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Posts posted by Brokentree

  1. I think its kind of interesting because the whole purpose of the NBA and what they are trying to do with this new CBA is almost exactly what antitrust law tries to do in other segments. It is trying to create a competitive market where any team/business can compete and making it harder for monopolies/dynasty's from forming.

    How can anyone really fault the NBA for asking what they are asking for after players started trying to form their own monopolies in the form of the Miami Heat and the talk of one forming out of the Knicks in the next couple of years. Big markets/rich owners can spend whatever they want so the players can call each other up and all play for whoever they want? I know at first glance that sounds awfully fair but the NBA's job is competition and level playing fields. It creates more excitement and grows the business. If things continue the next few years like is being hinted then the NBA will flounder and then no one gets paid because they're getting a percentage of a lower number (BRI) instead of a higher one.

    The players seem to care more about legacies and not giving up what they've fought to attain over the years like its been some sort of hardship or struggle against some evil power. If they really want to be considered an equal partner then they better start caring about competition and integrity and increasing the BRI so that even if they get a lower percentage they still end up with more wealth. Some players probably really do care that teams are competitive but lets be realistic and assume most only want their team to win. It is, after all, their job.

    All I really want to see out of a new CBA is the death of guaranteed contracts. Talk about a competition killer. Signing bonuses? Limited guarantees? I don't know. I'm all for players getting theirs if they earn it. This getting paid based on what they should be doing is getting old. For every player out there arguing that they are what people come to see there is a player out there that is keeping people at home.

    My CBA would be something like a no hard cap and only slightly more punitive luxury tax system much like the one that existed previously. Something along the lines of half way between what it was and what the NBA wants but not quite. The MLE would decrease slightly or at least increase at a slower rate to slow down the richer teams from getting better quickly. Guaranteed contracts would have to change in some way, shape, or form. Contracts being limited to fewer years? Guarantees only lasting a certain number of years for a contract? Teams getting an "oops my bad" ability to cut 1 underperforming player every 3 years? It's alot easier to design one of these things when your not involved at all isn't it? The BRI split would be something like 52% to players and 48% to owners but the number would have the ability to fluctuate up or down from one year to the next based on how big that number actually is and perhaps economic indicators such as employment rates etc. The worse the economy does the higher the percentage of BRI would go for the owners with a clause that they wouldn't be allowed to downsize team operations like laying people off at the arenas etc.

    Oh well. I kind of went off topic.

  2. I think this league would probably be the easiest transition. Much like the NBL I doubt there is much money in it.

    There is already a Hawks team in this league by the looks so we're golden. One of the judges is Tom Brennan, former UVM coach and ESPN analyst.

    PS Check out the dunk where the guy tries to jump over the three kids. I hope that first kid brushed his teeth.

  3. There is a clipboard paste option in the upper right of the toolbar in the "Reply to this Topic" box. I find that it will paste something you have copied. I have also found that if I start typing something I can right click paste with my mouse. If it is just a blank field my right click with the mouse does not work. I find I have to use the copy option on the toolbar to copy anything I've typed in the "Reply to this Topic" field.

    I get a pop up message asking for access to my clipboard when I use the copy and paste options on the toolbar. Perhaps there are browser options that can be adjusted to make it work like we want but I'd be the last person to know how to set it up.

  4. Sweet threads!!!!! You guys want to talk about predictable...that's what this site is sometimes. After a loss, you see the same crap over and over.

    Oh.. I thought that was what this site was for. You see threads after they win too.. is that ok?

  5. Funny that you say that when these "stat nerds" you talk about are called NBA Scouts in reality. I'm not a "stat nerd" at all my man, but I "am" an ex basketball player/student with ehough experience to call bs when I see it. If he was so good, the guy would be a Laker. Lol

    Lets all just be thankful we didn't trade for Dereck Fisher then.

  6. Denial 't just a river in Africa. When will Hawk fans accept the fact that we { again) were played like fools. I like Hinrich. He is a clearly better than Bibby and gives us a nice Pg for a while. However, JC2 may very well turn out to be the next big thing, and at the very least, a legit scorer in this league. We were played like fools. He is legit.

    I don't know why you're getting so excited about what Jordan Crawford did.. I mean come on.. it's what he's paid to do.
    • Like 1
  7. OKCs guard rotation is SG deep with a strong PG and Atlanta's guard rotation is combo guard deep with a strong SG. OKCs guards will spend more minutes at SG which means PG back up minutes will fall to Maynor as he seems to have less competition. I think it has less to do with how well they're playing and more to do with who else is on the team.

  8. Is that Powell with the huge ice bags on his knees at the very end of the video? If his knees are that bad just from sitting on the bench then I guess it doesn't surprise me that he doesn't play very much.

