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Posts posted by OGRat

  1. I think a lot depends on Sund's handling of Joe. I think it's Joe's World right now. IF Sund feels that Joe is headed elsewhere, we might see Joe Moved. Packaged with him may be Marvin.

    I really do not think it is about what Marvin is capable of doing. He is just too passive for me. I think that as long as Marvin has a more dominant player on the court with him, he will be content to play second or third fiddle. And with Woodson's iso Joe offenses, he is not forced to step up except on the occaisional jump shot. I believe he could help the team more coming off the bench where the ball could be placed in his hands more. I believe that he could be more dominant if he were forced to. Unfortunately, there are too many studs on our first team for him to have the kind of impact he is capable of having.

    I kind of wish we would start Crawford and let Marvin come off the bench with Teague and ZaZa.

  2. Hmmmm

    2 Things struck me about this interview:

    1. Josh sees Jeff Teague and Jamal Crawford as the same type of player. Can push the ball, pass or score

    2. The Hawks are an up tempo team.

    Just wondering if we will finally start running teams out the gym. We saw some improvement last year, maybe this year we will take it to another level.


  3. I sure hope so.

    He either re-joins the team or we could get some value for him. A win-win for the Hawks.

    I'm just not sure what his role would be on the team now that we have actual shooters in reserve. Wouldn't that just recreate our swing man logjam?

  4. No one has the quickness to stay in front of him on the perimeter so it comes down to where the help defense is-Smith's specialty.

    Guys, I did not see the game but I was really hoping that one of the newbies, Hunter, would have been able to help in this category. I saw him play for the first time at the team's open practice and he was really active on the defensive end.

    How has he played? Is there a reason for Woodson to not give him a chance?


  5. Gardner vs. West?

    I think the 14th spot will come down to this...

    First Gardner


    Next West

    I couldn't find any draft hype on West, but we know him.

    Here's the deal.

    West represents a defensive player who will play hard.

    Gardner represents an offensive player who will play hard.

    Gardner led the Big 12 in scoring his Junior and Senior Year.

    This is from our signing.

    Gardner vs. Law.

    I wanted to vote but I don't know enough about all the players yet. A few of them have yet to see action.

  6. “That’s why I’ve kept my head down this year and just kept plugging,” Law said. “I’m just focused. It’s not about playtime for me. It’s not about joking. I’ve got something to prove.

    “I feel like I was the 11th pick in the draft for a reason, and this is the year I have to show that.”

    This post has been edited by DrReality: Today, 12:09 PM

    One game is a small sample, but I love the attitude. I wish our number 2 pick had that same attitude.


  7. Rat, come on man! This is SPEEDY we are talking about. You can't be serious when you suggest that the training staff might bear some responsibility for his injury. The Hawks training staff does a remarkable job of getting our guys ready to play which is one of the reasons why our guys missed so few games last year. Speedy might have injured his hamstring pulling his sweats off for all we know.

    Speedy is the Mike Hampton of the Atlanta Hawks. He is made of the same stuff that Hampton and Theo Ratliff are made of. He is just fragile and NO amount of stretching, pilates, special training routines, pool work, weigtht training, aerobics, yoga, jazzercise, bike riding, whirlpools, heat pads, ice, ointments, hyperbaric chambers or anything else is going to keep that guy healthy for very long.


  8. Man, poor Speedy. Might be time to start thinking about hangin em up. Might be the best thing for him and the Hawks.

    Someone coming off a long break without playing much is always liable to pull a muscle. Sounds to me like someone has not been doing their job of managing his activity or making sure he is properly warmed up. Who is our strength and conditioning coach anyway?

    While it would be better for the Hawks for him to be an insurance write-off, I would welcome Claxton back if I thought he could produce on a consistent basis. Even still, a pulled hamstring is not what will end his career. If he can come back from the surgeries, he can come back from the muscle pull. That said, I do not expect much from Claxton on a consistent basis.

    I'd like to see him ride the bench until absolutely necessary for him to play. You know.....the month or so when two someones vital get hurt and we need an offensive spark. Just in time for everyone to be ready and primed for the playoffs.

  9. The guy can play the game pure and simple. He belongs in the NBA and I sincerely hope he makes the most out of this opportunity. I wish we could've kept him but what's done is done. Go get 'em Salim.

    Normally I would say that if he could not make it with a team that needed contributions like the Hawks, he can't make it with the Spurs. My hesitancy is Mike Woodson.

    I truly hope this year Woodson proves me wrong about his coaching.

  10. 40 sounds like a good number to me. I am anti-spamming (which is NOT being dedicated btw) but wish they would bring back some form of the injured list.


    I did not make it into the league this year, but last year I was probably one of the most active teams. This was not by choice though. It was because my number one pick got hurt in the first week of the league. My point is that there are some valid reasons someone might want to make a lot of moves. With 14 teams, sometimes the quality of players is not there to find a good replacement for a key player.

  11. Solo Chomping at the Bit

    ROLL CALL: The only players yet to make an appearance at the pickup games are veterans Joe Johnson, Mike Bibby, Mo Evans and Pachulia (who has been in and out of the practice facility all summer). But all are expected to be in the fold within the week - as they arrive other pros that reside in Atlanta during the offseason and were mainstays on the Hawks’ practice court will head out to their respective cities.

    I wonder if that means Speedy was there.

  12. Marv isn't a particularly instinctive rebounder, and his numbers at PF aren't particularly impressive either. He isn't much of a shotblocker either. Even with muscle, he's still going to be wiry and narrow.

    I'd like to see how he looks/plays with the added weight before I make assumptions like he will suddenly rebound like a power player and be able to hold his own in the post.

    As of right now there is nothing about Marvin's game that says "power forward"... or at least not more than it says "small forward".

    I agree. I'd also like to see if he can work these new moves that Smoove reported against real competition. I've always thought Marvin too clumsy to have the required footwork to play in the post. My opinion is that more foot speed is required at SF, but more footwork is required in the post. I am going to reserve judgement on this one.

  13. Let's get real here OG - what new talent? A few older dudes that combined will not get close to the player we lost to Greece. Evans has no where near the "game impact" talent of Josh Childress - simple fact. The other guys are two-time losers - looking for a spot before going to Europe. Othella may be the lucky F/A though...still....undersized Rook....could be a Gomes-type player...every squirrel finds a nut now and then.

    My point was that he has to develop a new rotation. The starters can't play 48 minutes. Somebody is going to have to come off the bench.

  14. He's got the job. TWICE. You keep chippering like a jilted woman. Outside of the MB's, he is respected.

    Never read or heard a Player dis him.

    He will be the coach next year.

    Not sure why you felt the need to try to insult me but thanks for the response.

    Respect is an interesting thing. Some people get it because of the position they are in. Sometimes it does not indicate competency though. Look at Bush.

  15. http://www.hoopsworld.com/Story.asp?story_id=9764

    Randolph Morris

    Morris is not particularly athletic, but has good size for a reserve center. Not an effective player on the floor yet, but some of his potential has yet to come out. While they wait for that to occur, the Hawks will be content with the physical nature he brings to the paint.

    What is it that Morris can't do? Why is he considered "not particularly athletic"? Can he run the floor?

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