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Everything posted by Thomas

  1. Am coming around to your line of thinking because it is the playoffs and who knows what happens next week.
  2. Am turning the lights down low now. Enjoyed some of it anyway. Back to the A.
  3. Think Curry and Milton are averaging about 90% from three tonight. Close that stuff out moving forward.
  4. 20 point lead and 6 minutes left Doc puts Embiid back in. Doc is a sadist.
  5. Weird to see Capela have his lunch money taken from him so badly tonight but am seeing Embiid as generational and especially with good health moving forward. Don't understand how he is doing it with the knee and all these minutes but am giving him big credit.
  6. Shake and Seth like Grim and Reaper man.
  7. Well at this rate we may see what BG has in a playoff atmosphere. Hoping for a big run with Trae instead right now of course. Bawb is our sixteenth man.
  8. Dre on Curry would cool him down for sure.
  9. So who the hell is this Shake Milton cat??
  10. Remembering when Embiid was drafted he could not even walk around without pain or aggravating pre existing problems. But now what a damn beast he is. On fumes he is still a top three center.
  11. This is on the road after a total shit fest first quarter. Feeling good.
  12. A starting backcourt three? Are you kidding? Yes.
  13. Embiid doesn't need the refs cause he is a beast in his own right. Jeepers.
  14. 00 needs more minutes to help remove Embiid the second half. Go out swinging and all with the fouls and baiting stuff.
  15. Embiid quote "I love needles." Until you don't guy.
  16. Our starting backcourt is hitting 0% from three so the second half will be different.
  17. Well damn, guess who showed up tonight...
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