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Everything posted by YoungRondo22

  1. Terrible game tonight.Dude used to could shoot IDK whats up with him now.Do anyone think his added weight(bigger muscles) messed up his shot?
  2. Not taking a shot at Dennis, but alot of ppl on this board thought Dennis was better than Teague RIGHT NOW, when in all actuality Dennis isn't better than Sophomore Wake Forest Teague.
  3. I knew he had this ability since his Wake Forest days all he had to do was put it all together
  4. With: D-Will fat and declining D-Rose shook and not confident in his game at all Kyrie struggling on defense and having only 2 big games Rondo not playing at all right now Wall still a terrible jumpshooter MCW just a rookie Jeff Teague is the best PG in the East. For all you Teague haters........ Dennis who? Teague is a monster and will exceed all that 17/7 ceiling talk, dude gets better every year just accept it and move on, be lucky he only got 32 million he's worth alot more seriously, if John Wall can get 80MIL, Teague for certain can get at the minium 60-70 Mil.
  5. Teague is a big time PG, as he gains more and more confidence his numbers will rise.
  6. No, he just has a grudge against Teague, for what Teague did to him back in 08-09(35pts on Lawson) lol
  7. Only difference is Teague is better than Both Bibby and Jackson
  8. He's obviously put on some weight, it still says he weighs 181, but I doubt that, how much do you think he's up to now? He looks to be around 190ish now.
  9. Keep Josh Smith far far far far away from Jeff lol
  10. Nooooo, Teague will be the superior player between him and Schröder.
  11. I disagree wholeheartedly Teague is going for 21/8 this year Nobody to hold him back.
  12. It's crazy how an unproven player(Schröder) is getting so much hype over a guy who AVERAGED 14pts 7 APG, and shot the ball pretty well, while still playing with Josh Smith who obviously brought Jeff's game down. Don't get me wrong Schröder is obviously more of a Pure PG than Jeff, but Jeff is clearly the better basketball player right now and it's not even close, Jeff has never been given a fair deal in ATL, and I was really hoping he would stay in Milwaukee so he could burn the Hawks for the next 4 years. People will see this year tho that Teague and Schröder are not even in the same class to be compared as basketball players, Teague has Schröder beat in every facet besides being a true PG. Teague: Strength Speed Quickness Ball-Handling Ability to finish at the rim Shooting Schröder: Passing Teague in a landslide, lay off the hype folks, Teague is still the best guard in ATL.
  13. Very interesting, Schröder may be built like Rondo, but I dont see the next Rondo. I see a more PG oriented Roddy Beaubois, Rondo is too good for Schröder to be compared to.Teague is head and shoulders better than Schröder
  14. I dont think Teague could reach top 5 either but his tools and potential are top 5 material, he averaged 7 assist per game and he's not a pure PG thats says alot about how talented he really is.I think Teague could average 18-20 ppg with 8 apg this year if he plays aggressive and asserts himself.But Im with you im not buying the Schröder hype until proven otherwise.
  15. I agree but I honestly dont see Schröder ever being better than Teague, Teague has potential to be a top 5 PG in the next few years, with Paul and D.Will getting older. Teague has to assert himself more he has all thr tools to at least be a top 10 pg.The Schröder hype is too wild as of now.
  16. Forget all that biased crap, lets be real here, Teague today is by far better than Schröder.Teague at Wake Forest was better than Schröder right now.Teague is quicker, faster, better jumper, ballhandler, shooter and scorer, and Teague is about 20-25 pounds heavier than Schröder.Teague has proven himself against top NBA players, Schröder did OK in SL, Schröder's vision is ahead of Teagues but thats it.Teague will destroy Schröder and when we hear that in training camp dont be suprised.
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