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Posts posted by DjGrizz

  1. LOL sorry man I'm not comparing you to Steve Belkin, I'm just saying that I can't imagine a Hawks fan would honestly want to put Bibby and Crawford together on the court at the same time as our backup guards. We'd be absolutely pitiful defensively like that as you have to pair one of them with a strong defensive guard.

    No problem man, I just was like 'WOH....did he just really call me Steve Belkin?'


  2. Good God I can't imagine a team intentionally putting Bibby and Crawford together as the 2nd string backcourt, not unless Steve Belkin were setting the lineup.

    And although Bibby has struggled scoring and offers little defensively his presence on the court and his vision and the simple threat of him shooting the 3 are big for our offense.

    Thanks for comparing me to Steve Belkin.....classy.

  3. ..If Bibs comes off the bench, you would have the same problem with Craw hogging the ball. Now, we would get almost no offense from Bibs...Teague doesn't score that much now anyway, so it really wouldn't matter, but we need Bibs 12,13 points every night...unless Teague gets a consistent jumper, I would be weary of starting him....plus, how would Bibby react to riding the bench?

    Bibby has been very open thus far to Teague getting minutes. After all, he's the one that calls Teague back in the gym to help him work on his shot. Bibby has also expressed wanting to be a coach someday which is indicative of him wanting to help develop young players. Bibby knows he is not the same man that was a force with Sac and I think he is okay with that.

    Craw would be more willing to pass to Bibby because he is a veteran and it would help keep Craw in check. When he's on the floor with Teague, Craw has no feeling of accountability because he just a 'rookie.' Teague's jumper will develop when he starts to get consistent minutes. It will not develop in practice and while he's riding the bench. Besides, Teague's ability to penetrate with the ball negates the necessity of a jumper. He breaks down defenses, something Bibby cannot do.

  4. ..Nahh. I would rather have Teague come off the bench, but that would involve Woody giving him more than 6 mins a night. Teague would provide a spark right along with Craw...otherwise, you would have Bibs chucking, and that would kill any mo we may have had when the 2nd unit comes in..

    The problem with that is when Teague is in the game with Crawford, Jamal hogs the ball and usually brings the ball up. Plus Teague's defense along with the rest of the first unit is above average and really could cause a lot of turnovers. Besides, who says Bibby needs to start to make treys? That's a myth, if he still got 20 minutes a game, he would have no difficulties with his shot.

  5. I guarantee that we would be a better team if this happened. Sometimes I wonder what Woody is thinking. The second unit was obviously playing better tonight than the first unit and yet in the second half he went right back to his old ways. Bibby was absolutely terrible tonight in 26 minutes while Teague was playing great defense while initiating the offense. I know we won but is it too much to expect more when there is clearly a flaw?

    Bibby could be a great spark off the bench and could still help us a great deal. Then Teague could get the minutes he needs so he has the experience come playoff time. This needs to happen now, but it won't and it's sad.

  6. Last week we had lost 4 games in a row, and everybody was all down, and gloomy, and what did I say? "Its a long season, we'll be back, don't worry."...now we've beaten the C's, and have some mo heading towards Orlando..and Boston again...its a long season..and its only just begun..

    2-0 vs the Celtics!!

    Aren't you the same dude that said we should 'tank' the season?

    But anyways, WAY TO GO HAWKS!!!

  7. Contact league office

    This is what I wrote:

    I subscribe annually to the NBA League Pass, as well as attend games in person. I spend large quantities of money on the NBA every year, whether it be through merchandise or viewing. Which leads to my complaint.....

    The officiating for the Hawks vs Cavs game was absolutely horrendous! The shot clock malfunction with a little more than a minute left and was absolutely ridiculous! In what was a HUGE possession, the refs did nothing to rectify the situation. This is unacceptable to fans such as my self who pay top dollar to let the NBA thrive in a weak economy. I URGE you to take notice and take the necessary action that is required to rectify such a horrible display of officiating by Ken Mauer, Courtney Kirkland and Ed Malloy! If this matter is not addressed, I WILL be contacting local and national media regarding the fact that YOU employ a felon as an official. In 2000, Ken Mauer was convicted of a felony, three counts of tax evasion, and one count of obstruction of justice. After all the NBA has gone through with Tim Donaghy, why are you guys employing felons? Is your business model that corrupt? Again, If this goes unnoticed I, and others will make sure this gets heard. Beware of the power of the people, it will prevail. I expect a response as a paying fan, promptly. Good day.

    • Like 2
  8. Denver is just a far better team when both teams are playing well. The Hawks didn't play terrible tonight like Denver played terrible in Atlanta. Denver is just a far better team.

    Once again the 'antifan' is wrong.


  9. One team was missing arguably it's best player the other team wasn't....... heheheheehe hahahahaha :doh:


    The whole reason we rolled over and died against the Cavs was due to Marvin and Horford being injured.


  10. Well, they've won a championship... This team just barely got out of the first round last year. This team has A LOT more to prove than Boston does. The Hawks didn't lose tonight because they didn't play with effort. They lost because this isn't a good road team. THis team is the Utah Jazz of the east coast.


    So did the Celtics....

    haha dumb

  11. WARNING - that blog is NOT a journalistic or even major blog source. It is from a Boston Celtics fan blog. We have NO way of knowing its reliability and frankly I would be shocked if 5 Hawks rotation players took the time to sit down and talk to a Boston Celtics fan blogger during the season for a story about the contract situation of their head coach.

    And otherwise, the article appears to be completely unsourced. Red flags, folks. I wouldn't trust it unless the purported quotes from "the five players I spoke to" appear in a legit media source.

    Very sketchy.

    However, those quotation by Bibby do sound legit. Mainly because I've heard him say similar things in regard to Woody letting him run what he wants for the offense.

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