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Posts posted by KDT88

  1. I can't really say anything right now since everyone is 0-0. As soon as the Hawks are half way through the year, I'll gladly dis Hollinger (assuming the Hawks will be where I think they'll be..somewhere around a .550 winning %)

    EDIT: I could dis him on the Chils being the 3rd best player, but its not even worth it. Every Hawks fan knows that Chills was probably the 6th best on the squad last year. One could argue that he was better than Marvin, but I'll give the edge to Marvin.

  2. Yah that interception was a "i thought i was playing in a college game" ..but then again i havent been impressed with Ryans Arm strength. I had the falcons winning 5-6games, but yah those corners are ugh.

    Guess we gonna have to ride ABRAHAM to the promise land

    Dude, Ryan has a great arm. He can make any throw. Did you see when he launched a strike in week 3 to White for a TD. http://www.atlantafalcons.com/media_librar..._-_9-21-08.aspx - It was about a 60 yard throw without much effort. He could of thrown it farther if needed.

  3. I expect us to be bad for a long time. By the time we get some decent players in here, Chipper will be done, and he's the heart and soul of the team. We'll be going against the Mets and Phillies, and they don't seem to be going anywhere in the East. All we really have on this team to build around is Mccann and MAYBE Esocbar. I'm still not sold on Jair and Campillio as #2/3 starters. It would be nice if we get CC next year, Jordan Schaefer comes up and becomes a beast, then followed by Jayson Heyward, but thats a lot that has to go right. Teams go through ups and downs, and the Braves are in the midst of their down. Its time for Wren to think long term, and long term only when making moves.

  4. Pros

    • 1 more year of expeience for our youngsters
      We got a taste of the playoffs
      Bibby will be close to %100
      Speedy could be...COULD BE..healthy
      We got a much needed big in Morris
      We added another 3pt threat in Mo Evans


    • Childress is gone
      All aquired FA's are no names and have done nothing, excluding Mo Evans
      We kept Woodson
      Smith 'may' be a disgruntled player with the way things played out in FA (I'm doubting this one, but I've heard it from others)

  5. In Sekous new blog about how Horford and Smoove compliment each other he mentions some names the Hawks may be interested in. He says they are still in the hunt for Elston. He also talks about how JJ and Pargo are close pals.

    You're talking about Elson right? Elson, who played for the Spurs for a little while? Hell yeah, I would love for him to be a Hawk. GET HIM!!

  6. Josh, Bibby and Joe are making to much money for the Hawks to afford high quality veteran help.

    I'm not expecting 'high' quality vets like Posey, but there had to be some better FA's than Morris and Hunter. I just don't seeing these moves improving our team that much, if at all. I'm more comfortable with ZaZa/Solomon at C than ZaZa/Morris, but thats just me. Lets pray that I'm wrong, and these guys will help improve the Hawks.

  7. Maurice Evans is an established vet. Basketball or any sport is not about the stat sheet. Evans has been a very good player for each team he's played for and when he got a chance to start he didn't dissapoint in Orlando. and the whole thing about losing players is somebody else has to step up and prove themselves,it's not always as bad as it seems.

    Don't give me the ol' "its not about the stat sheet" speech, please. I know that. But after last year, I remember hearing about bringing in some veterans. Rick Sund even spun it by saying that the last thing we needed this year was another draft pick (LOL, trying to get us to believe that having no picks is a good thing). JJ was saying that he wanted some veteran help, so we bring him Maurice Evans....somebody who shouldn't of started for the Magic and the only reason he did was because there was no one else. I went to the Magic boards and asked them myself - http://boards.espn.go.com/boards/mb/mb?&am...s=Orlando+Magic , and they watched him play plenty.

    Now, I like Mo as a 6th man, but Morris and Hunter...not really the veteran help that was promised. They just seem like projects, not established vets. And, whos to say Woody doesn't do his 7 man rotation again and these guys see the floor as much as Solomon.

    I'm just a little disappointed in this off season, and I'm not even taking into account the Chillz situation.

  8. Yeah, I don't agree with that statement. Smoove is definitely our 2nd best player, and at times plays like our BEST player. He just brings so much to the table, as where Horford mainly brings rebounds and post scoring. Don't get me wrong, Horford is awesome, but just look at Smooves stat line at the end of one of his games. It never stops. Points, Rebounds, Blocks, Steals, Assists, etc.

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