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Everything posted by ViperXX79

  1. Double double tonight and he barely played in the second half. Weird that we took out our best rebounder of the night against a team rebounding everything in site. Oh well, at least Bibby was out there to guard the 3 point line.
  2. Maybe Woodson being a bad coach has something to do with those PG's failing.? You earn the benefit of the doubt when you develop players. Not when they sit on the bench, not develop and leave. Um, that's what happens when guys stay on the bench. They don't develop.
  3. The jumper not going in is a direct result of the lack of minutes played. Working on it in practice is completely different then in a real game. You can't expect him to get better playing 3 minutes a night and maybe MAYBE taking two jumpshots a game. People like northcyde want Teague to suddenly improve his game while sitting on the bench. That's not going to happen.
  4. Yeah a slump...a two month slump. Good lord people, try to check your homerism at the door.
  5. Come on people. Mario West isn't going to help anything.
  6. LOL @ Teague and his one minute. What a joke.
  7. Teague doesn't play enough for anyone to form a real opinion on his play.
  8. I think the problem is that we don't have a superstar. I like Joe but he is not a superstar. Kobe is. We need someone like that we can lean on to carry this team. Joe doesn't do that. He's a nice player to have but he will more than likely not take you very far.
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