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Everything posted by drditzel

  1. not going to the game tonight, but i love everything about a gorins pregame. if i ever went to great wraps, it would be like cheating on a girlfriend.
  2. via Micah Hart of the official website on twitter. sounds like good news to me. http://twitter.com/atlanta_hawks
  3. agree to disagree. not to say that he can't make it a pattern on his own. but nothing over three years has shown that he is a dominate personality. i don't think it took josh's struggles to make him realize he was better or worse, should shoot more or less. i don't want to lose him either. i just don't think you can say, randomly in feb/march the light came on. his skills have been a slow, good development, it would be surprising if his personality changed at a rapid pace.
  4. simply for his trade value, zaza is small potatoes compared to josh. same for talent and skill. the only thing zaza is leading in is heart, and they both make boneheaded plays. josh just gets more minutes.
  5. best way to say it. i love marvin. but i am worried the aggressiveness i have looked to see for two years is really the whisper of the agent before every game of a contract year. that being said. when he is hitting and trying to hit his shot, he now has the skills to take over.
  6. when Sund came by during blog night, he basically gave us that exact same rundown. That must be his go to speech. I also got the impression he is not a fan of Childress and will not overpay for Bibby next year. point blank when asked about Woody, he said I am still evaluating. I read my own desires into ambiguity. You can feel free to do so as well.
  7. It is not that Horford gets in foul trouble as much as Woodson has no idea how to manage him. Horford rightfully is taken out at the end of close games bc he is a foul shooting liability but because that is the case, horford should learn to play with his fouls. if he fouls out. ok. instead, woody yanks him in and out. sits him for long periods. woody plays him like horford only gets five fouls a game. i may be wrong on this but i don't think big al has fouled out of a game this year. For a rookie to be a point away from a double double is certainly worthy of "B."
  8. I don't know what the salary cap implications are for having kid but if i aint worried about the bench because wright is gone. He was one of the worst players in the nba last year. You can find another wright. ZaZa you replace with a little less quality. But you could make a secondary move and pick up a big or two without dropping off dramatically. we don't have a varejou coming off the bench right now.
  9. no coincidence. my blog. hand raised. wasn't trying to pull one over on you.
  10. It is toward the bottom of the post. here
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