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Posts posted by swanlee

  1. Nope

    We are the most mid team ever in the NBA, 41-41 is pretty much our destiny. Every time we think we have turned the corner we go on a losing streak. We can beat the best team in the NBA and get blown out by the worst team in the NBA in the same week. This team is frustrating and near impossible to enjoy. 

    I hope next year with a new coach and some tweaks we can be a good team again.

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  2. As much as it may suck I'd say let Nate coach out the season and see what happens. I do not want to get locked into an interim coach if they get hot at the end of the year and make a playoff run.

    I'd like us to take our time and find a coach that fits in the off season.

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  3. Well here is the thing ASG didn't give a damn about the team and let it float around, at least on the surface it appears Ressler is an owner who gives a damn even if he may be TOO involved.

    To go from an owner group that is just a nameless face to an actual owner who is trying to win sounds ok, I hope it turns out well but I can't get to mad at an owner trying to get his team a championship.


  4. Well at least they are being open and up front about all this instead of trying to scuttle rumors etc. Also if the main beef was getting DJ or not I'm on Landry's side that he was a huge need and I hope we keep him long term. If TS was really that dead set against getting DJ then I'm kind of not in agreement with him on this and am willing to give this new Front office a shot to see how things go.

  5. I like Nate as a person but this team seems to get in very predictable bad patterns.

    Blowing games after halftime when being up by double digits.

    The defense is still suspect while the offense lacks a good cohesive system.

    Injuries all the time. This seems to follow Nate around, maybe his coaching style or trainers he hires are not good.

    We tend to flounder and dig or selves a huge hole every year we need to climb out if just to eek in tje playoffs.

    If he does not resign during the year then we should part ways in the off season.


  6. 2 hours ago, LongTimeFan said:

    We are currently only one game out of the playoffs.  

    The wheels have come off the franchise in the last few months. Besides the on court losing it seems our front office is having serious issues and we are losing TS and others, also our owner is getting cheap and sacrificing our depth to stay out of the luxury tax. That does not even touch our coaching and roster issues.

    I could easily see the franchise fall apart in the next month or so.

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  7. I'm REALLY tired of this pattern and am not going to invest anymore time in this team this season if this pattern does not break. We've been playing like that since around Thanksgiving with no signs of getting out of this rut. We also have a habit of losing to bad teams and beating good teams giving us more false Hope.

    So is it coaching? Stamina of our players? An issue with the training staff? 

    Seems the wheels are coming off this franchise, our core young starters also seem to be very injury prone, CC and Hunter will miss a dozen or more games a year, Trae will miss games, same with JC, Bogi will miss a month or more a year sometimes all of them are out at the same time.

    I hope something can be done to fix this before Trae wants a trade and our franchise implodes and we have to rebuild from scratch again probably with another GM and a new coach.

    As of right now I think Nate needs to go, I hope he just steps down like rumors from a month ago suggest. The GM Front office situation needs to be stabilized as well TS seems to be nearly gone now and we need a solid foundation their. Also our owners need to step up and pay the Luxury Tax like they said they would, we gutted our depth this year to avoid paying that and it is costing us dearly right now.

    I do not want to blow this team up and go for another rebuild, I want Trae to settle the F down grow up and be a leader, I'd like our often injured players to figure out WTF is causing them to miss so many games all the time and work hard with our training staff. We also need a younger an innovative Coach that can work well with a young core and figure this crap out.




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  8. Im done watching games until something changes.

    Tired of getting double digit first half leads just to blow it in the second half.

    Coaching and conditioning are to blame.

    Also our core starters are injury prone and seem like they always will be. We will never have the starters and our 2nd unit healthy at the same time.

    CC and Hunter always miss several games a month, Bogi seems to miss time each year as well. Trae misses several games a year. We will never have everyone healthy enough to get good chemistry.


    • Sad 1
  9. 51 minutes ago, REHawksFan said:

    So the "story" is that 4 weeks ago Nate "thought about resigning" but has now had nothing but good conversations with the team and his resignation is not imminent?  How the hell is that a story?  I mean, it would have been a story 4 freakin weeks ago.  But now it's what?  A distraction?  A way to keep the Hawks in the news?  What?  

    Why is there a story today about a non-event that didn't happen 4 weeks ago???  Who benefits from this?  Is it just a way to continue the Trae-hate narrative in the media?  Something weird is going on with this team.  

    Weird as 4 weeks ago we looked better then we do now.

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  10. Yea we beat the best team in the west with 3 starters missing. I think our issues aren't completely coaching related.

    I hope Trae does not become a locker room issue, 


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