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Posts posted by OGRat

  1. I believe that with all of the new players coming to the Hawks, more pressure is on Woodson. Does he know how to integrate all the new talent? I think he was just figuring out how to use what he had the past two years. I am not sure he ever got used to/knew how to use Bibby

    I believe that the team has improved talent wise and should make the next step. Do you think Woody can coach the team as defined to the second round of the playoff? Why or why not?

  2. Is this the latest information on Speedy? If so, I would expect Speedy to be ready to go and I would wonder about the Flip signing.


    Form the yahoo team report:


    • G Speedy Claxton’s Rocky Mountain Revue stint lasted just two games but it wasn’t because of any continued complications with his oft-troublesome left knee. He had to bolt from the Revue to be by his wife’s side as they welcomed another child to the world.

    Claxton, in fact, looked better than expected in live competition for a guy that has only been on the court for 42 games in the past two years. Where he fits in the regular season depends largely on what other transactions the Hawks complete before training camp.

  3. Any one see this article?



    >Summer 2005: Hawks-Thrashers part-owner Steve Belkin's opposition to the Hawks' trade for guard Joe Johnson triggered a controversy that led to Belkin's agreement to sell out to his fellow owners.

    >Summer 2006: A Maryland circuit court judge ruled that Belkin's fellow owners breached the contract to buy him out —- and that he was entitled to buy them out instead.

    >Summer 2007: A Maryland appellate court overturned the circuit judge's rulings.

    >Summer 2008: The owners are preparing for trial, scheduled to begin Feb. 17.

    Something tells me this will not be over for a while. Man I hate this.

  4. When I first finished undergrad, a few friends and I started this cleaning company. We actually met Dominique while cleaning the construction dust out of his then new house. He was so cool it was shocking.

    Also, I played ball with Doc Rivers once during the Summer out at Emory Univ. Another really cool guy. I guess he was just looking for some exercise.

    Gym Rat

    Oh yeah...Just remembered... I met Shaq on St Roch St in New Orleans just down from the Po Boy shop. He was there filming a movie (don't remember which one). Dude is huge!!!!

  5. I don't think he's going anywhere but back to the Clips, one way or another. I am sure that he and Baron have had many conversations about playing together. Also, note that the Clips have a lot of incentive to not let Brand go since they do not yet have a signed contract with Baron.

  6. I read today that Philly might pursue Jamison. Not sure who I would pick between the Jamison and Smoove. My head says Jamison, but my heart says Smoove. Jamison is the more proven, goto type of player. I think he would pair well with JJ. Smoove is the younger, more athletic player that it has been said Philly desires.

    If you were Philly who would you pick?

  7. This was tough.

    Josh has been in the league a few years and has developed pretty well, though he still has a few holes in his game. He is also a tweener that gives flexibility, but probably could not play full-time at either PF or SF. That withstanding he is a homer, has flash, is better marketing material and he can change a game on both ends of the court. If he had a reliable shot, this would be easy. I sometimes question his decision making.

    Horford is a good, big man which is pretty hard to find at the NBA level. He has a high bb iq, is a true PF that can play pt at C. I believe that with the same years in the NBA as Josh, he will be one of "the" dominant PFs in the league. He has heart, skill and a winning attitude. He is also cheaper right now.

    I went with Al, because I think he will eventually get us more wins with his inside game. Also, I believe a team should have a better shooter at the sf position than what Josh has shown thus far.

  8. Don't get me wrong, it's not all on the coach, but on the road a team needs a different attitude which the coach helps to set. At home, the crowd can push a team, but on the road needs a little more motivation, something to help them push when facing adversity and to focus. Also, they need to get established earlier, so they have something to build on against the negative emotions of the crowd.

    I think the coach can help drive the emotions of his team. Sitting stoically on the bench with the dear in headlights look does not help. Woodson showed more emotion during the playoffs. Maybe that contributed to the teams performance.

  9. Mike and Joe were golden in the fourth quarter. Mike Woodson actually coached well in the 4th. I like the timeout after Josh took the three. I like pulling Marvin out, when he couldn't check Turk. I like the play ran for Bibby to Horford right after the timeout.

    Way to close a game out.


  10. Quote:

    Just keepin' it reel.

    The Heat have 3 things that Hawks did not have at the beginning of their rebuild:

    1. Championship Coach

    2. Top 5 NBA talent when healthy (Wade)

    3. Multi year allstar who is still in prime / Marion at 29

    You call that a rebuild ?

    The Heat's house just needs a room redone..........the Hawks tore the whole thing down and started over.

    Good points, but we did have JT, GROB, Shareef and Ratliff. Granted the house was not pretty, but the contractor(coach) stunk. We could have renovated a few rooms or finished the basement instead of demolishing the whole house. I believe we could have gotten more for the pieces we had.

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