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Everything posted by CrazyEye

  1. You are right, germany have few decent Basketballer especially compared to the USA. But the german leagues, have more quality then college matches since there are playing grown men who mostly was stars at there Colleges when there was young and less skilled basketballer. Yes we don't have the NBA superstar talent on the league, but mostly they aren't much player who would impact the NBA right away in colleges and there are plenty of player who are to weak to play pro Ball (in germany top division) on every College team and even in the top college it is rare that more then 4-6 player with the talent to make it there are on the roster. But yes BBL is a big step to the NBA, but it is also a bigger step from college ;) Also Schröder wasn't the best here in germany, but you should consider him as a projekt he develops as quick as he explode with his first step in the last seasons - and if he continue to do so he would be a very good pick. If you expect a complete basketballer, you should have picked earlier in this draft cause i believe like the most avaible players at there spot Schröder needs time to adjust to the NBA and work on his game to play in the NBA. I wouldn't expect much offensive responbility right away, i believe in the beginning he is mostly there to contribute the ball and give energy from the bench in the defense.
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