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Posts posted by AHawks89

  1. Can we move this topic to a different forum? I hate knowing every time I try to escape the news, I end up finding it every where. It's hard to even watch sports. 

    • Thanks 1
  2. 10 minutes ago, bleachkit said:

    My sources are all above board. I cited a Stanford University study, published in Nature. One of the premier Universities, and the premier scientific journal. 

    I'm not saying you haha. I haven't even really read this thread as much because politics are being involved. When you start posting CNN links is where it has to stop. Nonetheless, I just hope people are staying healthy.

    • Haha 1
  3. 9 minutes ago, bleachkit said:


    I'm looking forward to the results of this study. I have taken a lot criticism from all sorts of people for consistently stating from the beginning that the number of total Covid-19 cases were being grossly underestimated and the fatality rate grossly overestimated. That the so-called experts are right and that I am wrong. Well get ready to eat some crow. This study will reveal a huge swath of the population already has antibodies to Covid-19, and with finally having a reasonably accurate numerator in hand, the correct fatality rate will suddenly shrink to a minuscule decimal. 

    Screams Bill Gates.

  4. 1 minute ago, Spud2nique said:

    @AHF you really don’t read my stuff. Lol. I hope Trae uses the Hawks against Ayton in Tuesday. Ayton won using the Rockets. Guessing Trae will use the Rockets against Ayton next round 😂 

    And once you have used that team they are out of the equation for the rest of the tournament, right? What if Trae doesn't even use his (OUR) own team. LOL 

    • Like 1
  5. 11 minutes ago, AHF said:

    Can they only use a team once?  Trae might have used a big bullet to take out some very small game.

    Yeah, I believe so. From what I understand, they can use 1 team out of the 8 teams picked for them. The first 2 rounds are single elimination so Im assuming Trae is going with the best 2 teams on his list to make sure he makes it to the semi's as his strategy. 

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    • Thanks 1
  6. 38 minutes ago, TheNorthCydeRises said:

    President's briefing:


    - FED drops interest rates down to 0.25% ( virtually zero ).  Very happy

    - Asks the news media to give the news correctly ( mainly concerning the Google website related to the Coronavirus )

    - Naming off retail and food/supermarket CEOs.

    - Telling people to relax on the panic buying . . . we're dong great . . it'll all will pass

    - Stores will be re-stocked every 24 hours, retailers asking people to "buy a little bit less".  No shortages, but people are buying 3 to 5 times more than what they normally buy

    - We have to watch and protect over the elderly

    - Leaves without taking any questions, with the media going crazy shouting questions at him


    Vice-President's briefing:


    - Grateful to Governors all across the country

    - Supply chain working just fine  . . stores will stay open throughout, but hours may be reduced for cleaning and supply

    - Testing available in all 50 states . . using traditional methods as of right now ( only 40 - 60 tests a day )  . . which is the reason why we need high-speed testing

    - Will have access to 2,000 labs across the country to process Coronavirus testing on Monday

    - 10 states with drive-thru test sites currently

    - Will possibly set up test sites outside of retail/supermarkets

    - All Americans will be able to access test sites outside of their normal healthcare system

    - All Coronavirus testing is FREE, for insured and uninsured.

    - Important that the test is available for the ones most in need . . should only get a test if you think you may have Coronavirus ( i.e. - symptoms )


    Admiral Burke's briefing:


    - Most vulnerable is priority . . . don't want to have people going to actue care facilities to get tests . . . balance diagnosis 

    - 1.9 MILLION tests available this week

    - All 50 states have been contacted through the FEMA system to implement these tests

    - Pod based test facilities can screen 2K - 4K people per day

    - Focusing on 2 important groups . . . (1) healthcare workers and first responders . . and (2) the elderly - 65+ and fever of 99.6. Temperature lowered because most elderly don't have high fevers  . . ( lol . . I might have this shit forreal, I'm in my late 40s though  . .  current temp fluctuating between 98.8 and 99.4 )

    Yeah, I disagree. I believe Trae should def be in the top 3 under the age of 25. 

    • Haha 3
  7. Can someone possibly start a "After ASG prediction W-L "thread? We never expected John to be suspended for 25 games. I think the "After ASG prediction W-L " thread would be more fair since none of us predicted John to get caught with HGH or whatever illegal substance. Maybe throw in some other players/stats that can break the tie breakers. 

  8. 11 minutes ago, Buzzard said:

    Coaching individual players through the media is gutless. It should be done in practice and during games.

    Ahh I see. Yeah, I'm not a big fan of him putting it out to the media but I don't think it's something to worry about.

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