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Everything posted by BBallPrincess

  1. Quote: So, whens that article in Dub magazine coming out? Quote: Oh, and let me help you out, it's "roll's" not "roles". If you are not aware those are two completely different words with completely different meanings. Talk about your own gramatical errors. It's not Whens that article in DUB Magazine comming out, It's So, when is the article in DUB Magazine coming out?
  2. To whom it may concern: If it aint directed towards you ignore this To my utter dissapointment you have doubtlessly led me to the notion that men (at least those on this board) are really pigs. In no way will I ever agree with anyone for just for the sake of fitting in. There is so much that I could say and would like to say, but I choose to relish in the fact that you are not worthy of any information. Yes, I do toy with your emotions, because you all deserve to be toyed with. There is a little word out there called "Privey" and none of you all are intitled to that and it kills you. I will always stand by my opinions and my knowledge of the game (though still learning) whether a bunch of has beens agree's with me or not. You all hold me to such a high standard that you dissapoint YOURSELVES. You make YOURSELVES look "ignorent, stupid," and whatever other names you have called me. YOU think it's cute, and clever the things you all say on this bored, to me or to each other? Well it's not. I never came on this bored saying that I was a Novelist but dammit, believe me all the crap yall say just gives me the self-reserve to work even harder. You all are pathetic, boring, no back-bone, lonely men that get your excitement off of playing "NBA House"! "I'm the Coach." "No I'm the coach." "Well I wanna be the GM" WTF. None of yall don't know anything. It's all OPINIONS. Hell the People who work for the darn company (players, and all) don't know everthing. So please stop acting like you all are BASKETBALL GODS! Cause you are not! You all hide behind your shoulda, coulda's, and woulda's about where you would have like to end up in life, and crap on someone that has the edge that you didn't have, or wish you had the guts to go after. Don't hate on me cause I got the heart to go after my dreams and decided not to settle. Thats it! You all are settlers, and you are a hot mess over it. My overall perception of the people on this board has now been confirmed. You all are a bunch of FAT old men sitting on your BUTTS bored with life. You have a wife that's has no figure, you don't even sleep in the same bed as her and you sit back and yank your yanky's to my posts. Now that I have gotten that off my chest, whatever the consequences are, Oh well. If you band me then fine, if you delete the tread then fine. Whatever. But if you can talk about my panties, if I have a big Butt or not, or about how I look, then I can say what I want. Screw those who deserve to be screwed
  3. Ok, so what can we expect on Monday? A deal that sends Al to Indiana? Some would say I don't know, but I say Yes!!!! That's what we proly will be hearing on Monday. Take it for what it's worth!
  4. So, whens that article in Dub magazine coming out? So I think I called this way back when and all, but you seem to have limited basketball knowledge - no better than the average groupie, but congrats for all the access you have. It's just a shame its being wasted. Hey baby boy, don't hate the game....get drafted!!!!
  5. Quote: Quote: You also seem to forget that YOU said he has the potential of being a flop Again showing your pathetic reading comprehension. I never said anything even remotely like that. Even if he never improves AT ALL he wouldn't be a flop. My comment was that just because a player is young doesn't automatically mean they will improve. Some improve a lot, some don't. Dude if I only had the energy to go looking for what you said. You obviouly have some Idea of what post I'm talking about cause you defended your self anyway. You might not have said that exactly, but you did say something to the effect. How players have been touted as stars, or great players, and something like NBA has proven otherwise...So whatever, you still defended your self to something you said I was making up....
  6. Quote: good luck with that Good luck with what?
  7. Quote: A young RISING star, but not a star right now. Your right he is not a star tight now, but he IS a great player Quote: A guy who WILL dominate the league, but isn't right now. I think he will dominate on the the skills that you say he lacks, but he dominates now. As you already know...It was a question your star PHD exam. Q. What player dominates the League in rebounding and double doubles? Quote: Again you continue to talk about what Howard WILL BE, which has absolutely nothing to do with this discussion. This is the Only, time that I said will be and the will be is from around the league. I already say he is a GREAT player, NOW. That's what I said. I don't have to say he's going to be a star, cuz his actions, dominace, playing ability speaks for itself. You also seem to forget that YOU said he has the potential of being a flop as history has proven in the past. YOU say he's overrated and he's not. I don't have to say that he will be this and that, cuz I already know. my whole point of saying that was to show you that others do not agree with what you say. You flip flop back and forth, and you are so simple minded, my bad one track minded that...you know what never mind.... The whole point of this debate is that YOU said we were OVERATIING him because although he has SIZE and athletisicm, he still has AVERAGE skills.... That's what the WHOLE debate is about. You said it, not me. The you bring in other stat crap cover up the bottom line. You remind me of Bush and the GOVT. They drag other things into the public eye and focus on things that had nothing to do with nothing to draw attention away from the real issues.
