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Posts posted by swanlee

  1. Yea I REALLY hope the rumors die down and people just stop it. John is a core player on this team and he has done everything we have asked him to even if that meant a less flashy role. A player like that does not deserve to always be looking over their shoulder especially at his age. He is pretty much everything we wanted Josh Smith to be but JC is actually mature and puts the team first.

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  2. So all these trade rumors re not coming from the team is it? I don't think so and really it just seems to be the media repeating the same crap over and over again.

    Think it's a bad narrative the media has clamped onto and won't let it go.

    • Thanks 2
  3. Well Bogi was a little tougher even with more injuries and a more consistent shooter, So if we are going to keep Bogi long term it made more sense for the new makeup of our team. Seems we are trying to get tougher nd more defensive minded. 

  4. After we got over most of our injury/COVID issues in the later half of the season were were playing pretty good even then we still had JC out alot. Miami exposed a major issue we had and we now have corrected that with Murray. I think Nate has done pretty well given the circumstances and should be given several more years. Even if we do not win a title if we keep making the playoffs and show some growth through adversity we should stick with him.

    The COVID crap last year was ridiculous and the league should have stepped in for us, take that part out of the year out and we would have not been in a huge hole to climb out of. We had starters that were pretty much taken off the street, I think Nate recovered the season pretty well. And while Miami was a huge learning experience we showed alot of heart in the play in games.

    Right now win lose or draw I really like this team and how hard they fight and how pesky they can be.  Nate should be given some leeway and not currently on the hot seat.

  5. 2 hours ago, benhillboy said:

    Initially it seemed tepid but I’ll check it out.  I’ve heard whispers from Spurs fans questioning his offensive impact but the fact they won one more game than the previous season without any semblance of replacement for Derozan shows a monumental assumption of workload that he assumed and succeeded at.  

    It’s rare to see literally ALL of a player’s raw stats improve in one season (assist to turn spiking the most to God tier 3.53:1).  The change in talent level from the Spurs to the Hawks is gonna make his head spin.  His Win Share profile is still a little below where I’d prefer (below Poetl’s) but with more wide open threes and doing whatever Trae does with FT practice he’ll give his per 48 a nice .015- .020 boost.

    Funny Hawks connections, his career comparisons include the Great Eldridge Recasnner and Always Ready Mo Evans around 86% similarity.  The one I like is Billups at 90%.

    Considering he is still young and missed time due to an ACL injury it is not surprising that his stats took off once he was healthy and more experienced.

  6. No, I do not understand why a guy that is such a team player that improves every year is always in trade talks. Chances are if we trade him our team will get worse. Not sure why some here want that other then change is better for the sake of change attitude.

  7. Looks like a talent we could not pass up at 16 even with the injury issues, he is so young that he could get past that when he stops growing and gets more physically mature or he could be like most of the Hawks and is injury prone and will be in and out of the lineup.

    Hope for the best basically as he could be a long term starter if he can stay healthy and get better on defense.

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  8. If we lose CC and JC this off season our team will be much worse for it. Both are pillars of this younger core and both seem to always be in the trade rumors. Pretty lame we finally have a good center after about a decade or more of trying to find one and some of the fans want to run him out of town.

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