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Everything posted by BBallPrincess

  1. Quote: Quote: It's great to see that I got that much power to make you go back and do that. I guess I am truly a princess Thats just the beauty of the internet, its very easy to go back and find previous posts. But to be honest, I just wanted to be a d*ck and prove you wrong (maybe it was jealousy of you being a writer? j/k). BBP I must say, you have recently been able to brush off criticism much easier now than when you first started posting. And don't take my criticism personally, I bet you have a great personality. I just don't like the mix up of words and phrases (if you really want to get me mad then use "begs the question" in the wrong context, which 97% of people use it wrong). LOL! Yeah, it's easier because I "since" sense what type of guys there "our" (are) on here. They seem to be oh so perfect, so I like I like to do the oh-not-so-perfect things and it always gets a reaction. You do have to admit things have gotten more exciting round (opps around) here "sense" (since) I've been here.
  2. Quote: As Al looks forward to July 1st, when he's able to do his Free Agent visit’s he says in closing, “Maybe Atlanta can get something done so I don’t have to go visit nobody. Until then I’ll just keep my options open and we’ll see what happens.” Quote: I wouldn't know where to begin on that sentence if I was grading it. Ok, thats fine you see that, but writing for a newspaper is different than writing for a magazine. Some magazines permit writing in a relaxed format that permits the use of colloquialism and slang to a certain degree....... But, give me an F. If you are at Rock bottom you can't do anything but go up! It's great to see that I got that much power to make you go back and do that. I guess I am truly a princess
  3. Oops, OMG! I forgot to put the k in between the two vowels. Shoot!
  4. Quote: And "My writting ability on this site has nothing to do with my predication of the english language" in which predication is completely misused (I believe). Well maybe you are right, maybe I should have said "my predication in using the english language" Then it would be 100% gramaticaly correct. Instead of my using a social dialect in maing that statement.
  5. Quote: Quote: I would think that as a writer you would take extra effort to exhibit good grammar skills, regardless of the forum. It stands to reason that it would make your job, and the job of those that proof you, much easier. That's just my observation though. and for the record, I have yet to "start up" anything with you. Your observation is appreciated, but those who proof me don't have to worry about those "mindless" mistakes. Because they are not their when I'm in work mode. So you see any of those types of errors in the actual article? No, you don’t. If you were trying to offer up some constructive criticism then cool, I can handle that, but you seem to have a problem with the way you talk to people. In life how you say things are more important than what you say to people. I'd be willing to bet that people always or have always told you about things that you say, or how they've perceived something you have said, and you've had to go back and say, "No I didn't mean it like that" It's cool to be presumptuous, but bring the level down from a 10 to a 6. Then you would be alright By the way the errors are "Their" on purpose just cuz I feel like it...Especially "since" you have "yet" to start up with me
  6. Quote: I've never called her a liar. Quote: But I do think she misrepresents herself. First let me be quick to point out that you contradicted yourself. The definiton of the word "Misrepresent" at the end of the day means a liar. It's funny that you are quick to point out my errors or misrepresentations, but you are clearly representing your self as a connoisseur, but you are not. Please paraphrase how I misrepresent myself.
  7. Quote: I would think that as a writer you would take extra effort to exhibit good grammar skills, regardless of the forum. It stands to reason that it would make your job, and the job of those that proof you, much easier. That's just my observation though. and for the record, I have yet to "start up" anything with you. Your observation is appreciated, but those who proof me don't have to worry about those "mindless" mistakes. Because they are not their when I'm in work mode. So you see any of those types of errors in the actual article? No, you don’t. If you were trying to offer up some constructive criticism then cool, I can handle that, but you seem to have a problem with the way you talk to people. In life how you say things are more important than what you say to people. I'd be willing to bet that people always or have always told you about things that you say, or how they've perceived something you have said, and you've had to go back and say, "No I didn't mean it like that" It's cool to be presumptuous, but bring the level down from a 10 to a 6. Then you would be alright
  8. Quote: can we please let this topic go...is bballprincess real or not? i don't really care..bball stop bringing it up. You would like to blame it on me. Pay attention to the boards before you assume something. I fill like a 1st grader saying this but, "I didn't start it,"(pointing with a pouty lip at Mudderfudder77) "he did!"
  9. Quote: Quote: But what if he buys a new car between now and then? It will be totally outdated! It just doesn't seem you've thought this through the way those of us who sit in front of computers all day have. You obviously do not read the magazine Nevermind!!! Sorry
  10. Quote: But what if he buys a new car between now and then? It will be totally outdated! It just doesn't seem you've thought this through the way those of us who sit in front of computers all day have. You obviously do not read the magazine
  11. Quote: Quote: What makes no since? That a writer could have such a poor command of the english language. U, lay off me. Please don't start up with me again. My writting ability on this site has nothing to do with my predication of the english language. It's a mindless mistake, that does not show up in my work. This is a relaxed format.......
