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Posts posted by DjGrizz

  1. Josh Smith was not named MVP of the team for no reason by many poeple/sites. I will try find the sources later. About 95% of the sources voted Smoove as the MVP. He's still growing and maturing. He's also the best passer on the team.I'm sure he will be EVEN better this year. Not to mention 2nd in voting for DPOY. I bet if you took Smoove or Horford off the roster, Smoove would be the hardest one to replace. Maybe people don't realize this at all. Owners didn't say he's the closest thing to LeBron for no reason.

    It's much easier to replace a Horford than a Smoove. And If you can't agree with me on that...

    /shakes my head

    Is Josh the same 'MVP' that held his head low in the playoffs and wouldn't get back on defense? Yeah, real 'MVP'

    • Like 1
  2. He needs to step up, call Chris Paul and fly him into Atlanta for a meeting. He needs to call Joe Johnson and invite him to the meeting along with Larry Drew(if possible w/o getting tampering charges. Drew then shows Paul and Johnson the offense together and how we can be a championship team as soon as 2010. The team could compete with the Lebrons, Heat, and Lakers.

    A potential starting lineup of:


    Johnson/Jordan Crawford



    Okafor might be to hard to pass up and Drew could show Paul is Rileyesque' offense and how explosive it will be with Johnson, Horford, and Paul being the centerpieces.

    What do you think?

    Of course I like it....But I also like that Ferrari F50 I can't have.


  3. And we're going big with the 31st pick too apparently. Let me just say that if we end up with Alabi, Whiteside or even Orton with that pick then we owe Rick Sund a beer for pulling this off.

    We might owe him more than that. Like possibly something I would be ashamed of.... :ohmy:

    In all seriousness though, great job Sund!!!

  4. At this stage of his career, I perceive Mike as valuing his comfort level as a modestly paid veteran in an NBA locker room, and his capacity to mentor a young upstart, above any egotistical allusions that he must remain a starting point guard ad infinitum. He may also recognize that "demanding a trade" and having the league-wide value necessary to justify a trade are different things.

    Given the choice, I'd venture to guess that he and his posse would rather remain in Atlanta than starting anew and trying to cling to a starting gig in, say, Memphis or Charlotte.


    Yeah, I really don't think Mike feels that way. Mike said himself he wants to get into coaching and just last year he would work overtime with Teague just to help him with his jumpers.

  5. If Drew lives up to his word, Bibby could be an intricate part to our success next season. The ball movement should really help his three point shooting and could be devastating off the bench.

    As long as Teague gets the majority of the minutes, Bibby could have some value.

  6. A Toronto concoction I believe. I'd have gone with "Sammich" myself.

    I'm going with the latter scenario. "Samuel E. Mitchell, Jr." has witnessed enough Hawk basketball over the past couple years to know it's not a project he is willing to work with. Although what's scary, by comparison, is he professed enthusiasm in recent interviews over taking the Sixers' current roster and building around them.


    Sammich is an awesome nickname. And you my sir are the man!!!

  7. I am surprised to find that AJ is the micromanager that he's been quoted as being. For that reason, if we're spending that kind of cash, I would hope that Byron Scott is on that short list too.

    Personally, I think AJ will be a good motivator. He's a good defensive coach. The team will definitely respect him more than some assistant. The man has several rings and in his last position, he coached his team to the finals and was winning before being Bevetta'd.

    Even when you look at the last break up with Dallas, I think everybody was disappointed when they lost to GS, but I think what lost the job was the fact that Johnson and Cuban didn't really see eye to eye on a lot of things. I think Cuban was the one who traded for Kidd.

    Which leads me to this.

    Do you think that Sund wants the AJ/Harris connection reunited in Atlanta?? What are we giving for that if it's going to happen?

    "Bevetta'd" LOL

  8. I've been informed by a Hawks player that most of the players have already accepted that JJ will not return next yr. I am not publicizing the name for their privacy but I assure you this isn't bogus. This isn't really a rumor, just giving you an idea of what most of the players are thinking in the locker-room. The player also faulted Woody for playing JJ too much during the season which caused him to be tired near the end, esp during the playoffs.

    Color me unconvinced. Nice NON source you got going here.

    • Like 1
  9. Joe Johnson is a complete and utter moron. His Twitter account that he deleted clearly shows that he is an immature crybaby. Let someone else pay him a **** load. I'm done with him. Build this team around Horford and Smith and we can be just as good if not better. Oh yeah, and fire Woody.

  10. Well Congrats to "Doin"...is that you DJGrizz? Anyway Doin and I have the same 3 of the final 4 and Doin has me by points at this stage. Pick-wise, there is no room for me to catch up. I checked a few rungs down on the ladder and it doesn't seem anybody else has a mathematical chance to catch up either.

    Congrats fella....man-o-man...I tought I had a chance at the double this year sad.gif .

    thumbsupsmileyanim.gifYou are the Winner!!

    unless my math is wrong.

    Yep, that is me! :biggrin:

    Can't wait to do it again next year!

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