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Everything posted by terrell

  1. Who cares? "Shoot the ball Trae" I meant Murray....
  2. Wow Hawks Murray is just unbelievable lately... Im loving this Hawks team right now.. PLaying DEFENSE!!!
  3. Nah Murray isn't going anywhere.. Nope....Clutch
  4. Yeah we better not Trade Dejounte. Either make it work or......................................... If we have to go Team 1 and Team 2 with he and Trae so be it...... lol
  5. Murray taking 40 shots this game.... lol Let's go Dejounte.. Fk it...
  6. OT!!! Bogi Defense... And Wes too...
  7. We need Bogi to get hot from 3.. Finish strong? Say it.. lol
  8. Shorthanded Hawks hanging tough with the best team in the East on a back to back? They're Making me proud to be a fan lately...
  9. Dre with 7 boards.. I see you Dre.. Get that double double..
  10. Another lost dribble.. C'mon Dre..... There you go dude.. lol 5-8 from 3
  11. Lundy with 30... SkyHawks up 9 with 3 min to go...
  12. Hawks with 3 FT's? smh That's his natural position.. lol
  13. SkyHawks and Hawks are on at the same time.. Both vs the C's....lol
  14. Hes the Max guy.. It comes with the territory.. Now can we get back to the game? It'll be ok man.. lol
  15. Nah if that was someone else y'all would've said the same thing.. Trae can do no wrong in some of y'all's eyes..
  16. Trent Forrest is lucky as hell to be in the NBA Pretty sure theyre plenty of players better than him overseas Gleague etc...... lol
  17. Only ONE turnover for Murray again on 13-20 shooting. PLease don't move this man back to SG Can we just have Team 1 and Team 2? lol Bruno and Vit still playing well..
  18. Since we're pretty much locked in a playin spot, we might as well go for the 9 seed and get a home game... Even though that means more $ for Ressler..
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