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Everything posted by BBallPrincess

  1. Howard shoots 26% on his jumpers which sucks; http://www.82games.com/0506/05ORL14A.HTM Howard blocks 1.4 shots per game which is what Mihm did in the 04-05 season. As far as his effort goes I will take the word of a Magic homer who has watched all the games. Maybe if you actually watched him during the season instead of just reading his press clippings you might learn a little more about his game. How has he done so far for the National Team? Howard is one of the best rebounders in the game but the rest of his game doesn't scream greatness. Looks like to me your are reading press clips. I've watched Dwight from day 1, let alone during his SACA years and the years playing AAU (Celtics). Regular season, and I just left the USA Training in Vegas watching "His" game. Coach K inlists Dwight as a rising star and will be one of the best in the league. In practice he looks great. During the exhibition games and the scrimmage he did his thing. In the scrimmage he had 8 rebounds and 5 points in a total of 11 min of playing time. I could give you what he did in the game but I don't have my games stats in front of me. He is doing what he was brought there to do. Dwight is young and sometimes nervous. Its expected. He is the youngest of the guys thats on the team. Is the youngest thats ever been on a USA Team. So you can continue to take the word of a fan who sits in the 300 section where he sits so far away that his vision is blurred. Everything is slow motion from the nose bleed section. Especialy the way that arena is built You want to pin point his jump shot percentage when the game of basketball is not just about a "JUMP" shot. For the position he plays it is not the end of the world that he does not have a jump shot "right now". The kid avg 15 points a game. Compared to your Chris Mihm comparison of 10 points per game who has an extra 4 years of NBA experiance, and 4 years of college experiance on top of Dwight. I never said that he did not need to work on a more that 5 feet away shot, cuz he does. Dwight knows he needs to get his shot blocking game together and he's working on it.
  2. Quote: I knew I had reasons to wonder about some posters here. Now when they are trying to throw Howard under the bus lol unreal. I would sacrifice small children to get Dwight on this team. I second that.
  3. Quote: Hey Princess have you heard anything that leads you to believe any of the LAL/Harrington rumors are true? I see what I can muster up that I can tell....Give me a lil bit
  4. Quote: I hestitated to say it but I feel he's Smooth with a different body and skill set. Both of them are great athletes for their size. But they both are lacking some key skills that they will need in order to be "great". While Howards size and body lend to him having a greater impact initially. I think his lack of shooting ability may set him behind smooth in the long run. Never...How can you compare a prson who is a legit center at 6'11 to a person who is 6'8 and plays a different position? Agreeing that he does need to work on a short jump shot, but Josh plays the 3 or 4 which a true jump shot is needed.
  5. Quote: Quote: My problem with it all is the overhyping, and yes, I said overhyping, of Dwight Howard. Is he a good player? Yes. Is he great? no. Can he be great? Maybe.... Word from a Magic fan I know is that Howard's effort tends to vary with the importance of the game. He gets up for big games but doesn't play hard all the time. What!!!?? You've got to be kidding me! DH2 overhyped? This kid ranks #2 in the league in defensive and offensive rebounds per game, and #1 in total per game. Ranks in top ten if FG% and # 18 in blocks. This kid has had multiple 20 plus rebounding games, and avegages double doubles. Every where I go everyone (media, fans)give this kid props. He's done things that havn't been done since Shaq, Zo, or even Duncan for that matter during their young years.... And as far as him not playing hard based on the importance of the game, is not true also. That kid give his all, every game. He goes over and beyong the call of duty to make sure he's got his head on strait for a game. Every game is important to him. He knows if he doesn't show up no one will. He is the poster boy for the O. What that fan said about him is not even his character, or style.
  6. Quote: Somehow the expectation has settled in that Dwight doesn't want to leave Orlando but that's not all what I've heard. I'm on board with you with that one, cuz I know for a fact DH2 is not guaranteed to stay in a O uni forever...
  7. Quote: They were considering taking Okafor instead. I think we would have been able to put together a package to get him. Your right bout that. They were going back in forth between the two.
  8. Quote: what's to stop him from going to play with his buddy? They are not buddy's all like that(cordial). Don't think D12 would go to upper mangmnt to lobby to bring in Smith. but you are right we do need to worry bout doing what we need to do to get smith to stay home....
