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Posts posted by deester11

  1. I like Conley, but not at #3. We're going to get blasted by every one and their mother if we don't take him at 3. Therefore, I think BK MUST acquire a PG in any trade and the best case scenario is the Portland deal. (I still don't think they care about reuniting Conley and Oden).

    We have so many options that most of the beneficial trade scenarios haven't even come into play yet. The workouts and love fest of players by other GM's will factor into anything we do. Our ace in the hole is the #11 pick.

    No one is mentioning it, but I'd rather move the #11 pick for a PG by moving Chill or (I hate to say - Marvin) and taking the BPA with #3. Problem is..... who is the BPA for the Hawks at #3?

  2. If BK plays this draft like he did last year, we're in big trouble. My hope is that he burns up those phone lines with GM's in love with Yi (Who I think is going to be a good player) or another player high on everyone's POTENTIAL superstar list.

    Wouldn't it be nice to get Portland to deal us LaMarcus? SUHWEET!

  3. My problem is...if we were thinking about matchup problems, wouldn't Roy/JJ/Smoove/Marv...present a helluva lot more problems than Lue/Claxton/AJ? I understand that we needed a rebounder and defensive presence, but Shelden is horrific at best. I don't want to lament our loss, but we could have at least played the draft a helluva lot better than we did.

  4. I'm one of Marvin's biggest fans, but I've also been worried about consistency. For some reason on this board he's bashed a lot. The thing about Marvin is that when he plays with confidence, he's always capable of 20. The problem is WHEN. I love seeing him and Smoove mature in front of us. I envisioned JJ, Smoove, and Marv always being high scorers for us, but we need the young guys to stay consistent.

  5. Honestly speaking, this team is playing hard and that's mostly all I ever asked. However, we are flawed and lucky to be in the East. That's why we have a fighting chance. BK still has me scratching my head, and Woody is up and down. Making it is one thing, sustaining a winning tradition is another.

  6. I hate to even go back to the draft. Really I do, but there were several people who were hell bent on drafting Roy/Foye. I AM ONE. Although I fell into the majority and said I'd give Shelden a chance...you have to hate seeing stuff like this:

    "The future ROY was PON -- Player of the Night -- with 27 points on 11-for-15 shooting along with seven dimes. And, oh yes, a nice Portland win over Utah, 103-100. ---ESPN.

    The thought of Roy with JJ, Smoove, Marv, Childress.....Duplication would have been much easier to stomach. First CP, now BR? (Although I'm a Marvin fan).

    Sigh...just open thought. russian.gif

  7. Quote:

    Doc and others,

    Outside of Joe and Josh (whom I did highlight as THE reasons we won in Orlando) I don't see starting caliber players on this team.

    So when I say there is a lack of talent, that's what I'm talking about.

    No doubt that Marvin could blossom...it's really up to him, which I stated. He has the NBA body, but does he have the NBA instinct. It was clear that he did not have any aggression in this game, but I saw it against lesser comp in the summer leagues.

    Being Dion Glover is not going to cut it for Williams.

    I didn't get to see Speedy play, of course, so can't really judge him here.

    Childress could be a starting caliber player if there were a Nash-like PG playing with him. Otherwise, he's a Shane Battier type player that needs others to find him to score.

    Who else is there that makes up this team full of talent? I may have missed it, but Johnson and Smith are it as of today. Marvin
    later, Childress if someone comes along that plays like Kidd/Nash. That's not a team loaded with talent.

    That's a team that will bump along, winning when Johnson and/or Smith plays a good game. Fortunately, Joe plays that game a lot, but teams will continue to send doubles and triples at him, especially in the fourth, and if he's all that can be counted on, then the team won't be a consistent winner.

    Man, this is almost as good as the return of Superman....or not Jay. Good to see you. I have to agree....I think if Marvin had the aggression necessary, we're debating the one-two punch of Marv/JJ instead of JJ only.

    I was one of the few who ripped BK for at least picking Shelden at #5. He's another piece that doesn't quite get you what you need, but I hold out hope that he improves and I'm not bashing him....but astute picking has not been BK's strengths. Where we were picking...we should have done more, but I'll leave that alone.

  8. [quote

    I would take a healthy Smitty in his prime over similiar Johnson any day of the week. Twice on Sunday.

    Smitty had a great game overall....but better than JJ? I'd venture to say that JJ's game dwarfs Smitty's. Smitty had to be respected, but on this team defenses gear towards stopping JJ and he still gets his. There is no way Smitty compares to JJ (Just my humble opine)

  9. I don't too much care about Millsap right now. I do care that for a lot of reasons some of us didn't want Shelden. He simply wasn't a number 5 pick and BK made a reach pick at that number. (Aside from BK telling the world he'd draft him) I'm not saying he won't ever be serviceable, but for all the crap that Marvin is taking for being a number 2 pick, Shelden can surely be blasted for being a less than stellar pick at 5.

    Watching the game with Shelden in it is painful on most nights. I have not seen any signs of the "landlord" controling anything. He was supposed to be the most ready player in the draft and he's not nearly a finished product. And if he is......we'd better worry about that more than Marvin.

  10. Well, I may be in the minority, but I'm still not a Shelden fan. While I can appreciate his rebounding, I think when you draft someone in the top 5 of any draft, they should be making more of an impact. I think Solomon Jones was the find of our draft. That took scouting and research and someone did a good job there. Shelden...the jury will always be out there for me. I just don't think we played the draft right...

  11. Well, as a Hawks fan and detractor of the Williams pick (I still don't agree with #5 considering.....), I will say that I hope he can get 11-12 RPG. Consistency doesn't seem to be a problem with Duke players so maybe he'll become solid. It still irks me that we drafted him with the purpose or knowledge that he wouldn't be a integral part of the offense - We needed the defense, but I haven't seen that much of a difference in the paint.

    Dominique said the other day that "that's not what we're going get from Shelden (15PPG)...we think Shelden will be solid."

  12. Haven't posted in a while, but I gotta say BEFORE the draft and the Summer Leagues, I wanted Roy OR we could have used our position to get more/better talent for the team. I've been a huge Shelden detractor and still think it was a worse pick than Marvin over Paul.

    Roy is going to be the real deal. Sigh.

  13. In reality, this offseason has been one blunder after another. From drafting Shelden at #5, to this stupid deal. I can't say for sure who we would have gotten, but I'd have taken the option of a Nene and a pick over the summer, versus what we're getting now. I want to support BK, but I'm off the wagon. I'm a Hawks fan first....but our owners and GM should be ashamed of what they've done this offseason.

  14. Well, this has been the first year that I've been very critical of BK as I've otherwise loved the talent that he's assembled. It is possible to undo all the good with terrible drafting, FA signings, etc. I'm disgruntled because I don't think we've maximized our positions in the draft, FA and with AL.

    KB can love every single move by BK, it's his right. As it is mine or any other poster to voice an opinion. I've played, coached BBall since I was a kid, a player and walk-on. Doesn't mean I'm all knowing, nor is Diesel, nor is KB. They always have interesting takes though.

  15. Diesel, I know you love Shelden, but I wouldn't assume he starts just because he was drafted to add defense. He hasn't proven anything yet. (Although far be it for someone to disagree with all mighty one - Whatever!)






    The more lineups you see with JJ/Marv/Smoove in at the same time, the better the chance to win.

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