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Posts posted by volman

  1. Gotta agree, anyone that thinks LiiBrown doesn't get calls is blind.  Also, the idea that all the eggsperts are picking the Hawgs is laughable.


    Some eggs are picking us but MOST roundly dismiss us as cannon fodder.  We may win, we may lose, but we'll be anything but an easy out.  Anyone who's "analysis" is that let's me know they stop watching us around the time when Jamal Crawford left.


    The way the "Experts" like Steven Ass Smith talk about this series shows how little they have watched the Hawks this year.  I find it quite lazy of these journalists to pull the "superstar" card as a reason for the Cavs to win over the Hawks.  The Hawks have the better team and the better coaching staff.  Do the Cavs have LeBron?  Yes, they do... But I will take him scoring 75 points and the Hawks scoring 76 and winning..all day.


    Hawks in 6! 

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  2. Hey guys.

    I have a few questions for you...

    1. I'm assuming that fans don't often watch regular season games of other teams, since most of the time the teams are playing at the same time. Having said that, why do so many Bulls and Hawks fans (and I'm sure others) seem to think refs favored or will favor the Cavs? In the Bulls series for example, there were a ton of no calls and bad calls but it seemed to me that it was going both ways. I don't really get this perception that LeBron gets a ton of calls - I watched almost every Cavs game this year and I don't remember coming away from a game thinking "wow we only won that one because of the refs". The entire Cavs team complains too much, but now that I watch other teams in the playoffs it seems like every team does this. I think that both James and Irving get some questionable foul calls, but I've also seen them called for a lot of offensive fouls this year. The way some Bulls fans were talking you would think that there wasn't a single call that went against LeBron in that series.....in reality there were a lot.

    2. When the ECF matchup was set, the general feeling I got was that the Hawks were the underdog. This made sense to me as over the 2nd half of the season the Cavs had a better record. Then looking at "expert picks", it seems like at least half are picking the Hawks. So why do you guys feel so slighted over this? Just curious as more people in the media are picking the Hawks than I would have thought.


    Sorry man, but you suffer from blatant homerism.  Welcome to the board, but you have got to be kidding me with the, "LeBron doesn't get calls.. I watch the games" stuff.  The Cavs have been on TV all year and LeBron has gotten calls his entire career.  It is just a known fact.  


    Hawks in 6, though. 

    One more thing-- it isn't a call against LeBron when he ACTUALLY gets called for an offensive foul.  It seems shocking when he is called for them, because in actuality he never gets called for those after bulldozing over his defender.  I just laugh sometimes. 

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  3. Hawks will come out SWINGING in game 1. I think we have the monkey off our backs and the city behind the team and with nothing to lose, that is a dangerous combination for team lebron.

    Oh yeah, love is out and Irving isn't 100%. Hawks in 7.

  4. Mike Scott, Moose, Kyle Korver (everyone screamed bloody murder when he was extended), DMC (lots of "SMH" after he signed), Thabo (same puzzled reaction to his signing), Pero (don't get me started on the hate there), and then Jeff Teague (who many on here wanted gone a few years back).

    That is a rag tag group as described by this forum. The funny part is each individual signing was extremely crucified by posters on here but then expectations of ECF or bust are bestowed upon them at season's start. It's just ridiculous.

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  5. Amen to that. I think we are clicking more and learning how to run the offense, like you said, in the playoffs. A bit of an adjustment but we are 8-4.

    One of the women on ESPN said we are playing .500 ball in the playoffs. Idiot.

  6. I know you guys will say the opposite, but coach Bud has earned his COTY award so far. Yes, we had 4 all stars but that is only a product of our regular season. We have taken a ragtag bunch of players and one top-3 pick with no go-to superstar and a group that cannot rebound, and now made it to the ECF. I would go as far to say the 2008 team had better talent (and higher picks). Bud has had to play with an injured, tired group. Yes, injuries happen, but we have been extremely resilient in the first two series' with both of our opponents playing over their heads and abilities. I would have said in the previous 7 seasons that we needed to play our best to get to the ECF, and while we haven't, we are still here.

    Anyway, off my soap box here-- but I am just amazed at all of the "deficiencies" of this team and how we have overcome all to make it to the ECF. Kudos to the coaching staff!

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  7. Jeffrey Teague is hurt.  He tweaked his ankle in the Brooklyn series, and has not been the same.  His jump shots are short, his floaters are not going in, and he has missed how many layups now?


    Teague knows that he is the fuel that fires this team, and the Wizards know that he is not a threat right now in the pick and roll game.   I think that Teague is obviously playing very timid and almost not to get hurt again.  He is not playing with the same vigor and relentless approach as he did in the regular season. 





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