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Posts posted by DatWerkk

  1. A couple of people have already pointed this out but I think the vast majority of you are missing an incredibly crucial point: until July 10, nobody is actually signed yet. Furthermore, the order in which we get these various free agent contracts signed actually matters. Thus, if we first spend up our cap space on a mega piece (like a $15m superstar) or a couple of big pieces (like two $7m-$8m starter types) we can then use our MLE to sign Thabo.

    Let me make it even clearer: this signing potentially has ZERO IMPACT on our cap space. Y'all still complaining if we're signing Thabo for free?

    (now enter hawkfanatic to shoot me down...)

    • Like 4
  2. Not saying Nick Young would be a good fit for our team (mostly because I haven't given it much thought). All I'm saying is that going forward, Nick Young is in no way comparable to Lou Williams. I miss old Lou too, but new Nick Young is significantly better at basketball.

  3. I don't know what you guys are smoking. Nick Young is a mediocre-to-bad defender, that's for sure. But to say he's the same as or worse than Lou Williams? Which Lou Williams are we talking about here??



    • Like 2
  4. The bigger question is why does Vermont love Tiger Woods so much?

    Best theory I read was because that's where Lindsay Vonn is from.

    Also important to note, for anyone who didn't read the fine print on that map image, they're equating most googled with most popular. A more accurate label would probably be most talked about or most intriguing or something like that.

  5. Like many (most?) of you I'm bummed that Bebe is gone.

    But really, people... what the hell do we know? Like what do we message board posters ACTUALLY know? Anything? At all?

    As far as we know, Bebe could have been a goner six months ago. Ferry could be in phase 7 of some long master plan right this minute. Drafting Edy didn't set off any alarms, but maybe it should have if we actually knew anything. Same for Lou. Given the fact none of us know the full extent of his medical condition we have no way of knowing whether he'll continue to suck and erode his trade value. We. Know. NOTHING. Our front office knows though. So maybe we should wait and see?

    Hairydawgz you don't count for purposes of the point I'm trying to make. :laugh:

    • Like 1
  6. For the Hawks the discussion boils down to how confident you are that Al returns to his old form and stays healthy. If you don't trust that will happen, you're probably okay with Klay. If you do think it'll happen, a trade for Klay is laughable to you.

    Does that about sum it up for y'all?

  7. The Warriors defense is nothing with Bogut. They gave up 108 PPG in the playoffs without him.


    Reddick and Crawford ate Thompson for lunch in the playoffs.




    24 MPG

    16.7 PPG

    44% FG

    38% 3's




    29 MPG

    14.3 PPG

    46% FG

    39% 3pt

    Did you watch any of that series? Thompson's main defensive assignment was Chris Paul, not Jamal Crawford or JJ Redick. Paul scored about 17ppg playing starter's minutes, shooting 40% or worse four out of seven games.
  8. It's not debatable that his passing and rebounding skills are mediocre. He plays a ton of minutes and he is mediocre at both. He is mostly a one trick pony player. Watching him jacking up shots on another team is fun, but when you know that he will be doing it on your team it is a different story.


    There is no proof that Bebe is going to be anything special.

    It's not debatable whether his assist and rebound numbers are mediocre. They are.

    It IS debatable whether those numbers reflect a lack of skill or whether they reflect an offense predicated around Thompson spending most of his time running cuts 20+ feet from the basket while Curry dishes out 39% of his team's assists and soaks up nearly one-third of his team's possessions.

    Stats mean nothing if you aren't applying critical thinking skills to interpret them.

    • Like 1
  9. They will likely move Lee and Boguts contract before moving Klay.

    1. Easier said than done.

    2. That gives you a max of three years of relief if you move both. Thompson's next contract will be twice that long, plus at the end of that three years you have to re-sign Curry for the max.

  10. I think most of y'all are not seeing the big picture with Klay Thompson.

    The reason he's on the market is because he's going to get a max deal at the end of this contract. Can the Warriors afford that? No, not unless they want to get rid of Steph Curry. So they know they're almost guaranteed to lose him a once his current deal is up. And what do you do when you know you're going to potentially lose a star? You try to trade him so you at least get something for him. Thompson understands all of this and would be happy to go somewhere where he'll get a max deal.

    On another note, anyone using the phrase "a healthy Al Horford" (as in, "you don't trade a healthy Al Horford for Klay Thompson") is making assumptions that I'm not sure are grounded in reality.

    • Like 1
  11. I meant to mention this podcast episode the other day in the Zach Lowe Lebron landscape thread. It seems pretty clear to me that Zach Lowe really likes the Hawks. He's easily the #1 Hawks fan on the ESPN payroll. Bill Simmons is still a fan of big market teams only, and that's fine because he doesn't pretend to be anything else. But anybody hating on Zach Lowe is a little off-base as he's definitely our biggest ally in mainstream media.

  12. I apologize if this has already been discussed and/or if it's common knowledge, but I'm just now hearing about this.

    I was listening to Bill Simmons on his podcast talking to Zach Lowe and they both said that the Hawks quietly shopped Al Horford at the trade deadline. Uhhh, we did??

    Does anybody else have any more details on this?

  13. Man these guys look very high in this pic. They work in a league that randomly drug test. I'm guessing that 100 wasn't on a IQ test.

    The NBA drug testing policy is the easiest to beat in all of American pro sports.

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