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Everything posted by Bonkers

  1. Wow give people more of a reason not to like the Hawks
  2. LMAO @ Josh being Nino Brown That was great man
  3. Excuse me??? I've been postimg for longer than that. I was posting under a different account name
  4. I told yall a loooong time ago that JOSH SMITH IS A CANCER I was right
  5. I never wanted him benched. The only way pure shooters can get out of a funk is to keep shooting. Unfortunately Josh also thinks he's a pure shooter smh
  6. Josh was 6-19 and not to mention those awful FTsGTFOH Josh
  7. EmbarrassingThey're chanting lets go heat
  8. Josh with his horrible shot selection again
  9. I wasn't saying Josh is a cancer based on these 2 games. He's been a cancer for awhile. -He constantly takes bad shots and messes up the offensive flow-Stops momentum-Has a bad attitude (yells at his teammates too much)-Doesn't allow the PG to be a PG becuz he wants to bring the ball up-Floats around the 3 pt line for some reason when h should be in the paintAm I missing anything
  10. I agree 100% he needs to be traded. He is a cancer
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