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Everything posted by SmittyandGaylock

  1. Quote: http://realgm.com/src_wiretap_archives/510...hopping_marion/ I dont know what they could really get from Memphis besides draft picks or Rudy Gay but this is surprising to me. I figured they would want to see a season of Wade and Marion together. What would Wade and Marion possibly do together??? Also, how is this Hawks related? Move this thread and ban Ncthompson please.
  2. I hope he beats his wife and gets a few years in jail. What a moron. He saves Baez and Wickman exclusively for leads in the 8th and 9th, and not even TIES! Well let me tell u, the braves wont have a chance to win if they can't hold a tie! I hope he ....
  3. I don't know if this has been posted or anything, but Dallas released Pavel Podzolkin (SP). I don't know anything about him except hes abotu 21 and 7 foot 5 and I think injury prone. So is anybody interested for cheap?
  4. Sothron, you want to see Smitty and Long as an announcing team wow. That might be the most retarded thing i've ever heard. I don't know,,,,,best no name Hawk, I didn't see the name Ken Norman out there. He wasn't too good though
  5. lol Childress blows....bottomline. I'd take Magloire even for 1 season
  6. KEMP, MARIJUANA!!!!!! WHAT!!?!?!? NO WAY!??????????
  7. John Edwards shouldn't be anything more than Napolean Dynomite's stunt double. He shouldn't get guaranteed money let alone a roster spot. I mean he's a true 7 footer and didn't get drafted,,,,nuff said.
  8. The shot, the goofy afro and I just hate his overall game. I can't explain it, he just pisses me off for no reason. I think it's because everybody thinks he's actually good...and I see him as an above average bench and energy player. Also when I look at him I see shades of Dermarr Johnson with an afro. Weren't they both #6 picks by the Hawks,,,,both 6'8-6'9 etc
  9. Think again MW, I despise Childress as he is my least favorite player in the whole league. My honest opinion for any girl who has a crush on Chillz, they need to move on to bigger and better things like Sam Cassell.
  10. lol it was funny. figured was too good to be true.
  11. Yea Billy frustrates me and I don't even deal with him.
  12. I liked Ivey rookie year as well, and he DID get worse. Oh where are you Mr. Duhon?
  13. Thank you Lascar, I don't know what the other people are smoknig these days. Ivey can't hit a jumper to save his life, and 37% sounds about right. His defense is overrated because it excels in comparison to the rest of his "game".
  14. lol i'm sure Ivey's good at a lot of thnigs. Just any facet of the game of basketball is not one of them.
  15. Also how many mins did Shelden play and what was his FG%
  16. LOL@jerry and KB. I need to get my haircut, i'm growing a mullah
  17. lol not like you're revealing anything other than saying you have inside info. HEY GUYS I PERSONALLY KNOW BILLY KNIGHT, HE TOLD ME EVERYTHING!!!!! BUT I CAN'T TELL YOU GUYS!!!!!
  18. Basketball mullah, what are you? some kind of Iron Sheik WWE persona for basketball inside knowledge.
  19. I think everybody is just BSing,,,,who even knows if anything is worked out. If it was, it'd be announced by now so something is holding it up. Maybe the pick protection? I'd be fine with him for the pick if it's left unprotected
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