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terrell last won the day on October 28 2023

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    Falcons, Hawks, Braves, Deandre Hopkins(nephew)

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  1. That'll work.. I like Risacher as a 2... And if OO cant beat out Capela by now, he needs to be traded....
  2. Best player in the trade? lol Pushback for Daniels starting at the 2? By who? lol
  3. Is Joiner better than Wallace? Just asking.. Wallace makes a lot of poor decisions.....
  4. We want Zaccharie, We want Zaccharie!!
  5. I didn't expect him to be on the team next season.. But yeah... He's fitting right in......
  6. So Kobe, Mo, and Risacher were all injured in SL/practice.. smh All of our guys need to live in the weight room until TC starts...... I cant deal with this shit all season again... Good grief.....
  7. Nope.....Smfh Hawkspital is undefeated...
  8. Some even said they were done with the Hawks if they picked him.... Wink Wink [ ] And like I said back then, the Hawks are like Crack.. And I was right... They're still here.....
  9. Yeah its SL, and I take it with a grain of salt, BUT..................................... He's 7'1. He should be able to generate at least 2-3 easy looks for himself right out the gate, IMO. It's not like he's battling Embiid or Giannis down there. Hell, even Zacc has found a way to get a few easy looks at the basket so far. lol
  10. There was 1 guy who liked Sarr better than anyone else here... Stand up for your guy @KB21........................... Because if Risacher went 0-15 ALOT of fans would be talking shit too...
  11. Gunners......Both of them are volume scoring. Things they won’t get a chance to do on the real squad.. Thats one of the reasons I like Zacc... He is playing the same way he will on the big team.... He'll be able to get his looks within the flow of the offense...
  12. He looked like a tall Cam Reddish out there.. And just like Cam, he has an inflated Ego about his skillset..
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