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  1. Good move to strengthen our poet forward position.
  2. http://www.nba.com/summerleague2010/players/
  3. Let's get serious here. We need to test this trade in NBA 2K10 before we call Rick and propose it.
  4. I couldn't believe it at first, either, but after thinking about it I can't imagine a 7'1" center that slips to #50 actually turning out to be that special. Even Zaza went before that and that's in one of the most talented draft classes ever. Of course you can never know for sure, but those centers available may never be more than the next RandMo.
  5. Why would they trade a player with high value for garbage? Al had a rough year compared to the previous one, but he started slow coming back from the injury and really picked it up later. Kevin Love also takes some stats away from Jefferson as he continues to improve. I don't think Marvin and Bibby are going to get us much of anything, anywhere, much less a center on the verge of becoming an all-star (assuming his numbers have a trend back upwards next season).
  6. I'd love to see some statistics on the correlation between draft measurements and later NBA performance. Remember Durant and the stir created when he couldn't bench 185 once? If OKC comes calling, I might be persuaded to give up our 12x185 bencher Marvin, but they would have to throw in somebody stronger, too, to make it even.
  7. I might be missing the edit post button somewhere but that should say "wouldn't" and not "would."
  8. Just because he has similar strengths/weaknesses doesn't mean he'll coach the same way. I wouldn't avoid any defense-oriented coach just because Woody was one. His coaching style, demeanor, locker room presence, decisions, etc. could well be very different than Woody's even if they have similarities. Not saying he's the guy to get, as I don't know much about him, but I don't think it makes sense to rule him out for that reason. What if we hired someone that was the opposite, an offensive-minded coach that rides his team in the games and in the media? He'd be different than Woody but a season later you'd start hearing how we need to concentrate on defense and so on. While we're talking coaching arguments, how about the one where we should only get a coach who has taken a team further into the playoffs than we've been? Are we limited to only picking coaches who have been in or won the Finals? I'd rather be the team who makes a smart pick and gets the next coach that will make an appearance there.
  9. I've heard Darren Collison's name a lot lately. After watching him take over for CP3 this year I can't understand why he would be available or cheap, but if it was possible to get him I would jump on that. Any thoughts on how that's impossible/possible?
  10. Ran across this in the TrueHoop blog on ESPN. Does anyone else read that? It's my current favorite basketball blog out there. The interview with Lionel Hollins is probably the best coach interview I can remember reading. It would be great to have a coach that could answer like that and a columnist who would ask questions like that in Atlanta. http://www.commercialappeal.com/news/2010/may/13/geoff-calkins-lionel-hollins-talks-mike-conley-oj-/
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