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Posts posted by CBAreject

  1. Ok, everyone needs to stop jumping to extremes. Saying that there is superstar favoritism is not the same thing as saying "the refs determine the outcome of every series"

    We know that not only is there star favoritism but that at least some refs have been knowingly complicit in massaging outcomes. Just look up d*ck bavetta. That doesn't mean it's "fixed", but the refs have been that 6th man in the past

  2. Ha. This thread is classic. It's interesting that we actually did get a top 3 pick, and we actually did get our franchise center out of the draft that year. Here we are 8 years later with that center being the only remnant from the following season's team, and here we are with a lock on the #1 seed.

    I'm not the least bit sorry for wishing that on us back then.

    • Like 3
  3. Teague/Dennis/Mack





    15 players

    That is your team people. What a joke.

    Wow this looks really bad now. Captain hindsight says this comment shouldn't have been made.

    • Like 1
  4. Schröder is better than Brandon knight.

    Al is more deserving than Love, but Vucevic had a legit case. I'm kind of surprised Al made it. Bc of his slow start, the numbers are not what they could be. I'm also shocked Demarcus Cousins didnt make it. I'm trying to remember a 24/12 player who wasn't an all star.

  5. The idea that any racist comment, even if made decades ago, even if simply read off as a quote from someone else, should lead to the total annihilation of an individual's livelihood is a relatively new entity. Unfortunately, there are far too many people who are totally comfortable with it. I think it runs counter to American ideals of free speech, rehabilitation, self-improvement, and second chances. I also think it smacks of Orwellian thought crime.

    Paula Deen had a 25 yr career destroyed bc during an honest deposition, she admitted using an epithet decades earlier about a bank robber (yes, there was more to it, but u know).

    Poor judgement to read off such an offensive comment made by someone in an information gathering session by management? Probably, but poor judgement isn't racism. And everyone has used poor judgement at work at some time or another.

    I'm shocked that a pastor of all people is arguing that Ferry shouldn't be forgiven in Atlanta. I say that, but Al Sharpton is a pastor and has no scruples at all.

    I'm sure others have made similar comments--just venting. And I'm not saying it just bc I want Ferry back. It's the principle of the thing. People have to be allowed to err.

    • Like 1
  6. I couldn't watch the clip, but if the argument is that superstars get calls, and the hawks don't have a superstar, so they might suffer, I totally agree.

    We do have a "big-3" if you mean all-stars, but we don't have a superstar iso player. We should trade for melo and bench him til the playoffs so he can draw some BS fouls off fade away jumpers in crunch time.

    Last year, my dear wife patiently let me demonstrate how Paul George got foul calls that other players didn't. When u can go frame-by-frame on DVR it becomes incredibly obvious.

    Jordan was the best player ever, but he would bump a guy 15 feet out and take 4 steps and dunk for the and-1. Used to drive me crazy. It's hard to beat a team when they basically have a player with a cheat code.

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  7. Lillard likes his self-anointed underdog/victim role, and if thats what inspires him, it has clearly worked. I do think he was snubbed, but the NBA is a PG league right now and the west is loaded with stars. He was an allstar last year and he was a top 10 draft pick. Hard for me to see how he's been chronically underestimated, at least since he declared for the draft.

    • Like 1
  8. Jalen Rose still thinks that Washington is better.

    He's entitled to his own opinion. Doesn't mean it's a particularly intelligent one.

    I will say that if we don't make the finals, Washington is the team I'd most prefer to represent the East. That said, I'm far more concerned about Chi and Cle. I think the road to the finals for us is through one, or both, of them.

  9. I disagree. One cannot fully appreciate the hawks without suffering the 1987 near miss game for the ages between Nique and bird. No hawks team has ever held a 3-2 lead in round 2. And this team is reminiscent of the 1993-94 team, the fundamentally-sound, dive-on-the-floor, Nique-passion team who were inexplicably stripped of their superstar and emotional leader.

    Some of us have spent 20 years wondering what might have been with that team who ran away with the east, always hoping for the chance to redeem that Pete Babcock cluster. The season when Pete Babcock merely needed to stay out of his own way, he managed to bollocks it all up in an unprecedented way. I shudder. Here's to the chance I can purge that memory.

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