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Posts posted by Swish

  1. Swish, That is a nice idea. A Hall of Fame for threads. But this is just daily fluff, imo.

    Even daily fluff can be funny!

    Yeah, just a place to go back and re-read classic moments whether awesome flame wars or LMAO posts...just whatever.

    I mean, we've gone from Dolfan banning someone, to Marshal Dillon, to Smokey Bear, to Jack the Ripper, to Kermit........

  2. I would say that it has to go:

    1. Boston

    2. Indiana

    3. Charlotte.

    4. Orlando

    These are so because of playoffs. I think you build rivals in the playoffs. To date, Boston has been our biggest playoff foe. They are closely followed by Indiana, Charlotte, and Orlando.

    I would agree with that though I think the Raps really need to be in the conversation after the replay game, the TJ Ford/Al Horford game, and just generally playing them well and close.

  3. Don't get used to having those firearms because the day is quickly coming when you won't be allowed to ...

    Dude, you don't have to tell me. Thats the reason I got them (I was gun-nutty before but worse now)None of them are registered and there is no way in hell anyone will take them from me without me being completely incapacitated.. When the government begins to infringe our 2nd amendment rights we will have issues and something I would lay out everything to defend. I have every reason to believe Obama will begin to slowly eliminate our right to bear arms and defend ourselves, starting with "assault" rifles, which unfortunately he defines as a semi-automatic weapon like my SKS.

  4. Any of you guys deer hunt? Gun season just opened here but I haven't gotten out yet. I'll go Saturday morning. If so, what do you hunt with and have any tricks?

    Any of y'all have a gun hobby or own anything? I have four...pistol, semi-auto rifle, shotgun, .22

  5. I read that Deron is back this week, Conley is finally starting to play like an NBA starter and Ridnour got hurt so look for Sessions to get a lot more PT. He should be getting more PT for MIL anyway. Remember you always have a chance at 4 stats (fg%, FT%, 3pt% and TO) no matter how many injuries you have. Also you had quite a few offensive rebounds last week (injuries or not).

    These things are all true and I'm thinking that once Williams, Parker and Dunleavy return I could have a solid roster, my concern is though I will never be able to dig myself out of this hole in time.

  6. I still don't get threads like this. Marv has played great the last two games, but his play was/is ALWAYS on him. Marvin had to be the one to step up, to improve his game/skills. We are way too focused on others players stepping back rather than Marvin stepping up. Whether it was Harrington, Chillz, or even Smoove, some here were always wanting other players to scale their respective games back to make Marv "look" better. It doesn't work that way. Marvin was the only person responsible for his production and sometimes passive play. Marv always had the skills and athleticism, he just didn't have the mindset. Now he seems to get it and he's playing like the player many thought he could become, and not a moment too soon because we NEED his production right now.

    I don't know about y'all, but I can't figure out what this dude is talking about. Read carefully and you may see what I mean.

  7. OK, now that MW has seriously produced at a high clip, what do you guys see/think of his development this year? Specifically, Diesel and Walter.

    I think that this is exactly what we want and need from Marvin. If Marvin can regularly put up 20/10, to go with Josh's 17/10, Al's 12/10 or whatever and Joe and Bibby's scoring, We could truly be looking at the three seed, and depending on how we perform tonight, a realistic expectation of being better than even the Cavs.

  8. Acie had a good game. He was constantly ignored on offense purposely because of the ball hogging by Flip and the no offense by Woody.Nothing but one on one. He would be in for 5 minutes and had not touched the ball once. and it's not because of him not wanting it. I'm sick of watching Flip dominating the ball.and i'm sick of the 2 man offense with Joe and Bibby. I'm sick of having no offense and i'm sick of Woody, who designs all this. The offense won't be fixed till he's gone.and the team won't reach their potential till he's gone.

    wait a second...


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