  9. Quote: Quote: Given that Orlando was not that interested in him, I don't think that is a really valid assumption. Agreed...Because the O was thrilled that they were able to get em'.
  10. Quote: You know its funny I have heard Howard wants to come back to Atlanta but he's obviously not going to say it publically until he's at a point where he can sign an offer sheet here. Right, and from my understanding Orlando is going to have to make him happy. That means bring in who he wants to make the team a contender. Work the team round him like Toronto's doing Bosh. So far so good...
  11. Well, I will say this, as immpossible as it seems, dwight always seems to get what he wants, even though they picked up on his one year option this year. But don't out rule Dwight playing for for Atlanta one day in the future in the young stages of his career....
  12. Quote: Quote: Quote: yea, I would drop Jenna Jamison, Bosh and Carmelo. I though I would never have to say this to a man, but dude you obviously don't know that much about basketball, unless that statement you made up above is just to get some action going, but dude...C'mon!!! I can bet that i know more than you! ok
  13. Quote: i understand not wanting egos but what does bowen bring to the table besides spot up 3pt shooting? against PR he did nothing to show he should be there. his supposed "great" D didn't stand out. he can't even put the ball on the floor for a second. i know it was only one game but the international style doesn't work in his favor and he needs to be cut. he will foul out if he plays his dirty nba D. i agree that Bowen will should be cut, but let me tell you this, bowen is not there to shoot the three or even put the ball on the floor. He is there for his defensive abilities, nothing more.
  14. Quote: Congratulations to Joe Johnson. Also, that lineup makes a lot more sense to me. I thought part of the reason they chose the team the way they did was that they were going to have some role players. But then they used a team full of superstars in the first quarter and put all the role players in together in the second quarter, which kind of defeats the purpose of having role players. The purpose of that was for Coach K to gage how they played together. Remember he does not want anyone with ego's, or even a hint of one, so by putting in superstars, in the 1st exhibition game with over 18,000 fans watching was a great starting indicater of what was in store for the rest of the games.
  15. Who would you cut, Princess? From what I saw, I would cut Bowen, and Miller. The guys are playing serious defense, as that's what they've been working on the last 3 weeks. They have not even touched the offensive side of the game yet. If you noticed, they were playing d up high towards the perimeter. What we are going to have to watch out for is the quickness of the opposing teams guards getting into the lane and to the basket. blowing past our big guys on the floor. 1 reason why Coach K likes Howard because he's big, but he's also quick, he can move. From what I say, and heard, I just don't see any one else getting cut outta these giys...Arenas, Bowen, Hinrich, or Miller. Shane is a keeper because he does so much, but you are not going to see his performace in stats. He's not there to be a shooter. He's a great off the ball player and thats what is needed from him....
  16. Quote: It's a classic Catch-22 for BBP. If she gets secret insider info and just plasters it up on a public board, she won't be getting any insider info for long. I glad someone understands.... Sekou has been getting pretty good at hinting at his insider info without really saying anything specific or burning any sources. If you look at the AJC blog he called the Al agent change a day or 2 before hand, without getting into exactly what was happening. And no one even asked about the key paragragh hinting Al was fed up and about to make some changes.. mj I have not been in the game as long as Sekou. I actually look up to dude, and have been learning a lot from him. I don't have the tenure or all the contacts yet to be able to do or say the things that he can. On my way, but still have to prove myself to the masses. Covering USA Basketball was a large stepping stone...
  17. Quote: Do you have camera with you?? If you do can you please take some pictures... thxx I do have some pictures, I just don't know how to post them yet. I will be posting them to my site that DR. Zachary can't give out until it's been updated....
  18. Quote: I say we resign Al. Being that management see both Marvin and Smoove as Sfs anyway.. Why not resign a 19 ppg player and see how he plays with a better PG... Diesel, I couldn't agree with you more!!!!
  19. Quote: I don't think Andrew Bynum is as good as you think he is. He's definitely not worth Chill and Al. I def agree with Bynum not being worth Chill and Al, but to say that he is not as good as you think he is, is absured! No one has seen this kid play enough to make that judgment call. NO ONE. It kills me when someone makes statements like that and have nothing to back it up. The only time we've seent this kid do anything is when he went head up with Shaq last season. Does anyone remember how the rook embarassed Shaq after Shaq tried to teach the rookie a lesson on NBA Big Man 101?????? I do! The young fellow put a move on Shaq face up, side stepped him and Dunked on Shaq. And that was 1 of the very few times that he's had playing time. So.....again I say, how can you say that this kid is not as good as we think?????
