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Posts posted by Dsinner

  1. I failed my driving test a couple weeks ago. I take it again on the 28th. If I fail it that time, I'll have to wait two months to take it again... so yeah, a lot of pressure on me here since I need to work two jobs this summer and am also volunteering at a hospital... just wondering if you guys can help me out with any tips, haha.

    The first time I took it, I failed cause I did a rolling stop at a red light. I'm not really nervous about the test coming up, I just think I need practice around that area and then polish my backing up skills since I just winged it when I did the back up parking.

    Offer the officer a cool $100 bill. You should do fine with that.

  2. Woody isn't wrong for playing his guys like that, as I said last season: "if your going to have a coach, give him some job security or this will be the result."

    Since when is an extension not job security? I understand him coaching like that last year but he got his extension yet he still coaches like this. Even when he knows better by his own admission. It's like he's stuck in stupidville and everyone in the world knows it INCLUDING himself yet he keeps his job year after year. It's truly amazing.

  3. Some of it is certainly the coaches fault but the problem here is that as usual Woody is being given all of the fault. I could understand if our players played the same way all of the time but they are so damned inconsistent that the coach cannot get the full blame. Do you think Woody is coaching differently on the road than at home? His "system" has shown that we can be a dominant home team and I'm certain that it's the same system on the road but compounding the issues with the poor offensive scheme is the FACT that we have some dumb players who far too often lose focus and play out of control. Yes some of that can be attributed to the ISO offense but some of that also has to be attributed to selfish play and stupid mistakes.

    As AHF said there is plenty of blame to go around ... and that's not just true of last nights game, it's true of every game for the Hawks.

    One MAJOR point you are missing when you blame the players is that Woody basically taught these young players their NBA game. Our core hasn't known anything but Woody. So if you're going to blame the players for their play you still have to at least partially attribute that to Woody as well.

  4. That has to be some kind of NBA record right!! He shouldn't get a pass. We are 7-8 with him on the playoffs. All 8 of our losses have been blowouts!!!!!

    Well, if there's anything worth doing...it's worth doing right.

  5. and I am a browns fan, and an indians fan, and a cavs fan, and a notre dame fan.

    Now that I think about it, I'll leave you alone. If the above is true you're probably clinically depressed and the only thing keeping you from putting a gun to your head is King James. Man you better hope he doesn't go to NY.

  6. define "following them" i know after the 94 season we finished horribly every year, went through 3 coaches and won the lottery for lebron, there was nothing else to follow when your season is over after November, haha

    Following would still be watching the games even though you know they are going to loose. You keep describing fair weather with every post man. Keep it up.

  7. Again you show your ignorance of history. The Spurs and Lakers won a bunch of titles but they broke up the Lakers and the Spurs are out of the playoffs.

    To win a title this year the Cavs don't have to beat the teams that won all those titles so trying to use them for comparison purposes is nonsense. The evidence says that the competition for a ring is much less now than in the past.

    The only teams left now are teams who haven't been to the finals before or who have been there once in recent years.

    Give it up Ex. By his own admission he's not even a basketball fan so who gives a f*ck what he doesn't know? He's going to admit that and then try to argue with you about basketball. Too funny.

  8. haha, wow someone that talks tough over the internet. i am sorry that basketball isnt my life, sorry I cant tell you everything that has happened over the past 10 years, for 4 of those 10 i was either blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah

    You are still not comprehending what you said earlier. You admitted you stopped following your team (the team you're on this site defending to the bitter end mind you) because "they fail off". Not because you had to leave the country and not because you're not a big basketball fan (which if that is the case you probably shouldn't be arguing with these legit bball fans about bball). Then you state you started following the Indians because they were winning. Not because you were a baseball fan and not because you were all of a sudden in the country.

    You clearly stated you stopped following a team because they were losing and started following a team because they were winning. I could care less about any of this other crap you're trying to divert this conversation into but the fact that you stated the above makes you the kind of person I would not meet at a game to have a beer with. Good day sir and I hope you become a Browns fan in the near future because...well because that would mean the Cavs are sucking.

  9. ok so for the past 10 years you have watched every hawks game that has been on tv?

    Absolutely not. But I've never stopped following them because they had a bad year or 13. Not sure how your statement is even relevant.

  10. and since you are such a great hawks fan you will be at the game saturday right? as will I we should have a beer together ill be in section 113 behind the cavs bench wearing the St Vincent-St Mary's Lebron jersey

    WTF would I want to have a beer with you? You are my enemy. You are a Cavs fan. Not only that, you are a fair weathered Cavs fan. That's the worst kind. You will now be lucky if a beer doesn't end up in your lap.

  11. no I follow my team regardless but when would a cavs game be televised in atlanta if they where not good? its easier to follow when they are good and basketball is not my favorite sport

    Since you seem incapable of remembering your own posts...

    Not a teenager but I admit that I am not a huge basketball fan, followed the cavs through the late 80's early 90's then they fell of and so did my interest in basketball since thats about the time frame that the Indians became contenders

    So you followed the cavs till they started loosing and as luck would have it the Indians started winning about that same time so you jumped on that wagon. I'm not sure how else you would describe "fair weather". You are the epitome of one based on your own words I might add.

  12. No one expected them to win but coach has to show he is never satisfied with losing the way they did in that 2nd half.

    Well then the coach needs to make up his mind. In one interview he claims "it is really hard to steal a series. In my 25 years coaching I've seen it done before but it is hard". That's basically telling the team they don't have a shot in hell to win this thing anyway. Both the coach and Sund have made comments that seemed to lean towards already being satisfied with this season.