  8. Quote: what kind of media person goes to Vegas for an NBA event and doesn't "have a camera?" Shows how much you know, there are lots of "Writers that go without camera's. I can name a two that I saw and sat with. Lane Whitaker of Slam, Chris Sheridan if ESPN. But by the way I do have pictures. 314 of them to be exact...Hey I even have one with Bill Walton before the press conference after the scrimmage game. Oh, and If any one was watching the scrimmage or the actual game on NBA TV, I was the only female there, and the only female who asked questions. So if you heard a sexy sultry voice, it was me..... Quote: Where is the Harrington "article" that you introduced yourself with that was supposedly being published soon? Call down to the magazine and ask them when they are publishing there Basketball Player issue then you'll get your ansr Quote: on top of that Exodus has exposed a fundamental lack of basketball related communication skills from a.... "basketball writer?" No, what he's exposed is a female that loves to debate with men about what she is sure of, and won't conceed for the sake of conceeding. Specially when there are folks with 20+ years of experiance agreeing with her opinion of the boy... Quote: where there's smoke there's fire. in this case inhilation is becoming hazardous Well you might need to invest in a inhalor, or a gas mask...
  9. Quote: average size + average athleticism + average skills = average player average size + average athleticism + great skills = above average player great size + great athleticism + average skills = above average player I hope this isn't too complicated for you. Are you serious???? I could care less how you use your stat manipulation PHD to show ones ability in the league. Bottom line of it all is you made a statement saying he was average, and saying that he was overrated because he can't shoot a short jump shop, and can't block as many shots a Josh Smith. Well you are wrong. Plain and simple. There is not ONE NBA exec, player, coach, mascot, beat writer, columnist, or college player that would agree with you. PERIOD! You got Role players, good players, great players, and Stars. Sorry dude every where, and everyone else in NBA have the kid toted as a young rising star. An impact player that will dominate the league. Yeah he's a student of the game now but, right NOW, he is a GREAT player. NOW!
  10. Quote: Quote: Quote: Bballprincess is feeling the pinch of slowly being exposed as a fraud. Aw, are you mad cuz I aint giving you no attention today? LOL! that isn't going to work on me. he's got you in a corner and you know it. Oh, and let me say this, I will take my perception of Dwight as well as the perception of NBA execs and coaches, and scouts over his anyday. I am in no way backed into a corner, cuz I know I'm right. So unless he was the NBA execs or coaches that I sat down with in Vegas during USA Basketball training then he has no merit and in no way can he ever make me feel like I'm stupid, or backed into a corner. Especialy when I won over top folks with the little I know about the game......
  11. Quote: Quote: Quote: Bballprincess is feeling the pinch of slowly being exposed as a fraud. Aw, are you mad cuz I aint giving you no attention today? LOL! that isn't going to work on me. he's got you in a corner and you know it. No he doesn't.....LOL!
  12. Quote: I've tried to stay out of this retarted argument, but as a writer you should know that good is not a synonym of great Yeah maybe you should have stayed out of it cuz, sorry Lascar, but it is. Great is a synonym of good: Main Entry: good Part of Speech: adjective 1 Definition: pleasant Synonyms: acceptable, ace*, admirable, agreeable, bully*, capital, choice, commendable, congenial, crack*, deluxe, excellent, exceptional, favorable, first-class, first-rate, gnarly*, gratifying, great , honorable, marvelous, neato, nice, pleasing, positive, precious, prime, rad*, recherché, reputable, satisfactory, satisfying, select, shipshape*, sound, spanking*, splendid, sterling, stupendous, super, superb, superior, tip-top*, valuable, welcome, wonderful Source: Roget's New Millennium™ Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.2.1) Copyright © 2006 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.
  13. Quote: Bballprincess is feeling the pinch of slowly being exposed as a fraud. Aw, are you mad cuz I aint giving you no attention today? LOL!
  14. Quote: A persons size and athleticism is part of a players game. Saying a persons skills are average and saying they are an average player are completely different things. WTF is that. Dude did you really just say that? And you calling me stupid?????
