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Everything posted by TheTruth

  1. We better not blow this... GS has been struggling with MIN tonight as well. A few minutes ago, GS was only up 4.
  2. I would like to see an exact quote from Bud that says we aren't trying to go after offensive rebounds...that doesn't make much sense to me. An offensive rebound equals one more possession, and who doesn't want that? I don't live in GA, so I don't get to watch the games much, and when I do, I never get to watch the postgame pressers from Bud. But I cannot fathom that he would espouse that as a strategy. Anyway, we have a problem with rebounding, and tonight we got bitten by it (and almost did against GS despite us shooting lights out in the second half). And yes, Horford's and Milsap's offensive ineptitude cost us as well. We are still an excellent team, but this is a problem. And with Pero's limited value, we have no other bench bigs that can help with the rebounding and defense night in and night out. Payne can;t get PT, Brand barely plays and isn't mobile enough for our defensive strategy, Scott is more of a SF, and Muscala racks up DNPs. We are going to have to hope that the defensive strategy that has carried us this far will continue to cover up our rebounding issue yet still thrive in the playoffs when we will face more defenses like the Grizz who CAN rebound night in and night out along with playing strong defense.
  3. I don't mind him as the 3rd C, but as our backup C, I am starting to call for an upgrade. He does several defensive things well, but he is terrible on the offensive end. I like the spacing the threat of his outside shooting provides, but he still needs to be able to knock down a shot every once in a while. I wish we had someone better... Whoops...
  4. This game was so full of epicness that Philips could barely contain it. So glad we won...we deserved it after that second half. But my oh my, those refs were a joke. Great, great game!
  5. So I'm not the only one? Good. Be still, my heart...
  6. Gametime can't freakin get here fast enough!
  7. It goes without saying that we are going to have to commit to defense, sharing, and limiting tournovers--three things that got us here. During the last few games of our streak, we got away from that, and it clearly showed. A team like GSW will crush us if we don't stick to what made us the dominant force we are today, and we will see them drop 120 on us before we can reach 100 if we aren't careful.
  8. Dude, this game is gonna be so hyped and awesome. I so hope we win this game, because homerism aside, the Warriors are the best team in the league. If we can pop them, and I know we can, it will do WONDERS for us. We already know we can not only compete--but destroy--top teams, but we haven't faced these guys yet...until tonight. Watching those guys come back from the azz whooping the Mavs were putting on them a couple nights ago made me sick. Speaking of, I wish we played the Cavs in our next game, I'm tired of them winning...
  9. We won. Can't believe we damn near blew it. Oh well. Next.
  10. For those that care about this sorta thing, GSW (36-7; .837 winning %) is losing by double digits in the 4th tonight on the road against a scrappy UTAH team. If they lose, the Hawks (39-8; .830 winning %), will solely own the best record in the NBA.
  11. I misread then. I was thinking it was a few days. Oh well, thanks for the correction. On a different note, it is promising to see that we played probably our worst defensive game in the last two months, with JOE going off, "What the fudge is an Alan Anderson" dropping bombs, and Brook "What is Defense?" Lopez pouring in 18, and STILL won by double digits. I mean, this team...this damn team. #MVTeam!
  12. I'm liking that. Seems like we have done a fair share of that lately...
  13. Yeah, the first time I get to watch a game start to finish and their defense doesn't arrive to Philips. Glad we won, but we are definitely going to have to tighten up defensively. That being said, I fully expect to merc these cats when we play them again in a few days.
  14. Antić has a +15 +/- which is the highest of the game by far. Either the stat is super broken or Antić has the best "doesn't show up in stat sheet" ability ever. By the way, he has 7 rebounds in 14 minutes. Crazy!
  15. Korver for THREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. That dagger should do it!
  16. A Black Baptist church at that...(I would know)
  17. I could see it if we continue our style of play, rabid defense, and spectacular passing.
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