  13. Why do you play a player that long that only averages a little over 20 a game? As good as Joe is he should either be averaging more pts with those minutes or he should be getting less minutes. Either way it's hurting the team/Joe.

  14. fairweather no, if you ask they will always be my team, Basketball is just not my #1 sport so therefore if the cavs are in it then I will be heavily interested if they are out then Ill just check the score. Plus living in Atlanta its hard to get a game on TV if they are bad so its harder to follow. and if the Hawks have such a huge fan base how come you can't sell out a game 7 playoff game. and last time I checked the home games coming up arent sell outs either

    You made it pretty clear you only follow "your teams" when they are winning. That is the definition of "fair weather".

  15. Not a teenager but I admit that I am not a huge basketball fan, followed the cavs through the late 80's early 90's then they fell of and so did my interest in basketball since thats about the time frame that the Indians became contenders

    So you're a fair-weather fan? You probably won't identify with a lot of the fans on this site as we are true fans (the Hawks have never been contenders). Don't worry, Lebron will leave soon and you can go back to being an Indian or Browns fan. Both of them will be better than the Cavs when the King is gone.

  16. The same guys crying about giving Childress 5-6 Million will be willing to pay Marvin 9-10 million. Childress was more productive and Versatile than Marvin while he was here and since he's been a leader in the Euroleague, he's probably going to be a lot better when he comes back.

    I haven't looked it up but I'd be willing to bet Marvin is better in nearly every statistical category this year than Chilz ever was. Not sure how Chilz was ever "more versatile" when Marvin is now better than Chilz in every meaningful way. You may have had an argument last year but I guess your hate blinders for the man hasn't let you see what he has finally started to become...A very good player (and it's about time).

  17. Color me less than blown away with Webber's incredible jump shot. He ranks slightly above Smooth this season but WAY below Flip Murray as a jump shooter.

    Not the stuff of legend.

    Come on AHF. You can't have a 6-11 F/C "good" barometer be measured against a 6'4 SG. Especially not his jumper. That's like saying Flip isn't a good rebounder because he doesn't get the same amount as Webber.

    For a man his size, Webber had a "good" jump shot. For a SG he did not. Would you guys please stop saying it's "great" or "stuff of a legend".

  18. Without a doubt the best 48 min game they've played all year. If we win big tomorrow AND win the next one at home they may actually have a shot at the whole shebang. All they need is the confidence to believe they can win on the road in the playoffs and anything will become very possible.

  19. And again, if he hit so many j's, why all the first round defeats? Maybe because the team's success was incidental to Webber's?

    I'll answer this question, although I think it speaks volumes on how your agenda affects your perceived few of reality. I agree with you in that I do believe the teams success was incidental to Webbers. The flaw from your standpoint is that in the 6 years he helped lead them into the playoffs (every year he was there) only twice did they fail to make it out of the first round. One of those being to the Champion Lakers. So I now ask you..WTF are you talking about?

    So hopefully you can somehow manage to see that your view of his past is extremely skewed no matter how much bball you've played in your past. As you can see the amount of high school ball you play does not always equal the amount of ball knowledge you posses.

  20. Webber is one of only six players to have career averages of 20 points, 9 rebounds, and 4 assists (Four of which are Hall of Famers: Baylor, Bird, Chamberlain, Cunningham. Kevin Garnett is still active)

    Ahh, it was 6. I've never liked the guy as a person or an analyst but as a player you have to give him his dues.

  21. In what world is a big man who plays small, tougher than a smaller man who plays big? Not mine. Or Josh Smith's. He's the size of a 3 playing 4. But Webber was just so tough, standing at the top and passing half the time? Whatever.

    You don't lead the NBA in rebounding by playing smaller than you actually are. You also don't AVERAGE 10 boards a game for a long career. Seriously what's your formula for evaluating a player? You think a rebounding champion plays smaller than their stature? Funny.

    With that above post I now see your agenda. You don't like big guys who play at the top. I get it. I'm not a big fan of it myself. But you're using that to mischaracterize a player to do what only 4? other players have EVER done. 3 of those are in the HOF and one is still playing. I'm not saying Webber is a HOFer but he's a lot better than you're giving him credit for.

  22. Dude, put down the pipe. So, the annonymous opinion of blahblah.com and such PROVES your point? Seriously, that's just stupid. Find at least one quote from a HOF shooter and maybe I'll reconsider.

    It proves it was common knowledge around basketball that he had a good jump shot. Your problem is you can't seem to differentiate between "good" and "great". Why would a HOF player comment on a "good" jumper. Talk about finding the impossible. In fact, it's even "dumb" of you to think I could find such. Sound familiar?

  23. First off, that is in practice, an impossibility. So for you to propose it is just dumb. Secondly, the ability to hit a shot and the ability to know when to properly take it in the context of the game, are two different things. and you will never find any legitimate player say Webber had a great j. No one.

    And again, if he hit so many j's, why all the first round defeats? Maybe because the team's success was incidental to Webber's?

    What is an impossibility? To research interviews and news articles on the web?

    Who ever said he had a "great" J or for that matter who ever said the argument was knowing when to take the jumper. Now you're not even in the same conversation and are simply making stuff up. My argument was CLEARLY whether or not he had a good jumper. Now you want to change it to whether or not he was a smart basketball player or had a "great" jumper.

    Those first round defeats were because of Shaq, Kobe and the refs. Jordan couldn't have defeated Shaq in his prime with Kobe AND the zebras. It wasn't solely because of Webber I can assure you.

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