    Nice video. I found that generally I like the words Drew uses to motivate but he needs to find the right voice to say them in. Needs to show more emotion.

  9. Every single game when I look at the boxscore I first look and see what Marvin did. I still have hope that he will start putting up the stats that I thought he would provide when we drafted him. I thought at the time that Marvin was resigned that it was a good deal for the Hawks as I thought "he is still improving". Of course his stats are worse now than they were then.

    I was horribly and drastically wrong about what Etan could bring to this team. I thought 10-15 minutes a game for sure. Someone that could produce in a limited role and that wanted to be here. Shaq who?

    I thought this Hawks team would start out slow and improve as the year went on. I figured the new offense would take some time for the team to fully learn and perfect. It seems like the complete opposite is happening. The team started out well at the beginning of the year is is slowing down in the past few weeks. The level of competition seeming to have more of an impact than the level of understanding of the new offense.

    Here is a whole bunch of wrong "NBA Prediction Thread"

    I picked Utah to win it all...

    I picked Wall as Rookie of the Year...

    I picked Jerry Sloan as Coach of the Year...

    I picked Antawn Jamison as 6th man of the year....

  10. It will not be Teague time till Ole Lateral Move is moved. When Ole Lateral Move finally has a good game LD will keep him in like he is the savior when he has been given more oppurtunity with this franchise. Hinrich aka Ole lateral move was just given the job and he is a combo guard. I just don't get it. Teague is better defensively also as I have maintained from day 1. Hinrich has not controlled a game since he has been here. He can help in certain instances but not totally controlled. Teague did more and made a bigger impact in 1 game than Hinrich has done in 3 years.

    We all get that you don't like Kirk. You have probably typed out the word lateral more times in the last few weeks then the rest of your life combined. It is getting very old. You need to conform and start hating on the owners as it was their and managements move that you consider lateral. Kirk is a good player and brings more to the Hawks than Bibby can now. At least start being a bit more accurate and use the nickname for someone that had some say in the matter. Rick "Lateral Move" Sund? Atlanta "Lateral Move" Spirit Group?

    • Like 2
  11. Teague hasn't earned the right to start just yet. I heard (didn't catch it) he did well in his game, but I think you just increase his minutes. You don't start him because he has one good game.

    Teague didn't earn the right to start because he had a good game. He earned the right to start because of his effort. He carried this team to a win much like Horford carried them in that win against Chicago. You could tell that he really wanted to win that game. Kind of like a "fine if you won't do it I will" type of feeling. Just his defensive effort alone is worth giving him the start. I'm not saying he should play 40 minutes a night but these nights of him playing 6 minutes needs to stop and I don't see that happening without Drew having him start.

    • Like 1
  12. Police Officer: Can't turn that way traffic is too heavy. Need you to go through another way.

    Josh Powell: I'm late for work. I need to get through now.

    Police Officer: Nothing I can do about it. Go straight now and clear the lane.

    Josh Powell: Do you have any CLUE who i AM!!?!? I'm JOSH.. powell. The famous basketball player on the Hawks! I'm pretty smooth on the court.

    Man in background: Did he just try to make it sound like he was Smoove? Hey wait.. isn't he Josh Powell!?

    Elderly Man in background: He did.. HAHAHAHA, thats what he did... HAHAHAHA...

    Josh Powell: No I didn't. I'm Josh Powell but I'm starting tonight cause my good friend Horford is injured. If I don't show up coach Drew is going to do something crazy like start Teague!!! I need to get to work so I can channel me some inner Kobe and score 30 points.

    Elderly Man in background: HAHAHAHA he.. ... . HAHAH thinks he can.. .. score.. . 30...

    Man in background: Hey gramps are you ok? You're turning white!

    Police Officer: Oh no! I think he's having a medical emergency! (calls for an ambulance)

    • Like 3
  13. He did the dirty work last night..He hit the boards hard, stayed around the basket offensively..contested shots swung the basket ball in the half court and picked up assists..When this guy brings his hard had and scrap like a power forward we are hard to beat..he did a nice job on Aldridge..Josh Smith is a big key to the hawks success we need his energy more so than scoring...

    The first and second half were two different stories for Josh Smith. He played fairly badly in the first half and fairly well in the second half. He is in love with that shot that is about a foot or two inside the 3pt line (he attempted and missed at least 4 that I remember) and he had something like 4 turnovers in the first half that had me cringing. Some of his best plays last night were his put backs off offensive boards and I thought he played well with Teague helping to create a few fast breaks. Dominique said something about Aldridge last night about how he stays within his game and works on what works for him (staying near the basket). I immediately wondered if he was comparing him to Josh in his head. Well anyway.. same old story. Tale of two Joshes.

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