  20. Quote: yea, I would drop Jenna Jamison, Bosh and Carmelo. I though I would never have to say this to a man, but dude you obviously don't know that much about basketball, unless that statement you made up above is just to get some action going, but dude...C'mon!!! Jamison is one of the best in the line up. Jamison rebounded well, he shoots the international 3 well, plays great off the ball, and he hustles. I actually never knew how good Bosh was until I hade a chance to see him play with my own eyes. Bosh is everywhere. In no way does Bosh have the NBA type body that most of these guys have (he's tall, lanky, skinny) but this kid plays like he does. Bosh does multiple things on the court...He's gonna out hustle you for the rebound, he's going to unexpectantly still the ball from you, he's gonna get in your face (both on D, and on O) and he's gonna get the duece. Carmelo...I don't even have to explain. If you saw the games then you already know that I'm going to say......
  21. Quote: Quote: He shouldn't be the starting PG. The team should be. Hinrich Joe Johnson Lebron Bowen Howard Replace Bowen with Brand and Hinrich with Arenas and that should be team USA. Arenas and JJ can both shoot the 3 when facing the zone and they both know how to play D and steal the ball to go the other way. In the front court you have two monsters around the basket on both sides of the ball in Howard and Brand. Oh and there is that Lebron James character. That team would win gold. Unfortunately we'll probably keep playing the starting team we had out there last time because Coach K will be pressured to play the superstars. What you all have to understand is that neither of the starting 5 will be set and he will use different line ups. Coach K is in no way is pressured to play the stars. He will play whats best for the team. If you all where watching, as I was there, Carmelo only played in the 1st 2nd Q (and his ex syracuse coach is the assistant coach), and didn't play until the last quarter. And from Coach K's mouth he said that Carmelo was the hardest worker there at the training. None of these guys have ego's, and where actualy very nervous for for the srimmage game as well as the exibition game. All these guys are willing to work together to get the job done. They have great chemisty on the court and off. Everyone knows what their roles are, they looked out for each other, gave each other advice, and owned up to their mistakes when they didn't do something they were not supposed to do, or if they were not in the place they were supposed to be.
  22. Quote: OK BB Princess, did you see this coming? What does your crystal ball say will be happening with Al and his new agent? Well I can't really say much, but it seems as if the agent was "checked up" on, and some things were surfaced that wasn't right....Thats really all i can say for now thought....
  23. Well, I just made it in to Vegas. Late of course. So I only had the chance to walk onto the court, and see some of the guys before they left. I met one of the head guys of PR for USA Basketball, as well as the VP of PR for the NBA. Both nice guys. We have a scrimmage vs Puerto Rico today for some US troops. I'll come back to the hotel and give you all some insight into whats going on, and how we look. Talk to yall soon....by the way it is sooooooo hot out here. I don't know if can survive.....Oh and 1 more thing I havn't ran into BK yet....LOL!
  24. Quote: Man! That was the team! Doc Rivers Randy Wittman Dominique Wilkins Kevin Willis Tree Rollins Spud Webb John Battle Cliff Levingston Antoine Carr Forgive me if I don't include Jon Koncak, because he is the one Hawk that I absolutely could not stand at all. That was when I first started watching Hawks basketball. Hey, how could you forget my uncle Jack "Goose" Givens!!!!!
  25. After a little research here are the guys that fall into Bernies discription of a good big man that the fans will be ok with. Which one do you guys think it will be? Barnes, Matt (4;UFA) Baxter, Lonny (4;UFA) Bradley, Michael(5;UFA) Used to play for Atlanta **** Butler, Jackie (2;RFA) Collins, Jarron (5;UFA) Elson, Francisco(3;RFA) Ely, Melvin (4;RFA) Gooden, Drew (4;RFA) Jeffries, Jared (4;RFA) Jones, Fred (4;RFA) ***** Nene (4;RFA) Przybilla, Joel (6;UFA) Radmanovic, Vladimir (5;UFA) Sampson, Jamal (4;UFA) Wilcox, Chris (4;RFA) Woods, Loren (5;UFA)
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