  15. Quote: The people who threw Howard under the bus just made me shake my head and frankly just ignore the rest of that "debate". There isn't a team in the NBA that would not kill to have Howard on their team so this whole thing is a moot point. You are right....But I couldn't resist. I'm kinda bored round my way so it passes the time....
  16. Quote: Wow Quote: "When you break down his game he is a guy with great size and athleticism but average skills." did you not say this?
  17. WHO EFFING CARES?!?!?! Stay out of it!!!
  18. Quote: First of all you can't find one quote where I ever said Howard is an average player. There was one that was found
  19. Thanks to the nice guy who brought this to my attention you also said this: Quote: "When you break down his game he is a guy with great size and athleticism but average skills." Need we go any further??????????
  20. Quote: Quote: You think howard is a average player, and I don't. We can settle this once and for all. Again showing your pathetic reading comprehension. I never said he was an average player. Not once. I just said he wasn't a great player, yet. Take away his rebounding and dunking and the rest of his game is average. However the fact that he leads the league in rebounding and is a force inside does make him a very good player. In other words he is being overrated here. He may be great one day but isn't now. My bad, your right....but I'm a little confused here. However the fact that he leads the league in rebounding and is a force inside does make him a very good player. so he is a great player???? Very (definition= In a high degree, absolutely, extremely) Good (synonym for good is Great) I just said he wasn't a great player, yet So he isn't a great player???? Very (definition= In a high degree, absolutely, extremely) Good (synonym for good is Great) Seems to me like you don't even know what you are saying yourself dude. You are just talking just to be talking.... Take away iversons quickness = ? Take away KG's dominance = ? Take away Shaq's pounds = ?
  21. Ok, now I know some of you could careless bout me, but when it's real talk it's real talk.....We all have one thing in common, basketball, and the Hawks. Wait, ok thats two..LOL But here is a poll on whether or not Howard is a Average player or Above average player. Is he over-rated? Please be real.....
  22. Quote:Since you are obviously unfamiliar with the term "kid gloves" and probably wouldn't understand it if i explained it to you I won't even bother trying.
  23. Excuse the typos.....kind of agitated....and it's mighty chilly in my office...
  24. Quote: Time for the kid gloves to come of. You pretend that you are an expert when in fact your ignorance is apparent in almost every post. I will ask you a very specific question which I know you will try to dodge but I will ask it anyway to prove a point. What does Howard do well besides rebound and dunk? Dang, I'm sorry I didn't know I was talking to a kid, if thats the case you need to respect your elders. LOL! You should really watch out for the insults. Didn't your mthr alwys tell you tht if you aint got nuthin nice to say then dnt say anythng at all? That's the 3rd or 4th time you have stooped so low. I am doing nothing but debating with you and if you can't handle doing it without any name calling then we can end it after this reply.... I asked you a specific question as well.Please do some research and tell me what Mihm was doing at Dwights age? and sweetie you are the one thats calling me an expert. Nothing I said here: Howard is a great player, NOW! Will he get even better, YES! For you to sit on this board and try to down play his impact in the league NOW, is astounding. Being able to block shots is a talent. You have to have impecable timing. It's something that a person (Josh) has a 6th sense to do. It's second nature. That does not determine a persons worth or greatness in the league. Blocking shots is a Ooooh, and Awwww thing. It is also something that a player will have to aquire if he wasn't born with natural shot blocking abilities. is wrong or "unknowing". I don't see how you can call that ingnorance. The word "ignorance" means unkwnowing. I personlay think that a lot of floks would agree with me on the shot blocking skill being a natural talent. Now to ansr your question: Howards rebounding skills, & dunking skills are noted. He's a great finisher, he plays the rim well, howard can pass well, and find the open man if his shot aint there. No one ever said that his offesive game was on point other than the points that he gets off of dunking, and put backs from offesive rebounds. You are being to deep with it dude. Where in the NBA rule books does it say that in order to be a great NBA center you have to be able to block shots, and make your points off of short jump shots? Bottom line is he gets it done. Howard is the youngest kid EVER to average double doubles. (little education- the other side of that double is an offensive stat ) youngest player to ever score 20 or more points and pull down 20 or more rebounds in one game. Hell, he's even had a game that I attended this year that he had I think 26 points, and 28 rebounds, or something like that....Seems like he's doing somthing right to me... Did I dance round you ? enough?
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