him bout his attitude and his image while he was on the bench. He used to feel like he should be on the floor but never did the things that Billy Knight saw as a rookie "deserving" playing time. I used to tell him all the time, "Josh stay after practice and work an extra hour, come in the gym an hour or two early, be the last to leave ask for help, and it will pay off. You'll start seeing playing time." Josh has a lot of talent. I've been following Josh before he went to Oak Hill. Josh will grow into being a star when he matures more, but I'm just concerned if he will be able to fully develop into the player he has the ability to become here in the ATL. I do know that he's working really hard this summer on perfecting the aspects of his game that he already has, and being a novelist in the areas of his game that he is an amateur on.....
  8. Quote: if Smoove is going to play PF on this team he'll need to be blocking shots while he had the opposing players' shoulder in his chest. he hasn't shown that to date. Well it does know!!! LOL! I think that second video shows that! All smith had to to get over wa his lack of work ethic, and grow up a little bit.....
  9. Quote: What does Milwaukee want? Sf seems cinched up. SG is definitely locked. PG is fixed. C is take care of. PF is about the only position of need and they have Charlie V. If they'd take Murphy.. I think we can work a deal. As those postions seemed to be locked in a starting capacity they still want to add depth to the 1-3-5 positions. Thats were a Chills, Ivey situation can come into play
  10. We know that GS wants to add depth to the 1-3-5 positions. We know that Indiana needs Al We also know that GS wants Al We know that the Mill want to get rid of Magloire with Bogut moving to the 5 and CV moving into the PF spot. How does Atlanta make this work in their favor? Does Belkin want Magloire?
  11. Quote: if they are waiting on that, they could go ahead and announce now and just can't complete until 8/10 like with speedy, etc I agree!
  12. Quote: Thanks. You read the stuff about a trade for Tensley that fell through. You think that was likely? Gotta feel sorry for Al through all this. He's been treated like a pawn and one wonders how long he'll put up with it before he decides on a one year deal? I can say that all of this was un-expected. I will have to look into that, i'm not sure. I'll do this give it until the end of the week and if nothing has changed then i will reach out to see what he's feeling like
  13. Quote: Haven't heard from you in a long time and in light of the ongoing nothing that is happening, wondered if you had any 'insider' information that you could share. Given the impass that has prevailed I'd be very surprised if you did. Don't be a stranger. Well sorry to inform you that I don't have any "inside Info" as normally a player does not know actual specifics on the team side. I would say that the hold could have a lot to do with the Ownership group coming to an agreement on what is best for the team. To be all the way honest everything that is going on has never happened in league history; meaning the ownership fiasco. Remember that Harrington was one of the top available coveted free agents. The fact that a player of Harrington's calibur still be on the market, and we were unable or let me re-phrase that were are still unable to complete something leads me to beleive that it has everything to do with people pulling the strings. There were many teams who sought out what and who they wanted, went after it and made it happen. I just truly beleive that is has more to do with ownership than Billy Knight wanting to hold his cards. No one may not agree, but I think BK might want this done just as bad as we do. No one like too much negative press
  14. Sorry if there are any typo's, as I was typing as he was speaking
  15. Can't talk specificlt on Shawn Marions injury, because I don't know. Every time I think about not having him I start to cry (jokingly) Thats all! Players are now availble for 30 min I'm not there so I miss out on that...Darn it! I'll have to do something about that for next weeks training session....
  16. We have 5,000 military that will be attending the game, we are really trying to engage ourselves. We will eat with the military.....We brought in 3 of our hero's form Iraq, one lost an eye to a suicide bomber....Some of the guys (players)were crying...some even went out to eat with the hero's. All three that were injured fought to get back into active duty so it's important to us to build the moral of our troops We want to keep that connection
  17. On Kobe Kobe is on the roster. There is no one that has been cut. As we go forward we will have a little bit of turn overs. We will a deletions and additions. Soem people don't pick people who are not an AllStar. I think that wrong. We are going to pick whats best for the US On Leaders There will be someone who every one will look up too. That may be D wade who has accomplished the most recent feat. Bruce Bowen, could barley move his hand the other day, and the next day he was doing every drill....Those are the kind of things we need. Leadership by example
  18. Coach K We got the trust of the players. They by into what we are trying to do. Now that that's accomplished we can focus more on basketball On will there b a starting 5 Coach K: There will be diff line ups. Gotta keep every one knowing that they are all role players. Don't want anyone to be thinking that they are the 12th man...I want them to think that hey I am representing the US
  19. Coach K We talked them bout defending the 3 point line, we've been practicing those things. Don't let the ball come into the middle, we will be playing against a zone. In the NBA we will have to be prepared to catch and shoot.... i'm comfy in coaching 12, it doesn't meant that all 12 will come off the bench. Some will not play. Will be playing full court. We don't want our team to pace themselves... if we see someone pacing themselves then we need to get someone in their for them The International Game is a sprint, the NBA game you can pace yourself
  20. Coach: This is a very young team, i asked Dwight Howard how old he was and he said 20 (laughing). I'm not concerned bout how we will play. I won't know that until we play. On Chauncy Billups He held a meeting with the team and told them it's all about USA, not about who scores the most points, or has the best stats. It's about a team effort. When you go back to your team then worry about those things. Just make sure yall bring me some electroinics (people laughing)
  21. Coach K: We will go down to 12 after our exhibition game on August 4th. This is just the start of a program and will continue to do it this way from now on. Coach K: It would be hard to decide who was going to be here with Kobe, Chauncy, Pierce......But things happen and it worked out fine. I feel confident in the group we are taking. We did not have one attitude problem...Very Impressed
  22. Jerry: Roster size gave flexibility to bring the best team forward to represent US Coach K: A couple of days ago we decided that we were going to go forward with 16. Adam, and ridinour were cut. Great players, Shawn Marion is not going because of Knee MRI
  23. Jerry: Everything involved with training was terrific. Apprciates media for the coverege with what they are trying to accomplish. We feel we are making progress. Look forward to coming back July 30th for game against Puerto Rico
  24. Things should be getting started in a few min.... I just signed in...
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