  12. Quote: It will need a lot of changes due to circumstances, but whatever. Dude thats not even the bulk of the story. It's about HIS car! So what it will need a lot of changes. Do you know how many articles are written and then re-written over and over again due to changes. Oh, but let me guess, all yall are experts in that too?
  13. Quote: As I discussed with a buddy a year or so ago, it's a lot easier to demolish something than it is to build it back anew. But you have to think of the players that he got rid of. How easy was it (discounting Terry) to get rid of the guys we had? It might have taken BK a lot of great negotiating skills to get rid of those guys. Face it, we weren't spectacular then either. We won more games but there wasn't a heart beating in our core. There was no passion. It was a lot of dead weight, and we needed a change. I am one that is always happy for a change....
  14. Quote: For the second time in his career playing for the Hawks, Harrington was reluctantly off this summer. “Going home in April or knowing in January that you’re not going into the post season,” he said, “That sucks!” At 26 years old heading into his 9th season in the NBA, Al became one of the top coveted Free Agents in the league, with multiple teams looking to add him as the missing link they needed to get to the next level. Splitting time during his off-season, between Los Angeles and Jersey City, Al dealt with making the second biggest decision of his life. Was he going to walk away from his young rising Atlanta Hawks team and go somewhere, where he can possibly get a max deal and a shot at a playoff ring, or stay and continue to grow where he has already adapted to the players and coaches? “I want to stay. I don’t need a max deal,” Al said. “I don’t need max money to take care of my family. I just love to play and I want to win.” BBP, Doesn't this article have a lot of loose ends that will be tied up by the time it comes out? For example, you don't know what Al's salary or team is. The timing seems off to me, but for your sake I hope it gets published. I said that at the begining of the post, but you seem to have cut that part out. I'm not worried about it being printed cause it will. I was paid for it already. Plus it was written at the begining of May. It will be revised before it is printed. But then again, how do you know I don't know whats going on?
  15. Quote: Quote: What makes no since? That a writer could have such a poor command of the english language. Yeah your right! That was horrible!
  16. I normally try to stay out of the talks about what BK has done or hasn't done, because I am not an expert, but this is my womanly metaphoric perception of what he has done: Please Remember that BK had a bunch of Dead Skin when he became employed in which he had to exfoliate to bring out the new skin. When one gets a facial, afterwards the skin is fresh, young and healthy looking. To keep it that way you have to make drastic changes to how you care for your skin. New products of moisturizers, cleansers, scrubs, masks, and more drinking water are necessary to continue the new look. Somehow you have to figure out the best combinations of different products that works best with your skin type. Well, the Hawks team is a skin type, and the products are Joe Johnson for oily skin, Speedy Claxton, for Sensitive skin, and Sheldon Williams for dry skin. Could Josh Smith and Marvin Williams be the night time and day time moisturizers that we need? What players are the daily scrubs that we need to remove the dead skin. What players are going to be our water sources to bring back rejuvenation to the skin? Wright, Lue? Who? Somehow the skin will figure out what works best for it but you have to give it time to adapt. When you start using a new product the skins seems like it gets worse before it get better. Give it time and you will soon be impressed with the results.
  17. Quote: Quote: It makes no since What makes no since?
  18. Quote: you mean the story you just posted excepts from? So much for those NDA's eh? OMG! I frown my face up in disgust. I thought you were more intelligent than that. You obviously don't pay attention to what is written on this board. Why don't you go back and re-read what was going on. DUB is not a NBA MAGAZINE. This has nothing to do with the NDA's that i'm subject to with an up comming feature story that has NOT been written yet.....you know what? I'm not going to explain myself.... I can't win for loosing. It's always something with yall. It's even worse comming from you!:(
  19. Quote: Chad Ford needs a real job. Not being restricted to a clock in schedule, or an office? Getting paid to travel to watch your favorite sport, and writing about your opinions? Pissing people off? Sounds like my kind of job. I wish I had it.
