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Posts posted by CBAreject

  1. 8 hours ago, KB21 said:

    Philly is the envy of the league?  

    OK.  A team that is going to hover around a 0.500 winning percentage 5 years into their rebuild is the envy of the league.  Got you.  


    I didn't say Philly was the envy of the league; I said their core was.  I mean that very specifically--few teams have two players as young and as talented as Embiid and Simmons, and they should have something in Fultz.  It's taken Philly a while to get mostly healthy, and Simmons is still just 21 and Fultz is still hurt.  And guess what--there are only 2 teams in the east that are clearly better than they are (they actually have the third best point differential).  Next year, they should be a force.   I am very envious of what Philly has right now, and I hope that we could have such a bright future in a few years.

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  2. Philly just completed the ugliest series of blatant, shameless, full-season tanks I can recall.  What they got was a core that is the envy of the league.  Several of their picks didn't work out, but they emerged from their morass of atrocity with what  might be the best center/point-forward combo since Kareem/Magic.  Now they need some maturity and value signings, but they have the core to play for a championship.  Compare that with our half-hearted rebuild that garnered a core of Joe Johnson and Josh Smith.  That team's zenith was being subjected to the most horrific shellacking of a #3 seed in the history of the NBA playoffs.  No thanks.  

    • Like 4
  3. 2 hours ago, Peoriabird said:

    Buy out Dedmon? Seriously? That makes no sense!

    It makes perfect sense to me, but maybe I have different hopes for this off-season than you do.  My hopes are that we get a top-4 pick and continue to gain flexibility.  That probably involves letting Dedmon walk and trying hard to trade Baze.  Both of those guys are useful players, but they are (or will be) expensive, and they aren’t useful to us given our contention window.  That said, the only function of Dedmon is to knock us down the draft order and prolong our rebuild.  So, let’s speed things up by cutting him so he can play usefully and meaningfully for a contender.  Win-win.  

    • Like 2
  4. Hard to believe 6 teams are tied for fewest wins (18) at this point in the season.  Someone who is good at history should tell us whether this has happened before.  It's tough to see a Bud-coached team beat out the field in this tankfest.  That's why the front office needs to help him with some buy-outs.  Don't we owe it to Dedmon to give him the chance to play for a contender???

    • Like 3
  5. I reject your premise.  Nobody said it changes something to fret that our hopes of a franchise-changing lottery pick are slipping away.  And yet, this team has given us so little to hope for over the years, that it is sad to think they’re going to blow it (again).  Are we to pretend otherwise?  Do you think Spurs fans ever look back and wish they had won a couple more games and missed out on David Robinson and Tim Duncan?  

    I was reading this board 20 seasons ago, and people were having the same argument about whether we should be cheering for meaningless wins if it meant another decade of mediocrity.  I had the same position then.  I appreciate your zeal, but I see it as tragically short-sighted.  

    • Like 4
  6. I don’t see what’s so bad about “sounding like a broken record”.  To me, that says he is being consistent.  Each win gets us one step closer to missing out on the most stacked draft of the decade.  Some of us have been watching this team be insignificant for 20-30 years, always hoping that we might get a superstar one day, maybe a few years before senility so we can enjoy it.  Forgive us for not being elated over winning that 19th game, knowing it means many more years of being everybody’s punchline.  

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  7. I don’t see what’s negative about talking about tanking.  We do have the worst record in the NBA, and if you’re honestly “rah rah” for us to slide to like 6th-8th worst, I’m not sure how that keeps you going as a Hawks fan.  I’m fine with the roster blow-up because we weren’t going to challenge for so much as a second round appearance with what we had. I’m very optimistic about the future because we picked the right season to tank.  It will still take some luck to land franchise talent, but we have the supporting pieces and coaching staff to rebound rapidly if we get it.  First thing’s first—let’s finish this tank job that we started!

  8. As of today, 55 games into the season, the Hawks are tied for the worst record in the NBA with the Dallas Mavs.  The 8th worst team, the Bulls, sit 2 games back of the worst record.  The 2018 NBA draft promises to be the best draft in 15 years (since Lebron).  This means that we are in for the most epic tanking frenzy that we will ever witness.  Never have so many teams been so close to the bottom with less than 25 games to go, and it happens with a historically stacked lottery.  Sadly, I predict that the Hawks will honorably win a few games and boast to the world that they didn't tank while finishing 6th-8th worst, sentencing themselves to another decade of mediocrity, as they did after missing out on Dwight Howard.  Prove me wrong guys!  Tank the right way this time!

    • Like 1
  9. The bench has some nice pieces. Thabo getting hurt was a big deal. After him you have Schröder, Scott, and mack. It is thin, though, and we let the cavs trade for every piece available. Where would they be without mozgov, smith, and shumpert?

  10. The reason having a star is crucial, as others have said, is that said star gets calls in close games. It's a huge disadvantage, and it's THE reason the NBA is a farce compared to other sports.

    That said, we can still beat the Cavs, but even when we do, someone will call attention to some random call that went our way (see Korver's "travel") and minge as if it were the only questionable call in the whole series.

  11. Jeff Kreig set the all-time record for sacks and fumbles as a QB for the Seahawks. Jay Shrader did an admirable job filling in for Todd Marinovich, but those guys are going to have a heckuva time with the Cleveland pass rush. Just sayin.

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  12. I hate the way we're playing. Hate it so much. Some are saying it's the long break, but we were playing like this before the break.

    We're making risky passes for no good reason. Guys are standing around more on offense. It seems like we get every layup blocked or it rims out. We turn the ball over early in the clock as a matter of routine. Why is millsap laying it up softly when he could dunk? We can't even shoot anymore. It's like Pero Antić took our 3 pt shooting with him.

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