  20. Ok, so I'm like finally fed up with the Haters on this board. So this is a small piece of the Article that I did on Harrington, that was pushed back to the basketball issue later in the year. Due to the fact that it's was supposed to be out it will have to be revised for it to be printed. The article being pushed back has nothing to do with it not making it (directed towards Mudderfudder77). They just had so many football players that they decided to do a football issue, and then a basketball player issue. So here is a piece of it: On a breezy post season Sunday afternoon standing at the edge of the Hudson River in Jersey City, New Jersey, Al Harrington takes in the view. “That gap right there was where the World Trade Center Buildings stood,” Al points out. He looks behind him at the open space where his silver coated Range Rover sitting on Pirelli 295-35-23’s was parked, “Everybody was standing out here. You could see the planes fly right through the buildings,” he recalls with a hint of disbelief. For the second time in his career playing for the Hawks, Harrington was reluctantly off this summer. “Going home in April or knowing in January that you’re not going into the post season,” he said, “That sucks!” At 26 years old heading into his 9th season in the NBA, Al became one of the top coveted Free Agents in the league, with multiple teams looking to add him as the missing link they needed to get to the next level. Splitting time during his off-season, between Los Angeles and Jersey City, Al dealt with making the second biggest decision of his life. Was he going to walk away from his young rising Atlanta Hawks team and go somewhere, where he can possibly get a max deal and a shot at a playoff ring, or stay and continue to grow where he has already adapted to the players and coaches? “I want to stay. I don’t need a max deal,” Al said. “I don’t need max money to take care of my family. I just love to play and I want to win.” “God has always been on my side when it comes to basketball,” said Al. Growing up in Orange, New Jersey, Al didn’t have any dreams or desires of playing basketball or going to the NBA. Not until Coach Shaw of Roselle High School forced him to play his freshman year. “I loved football, that’s all I wanted to play,” remembered Al. “Coach Shaw was the JV football coach, and the freshman coach of the basketball team. When he told me that I was playing for him, I was like yeah, alright because he was an intimidating man,” Al said laughing. “I thought I was off the hook when I ended up being on punishment during the tryouts. I was happy because I didn’t want to play anyway.” Coach Shaw had other plans, and ended up having a special tryout session for Al. Al seemed to be blessed with Favor. How did a 6’5, non athletic, kid with balance issues his freshman year become USA Today’s National Player of the Year in his final year of high school after transferring to St. Patrick’s high school his sophomore year, and then be drafted in the first round as the 25th overall pick to the Indiana Pacers? Could it be the work ethic that still follows him today? Al talks about where it came from, “When my dad died, my mother had to work overtime to take care of us,” Al said referencing his 23, year old younger brother and 17 year old younger sister. “My mom would come home at noon and sleep until midnight. I’d have to go in just to make sure she was still breathing because she was so tired, dog tired,” he said. Al gives all the credit to his mother. When asked what’s the most Baller thing he’s done in his Career, Al doesn’t hesitate: “Making it to the NBA, so that my mother won’t have to work again unless she wants to.”........... ****This is for this site only! Please do not repost on another site*****
  21. Quote: Quote: Quote: "financial irregularities" in regards to Miller handling Al's money. You are in the ball park....As I am limited to what I can say cuz of non-disclosures I have agreed to due to a pending feature story. Just like the DUB mag feature article? Actualy, no. DUB is car lifestyle magazine, and I really couldn't go over 850 words, so there's not much I could do about getting into the details that much about his career. 850 words is not a "Feature Story" I'll post the story I wrote but if you know anything things change. It makes no since to put one basketball player in a football player issue. I have no control how they publish their issues. When they put out the Basketball player issue then you will see the article that I have posted. But the "Feature Story will be for a NBA Magazine, and it will be for the Jan/Feb issue.
  22. Quote: "financial irregularities" in regards to Miller handling Al's money. You are in the ball park....As I am limited to what I can say cuz of non-disclosures I have agreed to due to a pending feature story.
  23. Quote: Since you seem to know, why did he fire his agent? So you're saying players don't care about earning their market value? They're just content to get whatever someone will pay them? And since you continually throw it around ad nauseum on this message board, it's only fair to ask what exactly qualifies you as being "on the inside"? i never said that players don't care about "earning" their market value. Never. And no, they are not just CONTENT on what someone will give them. Quote: I think Al wants more than his old agent could get for him and that's the reason the deal is not done. This is not the reason his agent was fired. Quote: I find it hard to believe that Al is happy with the Pacer deal. This is Al's big pay day, so why would he be happy when Nene is getting $60M and barely played last year? The only thing about this pacer deal that has anything to do with Al is the money that ATL re-signed him for. Everything else is for ATL and Indy to work out. He agreed to an amount and thats it for him. The rest is up to the front office folks. Quote: Maybe all the pressure is on the Pacers to meet Al's additional contract demands. The pressure is on both the Hawks and the Pacers to decide which is going to give in on the demands of either team. Not AL....
  24. Quote: That's when he fired his agent. Did I miss a report on the reason he fired his agent? I think Al wants more than his old agent could get for him and that's the reason the deal is not done. I find it hard to believe that Al is happy with the Pacer deal. This is Al's big pay day, so why would he be happy when Nene is getting $60M and barely played last year? Tellem was hired to get him the contract he wants. Why else would he fire his agent if he was happy with the deal? Maybe all the pressure is on the Pacers to meet Al's additional contract demands. OG I will tell you that you are DEAD wrong!! None of this has to do with Al's BIG demand for Money. Al deserves a raise. His agent was fired for different reasons, not because he couldn't get a NENE type deal. The pressure is not from Al. He is as frustrated just as any one would be in this situation, and is handling it very well. We as fans always assume that it's the player that's making all the demands when it comes to biz in the NBA and what I have learned from being on the inside, and talking to these players, is that majority of the time it is not them. We as fans have limited understanding of what goes on behind the scenes. And you my friend a wrong with your assumptions.
  25. Oh you are so perfect. Go check your own mistake in the other post about ROLES!!!
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